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  1. Nynaeve is the main character? Are there people who think that at this point? She's had a lot of screen time but I wouldn't think she'd feel like THE main character to most. I mean, Ishamael and Lanfear aren't messing around in her dreams. I'm mostly a lurker but I've read a bunch of posts about Moraine or Nynaeve being the main characters in this adaptation but I'm not sure that's how viewers are interpreting it. I talked my best friend into watching the show after never being able to convince him to read the books (I kinda regretted that at the end of the 1st season but it's definitely improved) and I asked him who he thought was the main character about a week ago. He basically said, no one really, and that it seemed like GoT in that way. He then said that if he had to pick one it would be Rand and that he thought Moraine was the Eddard Stark of WoT and he had expected her to die at the end of season 1 (he now thinks she's going to die at the end of season 2).
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