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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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  On 3/12/2014 at 9:59 PM, Ithillian said:

Oh and the nonchelant laugh off of a vote.


I think RTE just ticked all the boxes.


Wonderful choice there Mish.





  On 3/12/2014 at 10:00 PM, ReleaseTheEvil said:


  On 3/12/2014 at 9:59 PM, Ithillian said:

Oh and the nonchelant laugh off of a vote.


I think RTE just ticked all the boxes.


Wonderful choice there Mish.




What, cause I'm the first person she rages at this game?


Prepare yourself, Mish is coming. There will be more. When she has time. Maybe. But it's ok, that's her town game. So that's good. I think?



Stop buddying me by calling me town, it makes me feel dirty and I just showered. I'm not gonna let you off the hook because you try and laugh me off. You haven't answered my questions. Please do so.


  On 3/12/2014 at 10:04 PM, Ithillian said:

Oh give over.


Mish rages at me.




But I'm dead so I should be ok :)


I think she's spot on with her reasoning.


I only rage at you because I wanna be you #itisknown


Or should I say









Back to serious.


TG, Turin, Amega, Cloud, what do you think of RTE's "reads"? I see none of you mentioned it. I'd like your opinions.

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  On 3/12/2014 at 10:42 PM, Ithillian said:


  On 3/12/2014 at 7:24 PM, amegakure said:

i just added the deaths into my post because i thought it was interesting he seperated them. Not that it was a reference to peoples guilt or nigt spec as you say. Dont twist my words. If you have questions ask them.


My only point was Cloud was on ithi's watch list so it would be a good place to look. plain and simple. Is that clear or do i need to break it down futher.

Look at Cloud 'cos Ithi says so.


I say look at Ameg and you don't mention it.


I wonder why.


Where's that quote from CSarmi I need to show you ... hang on



becuase i believe you actually had a few points against him day one. As for me you have only expressed thoughts about the way i say things which is practically what everyone does and ill admit it gets me lynched every once in awhile. Sadly im almost always town..  If you have something specifically scummy i did please bring it to my attention. 


I'm actually leaning town again on RTE after reading his list of reads. You guys appear to be bashing him because they are only gut reads so while I agree with you that they lack substance and I don't agree with all of them I don't see anything else wrong his post. His play at the start of Day 1 has been solid from what I remember. I also read him as relaxed while under pressure which is a good sign.


Also can you guys stop buddying up to Ithi? Until we see her Coroner's Report we have no way to know for certain if she is town even though she most likely is.

  On 3/12/2014 at 10:39 PM, Turin Turambar said:

Mafia reads Day scene...






Mafia sees Ithi still posting...






Btw this post reads fake as hell.

  On 3/12/2014 at 11:00 PM, _CLOUD said:

Turin you read as very frantic to me. Your buddying of Ithi has also been over the top and this is coming from someone who has played quite a lot with you guys. It makes me believe that you are mafia desperately trying to mimic your town meta. The only thing that you have done in the game is accuse everyone else except Ithi of anything you can find. It doesn't strike me as genuine scumhunting because you aren't trying to clear mafia's and townies by asking questions and all that jazz. Despo and Tom maybe lying about their roles doesn't bother me because there is also a town motivation behind doing so. You trying to push forward the Lynch All Liars mentality is bad because you are way above that kind of play.

Frantic: define and provide examples please. 


Re: buddying; Have you ever given up something for say Lent? I have. After Easter do did you overdo it maybe just a little? I frequently have. So if you are looking to claim that I am a good lynch candidate for that then that is some fine digging under all the rocks to find the mafia.


I really do not think that I have accused everyone of everything they have done or said. You are coming off as over sensitive. My time is in general limited so I am not always going to be out in the forefront going after people. I have made my opinions known on the people that I found to be most likely mafia. Tess, AJ, Dice, maybe Mish, Maybe even you.  In fact your idea about the 5 mafia and the coroner report feels a bit like TMI wrapped up in a theory.


As far as Tess and the various stories being told about their number of votes/roles/slots. If it doesn't make sense then why push it in the first place. It isn't helpful. I never said LAL. I said lynch Despo(or Tommy). Despo was the first one to mention the mafia role being the cause of the lack of coroner reports. Something that I have picked up about Despo in the past is that he likes to mention his role in some manner during the course of play. I really think that he can not help it. It will be frequently transferred onto someone else or just mentioned in passing. That he was the first one to go to a special all powerful mafia role instead of something more mundane like a janitor seemed odd. Your echoing it and flipping your read on him suggests you could well be mafia too.

  On 3/12/2014 at 11:47 PM, _CLOUD said:

I'm actually leaning town again on RTE after reading his list of reads. You guys appear to be bashing him because they are only gut reads so while I agree with you that they lack substance and I don't agree with all of them I don't see anything else wrong his post. His play at the start of Day 1 has been solid from what I remember. I also read him as relaxed while under pressure which is a good sign.


