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12 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

 but then, there's so much ta'veren power in emond field, it wouldn't have been completely impossible to have the whole trolloc army trip on themselves and break their necks.


Thanks, I'm now picturing this ?

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Yeah some people are surprised the the Elmond Fielders kill trollocs themselves as if in the books only Moiraine and Lan fought them off.  I believe that Alsbet Luhan took one out with a frying pan of all things.


But I do think it is interesting that we will get to see so much of Wintersnight.  Lots of things they can expand or add embellishment to there.

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6 minutes ago, Guire said:

Trolloc aren't afraid of water anymore.  Show ruined. Damn you Mr Judkins.  Hopefully this is Sanderson's big change fans will dislike.


That was all snark BTW.  I am going with Nyn did a little unconscious channeling to help stabby stabby the trolloc.  




While I get the snark aren't Trolloc's only afraid of crossing running water?  Could be wrong, been a long time since I have thought about it.

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So presumably if the water wasn't deep enough to drown they'd be fine?


Yeah the part about Alsbet Luhhan was always funny to me. Can you imagine taking out a Trolloc with nothing but a frying pan? RJ didn't shy away from some rule of cool and/or comedic stuff himself, on occasion.

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1 hour ago, Rose said:

So presumably if the water wasn't deep enough to drown they'd be fine?


Yeah the part about Alsbet Luhhan was always funny to me. Can you imagine taking out a Trolloc with nothing but a frying pan?

a frying pan is a pretty good blunt weapon. it's got the same overall shape and mass distribution of a mace or warhammer. a solid blow can easily kill.

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2 hours ago, Rose said:

Yeah the part about Alsbet Luhhan was always funny to me. Can you imagine taking out a Trolloc with nothing but a frying pan? RJ didn't shy away from some rule of cool and/or comedic stuff himself, on occasion.

I imagine the first hit dented her prized cast-iron, which infuriated her enough to beat the Trolloc into paste.

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57 minutes ago, TheMountain said:

I seem to remember from the books that Trollocs don't like to enter any water more than waist-high for that reason.

AFAIK, It's pretty much always been a fear of rivers/bodies of water due to the inability to swim. Myrddraal also fear running water, though this is never explained. (In folklore, evil creatures can't cross running water)

It's entirely possible, a Trolloc in it's bloodlust might pursue someone into what appears to be shallow water. We'll have to wait and see, as the clip cut segments out of what led to that moment.

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9 hours ago, Rose said:

So presumably if the water wasn't deep enough to drown they'd be fine?


Yeah the part about Alsbet Luhhan was always funny to me. Can you imagine taking out a Trolloc with nothing but a frying pan? RJ didn't shy away from some rule of cool and/or comedic stuff himself, on occasion.


The movie Tangled also taught me that iron cast frying pans are formidable weapons.

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For comparison, in EotW Nynaeve rushes Balthamel with nothing but her belt knife. If he hadn't been one of most powerful channelers alive, she probably would have managed to stab him too. I can definitely see her getting a deadly hit in with the advantage of surprise.

Edited by Rose
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13 hours ago, Rose said:

For comparison, in EotW Nynaeve rushes Balthamel with nothing but her belt knife. If he hadn't been one of most powerful channelers alive, she probably would have managed to stab him too. I can definitely see her getting a deadly hit in with the advantage of surprise.


There is nothing at all out of character about Nynaeve using her considerable skills to hide from a Trolloc and strike from a position of advantage. I can't wait to see this scene!

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3 minutes ago, themann1086 said:

"It's the wind that listens to you" ohhhh yeah, that's a good line.


Love the reunion between the two in what looks like Tar Valon, too.

Did you notice her hands, and the obvious testing Moiraine was putting her through?

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Just now, Elgee said:

It looks like they're changing quite a bit of the story, if Egwene is in Tar Valon and only meets up again with Nynaeve there.

Tar Valon looks to be a stand in for Camelyn. Group to reunify there after being separated at Shadar Logoth. I am curious as to the motivation that drives them to Fal Dara from there. Will it be knowledge that the Dark One intends to strike at the Eye? Will it be because Moiraine gets in trouble with the Tower? Will Siuan and Moiraine contrive a reason? 

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