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Tainted Minds - A Black Tower Mafia Game: Game over - Town wins


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I am here. Been dealing with sick son and helping with homework.


And honestly, when I did pop in earlier it was a bit...heated...in here, and wanted to give things time to calm down. Which it seems to have, so happy about that. Got enough real life drama, so sure don't need more.


But in any case, I am trying to look over the many posts that I've missed.


Does anyone know when deadline is, by chance? Thanks.

Think it's in 19/20 hours

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@Chris, difficult to explain :unsure: I don't feel like you're trying to control(?) the thread, or particularly influence other people's reads about other other(?) people. I would guess that Cory is the only person playing that you'd feel confident enough in to step back(?) Total garbage read but lol!bfg:(


So you're saying I'm doing exactly what I've told you I do as town?  


I could kiss you for that read. :wub: :wub: :wub:

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Realistically I'm not doing much in here till Saturday, I have to try to rewrite the geomechanics lecture tomorrow night, which means teaching myself geomechanics tomorrow night :unsure: and I'm flying back Friday night. I want to ISO Dice to see if I'm missing anything, but will have to be tomorrow, since 4amlol

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@Chris, difficult to explain :unsure: I don't feel like you're trying to control(?) the thread, or particularly influence other people's reads about other other(?) people. I would guess that Cory is the only person playing that you'd feel confident enough in to step back(?) Total garbage read but lol!bfg:(

So you're saying I'm doing exactly what I've told you I do as town?


I could kiss you for that read. :wub: :wub: :wub:



to be fair that normally relates to you slanking :p

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@Chris, difficult to explain :unsure: I don't feel like you're trying to control(?) the thread, or particularly influence other people's reads about other other(?) people. I would guess that Cory is the only person playing that you'd feel confident enough in to step back(?) Total garbage read but lol!bfg:(

So you're saying I'm doing exactly what I've told you I do as town?


I could kiss you for that read. :wub: :wub: :wub:



to be fair that normally relates to you slanking :p



It relates to lack of direction.  :dry:  Me "slanking" is still more than most.


Aaaaannnnnd the fact that we've talked about it is precisely why it's a garbage read :p


I thought it was a garbage read because it's based around the assumption I'd let Teammate!Cory steal the spot light. :tongue:

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Have LZM, Cory, Niniel, Chris as fairly solid town reads.


Sooh/SK just behind.


Probably most comfortable with Marsh after that, I'm not sure how much that's been boosted by other people's reads though.


Leaves DJ and Leyrann, both of whom I need to spend a little time with


Dice probable mafia


Not entirely sure how comfortable I am with my reads atm, but???

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Wow, lots to catch up on since I left work. Glad the argument is over too. I'm still feeling good about my dice vote, especially since I'm 90% sure Clov is town. Don't quite understand the math on that whole cop thing, but I'm sure Cory will explain it again when we get around to that. Hopefully I'll get it at that point. 

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My head is full of fluff. (As most of the time.) I´m not sure I get the cops things but I guess it could work. If we lynch mafia today we are in a very good possition.  I´ll follow Cory because I believe he is town. (Reason: how he and Ben treated each other.) He has put down a lot of time to convince the rest of us. Dice has not done much and since I have more town reads on others I´m okay lynching him. 


I will say though that I´m not letting go of Clov yet. And I hope that Ley and Dar will come back with more thoughts. (Hope your kid get better soon, Dar.) I get that Sooh is focusing on Dice now but I want more from her tomorrow. 


I´m soon going to work and then home to a sick kid. Hopefully she will feel better today. Although if she is feeling better she will demand to have the computer. :D Anyway, don´t know how much I can be here so I will vote now. 



[v] Dice [/v]

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Well, good thing I caught up full before voting because that'd mean a lynch already, and I wanna get my reread in before night. I'll reread in a few hours when I'm home, after that I'm gonna put down my vote on Dice and we're gonna get into night and Cory can explain his plan for everyone who doesn't understand it yet. It sounds like a very good plan to me, and I'm gonna make the expectation that Led is sane and that Clov got framed, because I know my own alignment and I think that N1 Clov frame is a lot more likely than N0 Ley frame.


And the best thing about that is that I'll be cleared. :)

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So real quick question about the NO and then name, thing. What is the NO stand for and what is the significance of the name? I'm still really confused over that point.

it is basically someone saying they have a report on said person. A mafia would definitely do it to fit in. I do not recommend it...


night zero (n0) report - Dar'Jen inno. If I am the cop and die the person I named will be looked at. And it helps the actual/real cops hide amongst vanilla losers.



Okay I'm gonna reread with posting. Combined with how SK got into the game (which I'm sure everyone remembers without rereading), I don't like this post. I feel like it could be "not giving a result" as mafia disguised as newbie help, and let's be real, the "I'm scum" could be a sarcastic confession (see tvtropes if you don't know what that is).


Not saying we should lynch SK today, but I want to point it out.


Expect a bunch more posts as I continue the reread.

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Nothing in the post you quoted stands out to me :unsure:

I assumed it was that he voted for me off of my hardclaim as scum, then reversed it based off one cop read that could have come from anyone: a mafia covering for me, an insane cop who's wrong, or a real cop. If he was still joking with the unvote, I don't think it would stand out to her, but since he said it ended the derpy part of the game, then it means he's basing a serious vote (or unvote, actually) on a potentially wrong read. I see it as NAI or whatever the acronym is, especially since it's still early, and no one probably has a strong feel towards anyone quite yet, although I am starting to get a town read from Sooh.


Ben throwing some weird shade on Marsh here. I don't know what acronym he's talking about (if NAI is correct I don't know what it means), but it's normal to unvote a joke vote once the serious part of the game starts, yet Ben claims that it was a seriously-meant unvote, which is just weird.


Looks good for Marsh imo.

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