Also can you guys stop buddying up to Ithi? Until we see her Coroner's Report we have no way to know for certain if she is town even though she most likely is.

*buddies Ithi some morer*


Seriously? Let me ask you this Cloud? What do you think that Dice was? Town? I doubt that since he claimed "Not Town" with no additional inrofmation except that he could become town under the right circumstances. Very vague and his final words until AFTER he was lynched. At which time he piggybacked Ithi (just like you did) with his post about being able to return as Town if someone would revive him. 


Do you think he was really 3rd party like he claimed? I don't think you are that gullible. If he were truly third party that would become town on reviving then he would have been straightforward about it when he first claimed. So I don't see how that could be either.


My thought is that he is/was mafia. So if he was mafia and Ithi basically got him lynched out of the blue, would you really think she would also be mafia? or potentialy 3rd party? I don't see her as his teammate in any case and I doubt that she would be any kind of independent if she is dead. How could she win? lead the most mafia lynches? makes no sense. So Ithi is town in my eyes. And dead but still with us thankfully. :wub:

  On 3/12/2014 at 11:53 PM, _CLOUD said:


  On 3/12/2014 at 10:39 PM, Turin Turambar said:

Mafia reads Day scene...






Mafia sees Ithi still posting...






Btw this post reads fake as hell.



Ironic Cloud is ironical



##unvote vote RTE


Just a heads up I'm having some friends come into town tonight and they'll be staying with us until Sunday. I won't be around as much.


@Turin - it's simple. You had a valid point in saying Des listed Dice as a lesser scum read to both distance and avoid voting a teammate. You also used this logic to link Dice to Despo prior to him claiming 'not town'. This makes you both dirty but I would only one of you is Dice's buddy. (If he was actually mafia vs 3rd party)

  On 3/12/2014 at 4:05 PM, TinaHel said:

I´m okay with voting AJ.


Vote AJ


Sorry for not being active enough. The cold refuse to let go and I´m so tired. 


Is this really the only post you're gonna give us for a bit?






  On 3/12/2014 at 4:14 PM, Ithillian said:


  On 3/12/2014 at 2:45 PM, WWWwombat said:

Lol is this some kind of joke? Dice claimed "not town." Of course he wasn't mafia imo. I don't know it, but let's just say I'm 95% confident on it, K? What kind of mafia claims 3rd party?

The kind who knows his alignment won't be shown when he dies ... and the kind who seems to know that he can come back to life - and the kind who says that if he does come back to life he will definitely be Town.


Now - if you had a role that was really 3rd party and your death/rebirth would make you Town, and you wanted to be Town, why not just broadcast it. Or why dangle a role hint carrot ... because those things are usually done to try and stall a Lynch.


If his death was no bad thing, then why not just let us know straight away - or at least when he made his post.


Because his post was for a reason - and that reason was to try and stop us Lynching him.


He only said the 3rd party but Town when I/if I come back AFTER he had already been Lynched.


I still think he is/was Mafia.


This is pretty close to my line of thinking.


Tbh, if Dice is revived, then I plan on killing it with fire asap. If he was any kind of not-town role, he could have had advanced knowledge of a mechanic, either in his role or a teammate's or something, that would let him resurrect back into the thread. Coulda been the whole point of his play, making it seem like he would be conftown on resurrection or something.


If he doesn't revive, he was prob telling the truth and was third party.


  On 3/12/2014 at 6:12 PM, ReleaseTheEvil said:

Stumpthi: Probably town (See what I did there?)




Salami - Doing his town thang

Turin - Not as active as usual but nothing stands out

Tina - Town Lean

Mish - Typical Mish thus far

Andrej - No real issue with his play thus far, good activity

Wombat - Typical play. Don't know what Scum Wombat looks like but he looks fine so far




Des/Tom - Suspicious Hydra is suspicious

Amega - Don't know much, what I do know this game isn't great, want to hear more

Cloud - Play so far looks town to me but the absence is suspicious


No read:


Dap - New

TG - No substantial posts to make anything of, random votes

Lenlo - Quiet. A bit suspicious but mostly not sure what to make out of him, too few posts.

Rag - Where is he?


## Vote Amega - Show yourself.


This reads list was just absolutely revolting. Nothing to back up anything, tone is awful, the way you're juggling reads and suspects here is awful... just nothing at all about this post that makes it seem like it came from a townie.


  On 3/12/2014 at 7:04 PM, _CLOUD said:

Ok so I'm finally caught up again. I have changed my mind about Des/Tom after thinking about them a bit more. I disagree with the way Des is handeling his early game cases but that doesn't mean that he is mafia. Turin looked by far the worst to me while I was catching up and Despo came out stronger during their back and forth. My town reads are Des/Tom, Mish, Amega, AJ, Salami and Ithi. These are all pretty strong town reads. I also had a town read on X, and I was leaning town on Hally but remained somewhat unsure about her.


