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5 hours ago, DaddyFinn said:

Another clip.




trying to remember, in the book this is one of the many things aes sedai do naked isn't it? Not important to the scene but confirms that the tv show is going to get rid of some of RJ's more gratuitous naked scenes. 

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32 minutes ago, nsmallw said:

Gratuitous naked scenes ?  Lol.  RJ was no GRRM.   


Even where there was nudity, it was never exploitive and all of the actual sex acts were all "off screen" .


I remember people getting all up tight with all the nudity and sex in GOT, they shouldn't have that issue with WOT TV show

Lol are we reading the same book, WOT is one of the most explicit fantasy novels I have read. 

Naked sweat tents, naked Seanchan slaves, naked Gaishan, Faile tied up with everything on display, aes sedai getting topless for ceremonies to “prove they are women”,  then you have the rapes (several including a man by a women) the Forsaken use of compulsion to make human sextoys, or just darkfriends using there position to make those below them offer up sexual favours, you have Berlain being punished, you have I forget her name, the female darkfriend stripped naked, aes sedai stripped naked lol. Tuon standing around naked with Mat, I can go on and on, the sex and nakedness is there on the page and is in many ways far more kinky then GOT, especially what the Forsaken get up to for “fun”. That’s not to mention every women is described in terms of size of bosom and hips, and the amount of cleavage on display. 


A lot of it is left to the imagination but GRRM doesn’t describe scenes as lewdly as they where shown on the screen either. 

I remember as a teenager thinking WOT was about the most explicit fantasy novel I had read up until that point, and I had read the chronicles of Thomas covenant which starts with a very graphic rape scene that has a purpose and defines the characters entire story. In WOT many of the scenes have no real purpose other then to show how fish out of water people are, or how evil someone is. 


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I think we're digressing ... WoT definitely has plenty of nudity, but I would actually agree that it's almost entirely "off screen" ... whereas GoT, Dresden Files, Sword of Truth ... definitely describe things more explicitly. In WoT it's there in bulk, but never described in detail. AND, in general, RJ was not good at writing romance -- the show can improve. 


But, back on topic ... 

This scene is pretty good. No complaints from me. Even though, in the books was it Sheriam, Liandrin, and Leana (I don't thiiink so; don't remember?) But I don't care. 


Also, from interviews, we know that this scene will take place in episode 3. 



Edited by DreadLord31
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2 hours ago, Scarloc99 said:

trying to remember, in the book this is one of the many things aes sedai do naked isn't it? Not important to the scene but confirms that the tv show is going to get rid of some of RJ's more gratuitous naked scenes. 

This is something they perform nude in the books. This does not confirm the show changed it, as Nyneave would disrobe after she says she is ready. However, I would be surprised if the show follows the book on that point. 

Although, I think it would show the magic involved in a way. The woman goes in naked but is clothed inside the arch. I know they could just change clothes in each scene. I just think it would be a little more pronounced if they take nothing in and suddenly have something. 

It also brings up if they are clothed, would someone be able to take another terangreal in instead of leaving it in the room?  Probably doesn’t matter overall. 

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There is a scene of the trailer of nynaeve coming out bloodied from the arches, but clothed in the same clothes she has going in, so they removed the gratuitous nudity.

not surprising. in a book, you can write "character X disrobed" and no more description, and it's not sexual in any way. with actual images on a screen? not so much

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27 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

There is a scene of the trailer of nynaeve coming out bloodied from the arches, but clothed in the same clothes she has going in, so they removed the gratuitous nudity.

not surprising. in a book, you can write "character X disrobed" and no more description, and it's not sexual in any way. with actual images on a screen? not so much

That sums up my thoughts on it too.  There is lots of nudity in WoT, but most of it is not really sexual nudity.  

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23 hours ago, Scarloc99 said:


I remember as a teenager thinking WOT was about the most explicit fantasy novel I had read up until that point, and I had read the chronicles of Thomas covenant which starts with a very graphic rape scene that has a purpose and defines the characters entire story.


That scene always stuck with me too. I reread it recently and was shocked to find that the scene is not graphic at all. Donaldson describes almost nothing about the actual rape. 

What makes it so effective and memorable is how well he writes the feelings that Covenant experiences before, during, and after. But the actual scene is described in a couple of sentences. 

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1 hour ago, Pandemonium said:

Looks like the show will be airing at 8pm ET  on 8/31 again.  No need to stay up to binge like I heard someone mention on youtube.  


you may have heard of this thing called "europe". it's actually got twice the population of north america. and for us, 8 pm ET is 2 am.

there's also other continents, but i think most primevideo subscribers are from europe or america.


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Well that was an interesting scene, was liking what's her name for Lanfear and can totally see her pulling off the super crazy ex..


Girl totally said to take what you want and straight up did what she's wanted for thousands of years 😈


This is actually quite a creepy scene too. Look at how happy our boy Rand looks, poor dude got turned into a newt!

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20 hours ago, Elder_Haman said:

That scene always stuck with me too. I reread it recently and was shocked to find that the scene is not graphic at all. Donaldson describes almost nothing about the actual rape. 

What makes it so effective and memorable is how well he writes the feelings that Covenant experiences before, during, and after. But the actual scene is described in a couple of sentences. 

I think maybe what we have become used to now, as well as the fact it was so shocking to even have a hint of that in fantasy back then, means that it has lost some of its impact now on re reading. I can’t help but wonder, if a different author was writing that now would it be described the same way. 

I think generally the way that RJ and others write these scenes, leaving it to the imagination, means that for some they are more tame than to others. It’s the HP love craft style of writing horror, show the before and the after and just give the barest hint of the actual scary bit. 

Edited by Scarloc99
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We digress further… 

But if S1 was any indication/precedent, we know the show wants to show less nudity and imply more sex than the books. 

Now, with the new clips and articles we got, seems pretty clear that they’re going to imply that Rand and Selene have sex. Some people really, really hate that change from tGH. What do y’all think?

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1 hour ago, DreadLord31 said:

We digress further… 

But if S1 was any indication/precedent, we know the show wants to show less nudity and imply more sex than the books. 

Now, with the new clips and articles we got, seems pretty clear that they’re going to imply that Rand and Selene have sex. Some people really, really hate that change from tGH. What do y’all think?

I don’t think it changes the story much if they do or don’t. 

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Well, I mean ... if the "theme" they're going with this season is "resisting temptation" (instead of who is the Dragon? Their meta-theme question for this season, I would guess at this point, is "How do we balance the light and darkness within us, and say 'no' to the evil within?") which IMO is at least a more compelling question that in S1 (so that excites me). Rand/Selene sex scenes would be doing book Rand dirty to have him be the 1 character NOT resisting temptation... 

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2 hours ago, DreadLord31 said:

Now, with the new clips and articles we got, seems pretty clear that they’re going to imply that Rand and Selene have sex. Some people really, really hate that change from tGH. What do y’all think?

in the books, rand was attracted to "selene", and was only kept back by both his inexperience and his prudish upbringing.

in the tv show, rand is more experienced and less prudish, so it would make little sense for him to do nothing at all. I'd pin it as a "change that had to be made as consequence of another change".


on the other hand, tv rand is a lot more strongly attached to egwene than book rand, so I'd not like it if he was unfaithful - possibly they break up first? also, i'd rather they not go full sex. there's no reason to. some smooching would be the best compromise to accomodate book faithfulness and tv characterization

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