Theory crafting time: Darthe mentioned something in the opening post of the game about warding against the five and in the sign-up thread he talked about their being five wards. I think that there are five mafia's in the game and that each of them bring a certain effect to the game. I'm guessing that one of them hides all the coroner report's from the dead and if we manage to kill him then those will be revealed to us.



  On 3/12/2014 at 4:57 PM, Andrej said:

Gross Tina. "Sorry I haven't been around everyone but I'm okay voting someone others have expressed general interest about."


@Womby - don't twist my words. I wasn't just talking about the Night phase. You haven't had any presence all game. The only things I remember you doing were band wagoning Dice and now Cloud. I'm not getting any vibes that you are actually attempting to solve this game. Amega's point about Ithi's death was weak and you know it. NK spec is muddy at best and made especially so with how we aren't getting coroners.


I could also go for Wombat because of this. Lenlo is being way too quiet and reserved and TG also isn't his usual self but I read that he was traveling so he could just be skimming. My scum reads right now are Turin > Wombat > Lenlo. The rest I still feel too unsure about.



##Vote Turin


First of all: backtrack much? lolololol


Second: Bolded paragraph actually looks a LOT like your setup spec stuff in Verbal's Machine of Souls game where I caught you the first day on hehe. Def looks like it could be TMI.


Lastly... I will admit your reads seem pretty good, especially the town ones. And altho some of them are easy, flip flopping on me would be known to draw some looks, so if anything is more of a point in favor of you being town.


  On 3/12/2014 at 9:28 PM, amegakure said:

i reserve the right to call any who it may concern brain dead in the case that the answers have already been asked and answered and said person choose not to read or is brain dead. 


I understand my initial posts may be convoluted. I just kinda spew my mind without choosing words to a great detail. Im happy to answer a question once. Not multiple times.


I'll also say that while Amega seemed ultrascummy to me before, his recent posts make me think I was wrong and he could be town after all. Don't remember how good he can fake AtE as scum, but his frustration reads pretty genuine to me.


  On 3/12/2014 at 9:30 PM, ReleaseTheEvil said:

Now, that wasn't so hard was it?


## Unvote


What do our two favorite conjoined twins have to tell us? You guys get anything that can help us to go with your handicap?


Ugh @ this post. Awful unvote which makes it clear your vote wasn't designed for anything except to give you the appearance of doing something. And then you try immediately buddying up to the power town duo of the century to redirect focus off your fake scumhunting.


  On 3/12/2014 at 9:53 PM, Misheru said:

DM ate all my quotes that I was gonna reply to from D1, blargh. Now I'm mad at DM. Mostly it was to answer Turin about what was ick about Amega. I'll go and fetch them when I'm done being mad at DM.



Luckily in the meantime I found this to entertain me with:




  On 3/12/2014 at 6:12 PM, ReleaseTheEvil said:

Stumpthi: Probably town (See what I did there?)




Salami - Doing his town thang

Turin - Not as active as usual but nothing stands out

Tina - Town Lean

Mish - Typical Mish thus far

Andrej - No real issue with his play thus far, good activity

Wombat - Typical play. Don't know what Scum Wombat looks like but he looks fine so far




Des/Tom - Suspicious Hydra is suspicious

Amega - Don't know much, what I do know this game isn't great, want to hear more

Cloud - Play so far looks town to me but the absence is suspicious


No read:


Dap - New

TG - No substantial posts to make anything of, random votes

Lenlo - Quiet. A bit suspicious but mostly not sure what to make out of him, too few posts.

Rag - Where is he?


## Vote Amega - Show yourself.


Oh wow now this post is BS. First of all, I'm not being typical Mish so far at all. I've been way too inactive and hardly posted any content. YOU, sir, are buddying and trying to stay on my good side.


Almost all your reads have nothing of substance behind them. "Suspcious Hydra is suspucious". WHY are they suspcious? You're basing my and Csarmi on meta, although neither of us are completly on our metas IMO. A lot of "Nothing that stands out so far". What about Amega isn't great? Why is Cloud's abscence enough to get him on your mafia list when you have a town read from his posts? Seriously this whole list is just horrible. It looks like you just placed random people random places and tried to cram down some reasons that's a mixture of made-up metas and nonsense, to make it look like you are contributing. This posts is gross. Might as well put a mafia-sign on your forehead.


##Vote RTE


This. So much this.


  On 3/12/2014 at 9:56 PM, ReleaseTheEvil said:

Ha ha ha ha ha ha.


See, I was right. Typical Mish so far. :smile:


Bleurgh @ this immediate attempt to laugh off attention.


  On 3/12/2014 at 10:00 PM, ReleaseTheEvil said:


  On 3/12/2014 at 9:59 PM, Ithillian said:

Oh and the nonchelant laugh off of a vote.


I think RTE just ticked all the boxes.


Wonderful choice there Mish.




What, cause I'm the first person she rages at this game?


Prepare yourself, Mish is coming. There will be more. When she has time. Maybe. But it's ok, that's her town game. So that's good. I think?


And I gotta say I REALLY don't like this post either as it's a clear attempt to try and discredit one of your attackers by making them seem too emotional to be able to scumhunt. It's a strat I've seen used in the past against me by scum.


  On 3/12/2014 at 10:52 PM, Turin Turambar said:

##Vote AJ


explain how if Dice would be mafia how that put me in a bad light along with Despo. It looks like you are trying to link us together now. very odd of you. Also the entire start of day today discussing which role likely killed whom is silly. Like Ithi said, let's work on who the bad guys are and then sort out which bad guy pile they go in.


Cloud, how did you see Despo looking better in our exchange? On the facts he was either lying or wrong about his own role. He said he had a vote and then all the sudden he didn't. He has been trying to suggest that he and tommy do not share a slot in the game and yet if you look at the number of players alive in the VC (which to me indicates slots alive) it only adds up if they are sharing. Add in how he was very defensive of Dice who appears to have been Mafia (I agree with Ithi again about how if mafia knew that there would be no coroner's they would claim just like Dice did. To say vaguely and third party that would come back as Town. He even tried to piggyback on Ithi's statement about being currently town but botched it sorta)


 Amega I have no handle on at this time. RTE has been ridiculous so far today but has been ridiculous before in games and still town.


Tess is still far from clear in my eyes as well. will have more to say tonight. short break now.  



Immortal Ithi is one with the force. Jedi master of mafia, lol. I really can not wait to read the mafia QT :laugh:




This is prob your first decent post of the game Turin, good job.


And you were right about a couple of things regarding my role, so gj there too.


Doesn't change the fact that you never brought up one good point against me, and were far too obsessed with fishing out the particulars of my role and assuming things about it than actually scumhunting.


I don't think you've accused everyone ITT per se, but pretty much anytime you fos'd someone prior to this it was because of an assumed connection to me, and you did this a number of times.


Anyhoo, the over the top buddying is still gross, but you at least finally look like you brought your town!Turin game to play with us.


  On 3/12/2014 at 11:47 PM, _CLOUD said:

I'm actually leaning town again on RTE after reading his list of reads. You guys appear to be bashing him because they are only gut reads so while I agree with you that they lack substance and I don't agree with all of them I don't see anything else wrong his post. His play at the start of Day 1 has been solid from what I remember. I also read him as relaxed while under pressure which is a good sign.


Also can you guys stop buddying up to Ithi? Until we see her Coroner's Report we have no way to know for certain if she is town even though she most likely is.


:rolleyes: @ Cloud rushing to RTE's defense yet again. Why you linking yourself so hardcore to him Cloud?


His D1 play was far from solid. He vanished once attention shifted off of him, and never really contributed anything till lynch was secured, and since he started being more active, his posts have a forced aloofness to them. And I've seen him act casual in the face of a lynch before as scum. As town he is more likely to flip out that he can't prove his alignment.


Also the last bit looks a lot like you frustrated that your team's NK didn't silence Ithi. After all, why would you care about someone buddying a (most likely) Tree Stump? If they're scum trying to buddy a townie, then use that to try and catch them.


There have been too many examples this game of you telling someone to STOP behavior which you find questionable instead of using that behavior to try and catch scum.


  On 3/13/2014 at 2:28 AM, Turin Turambar said:


  On 3/12/2014 at 11:00 PM, _CLOUD said:

Turin you read as very frantic to me. Your buddying of Ithi has also been over the top and this is coming from someone who has played quite a lot with you guys. It makes me believe that you are mafia desperately trying to mimic your town meta. The only thing that you have done in the game is accuse everyone else except Ithi of anything you can find. It doesn't strike me as genuine scumhunting because you aren't trying to clear mafia's and townies by asking questions and all that jazz. Despo and Tom maybe lying about their roles doesn't bother me because there is also a town motivation behind doing so. You trying to push forward the Lynch All Liars mentality is bad because you are way above that kind of play.

Frantic: define and provide examples please. 


Re: buddying; Have you ever given up something for say Lent? I have. After Easter do did you overdo it maybe just a little? I frequently have. So if you are looking to claim that I am a good lynch candidate for that then that is some fine digging under all the rocks to find the mafia.


I really do not think that I have accused everyone of everything they have done or said. You are coming off as over sensitive. My time is in general limited so I am not always going to be out in the forefront going after people. I have made my opinions known on the people that I found to be most likely mafia. Tess, AJ, Dice, maybe Mish, Maybe even you.  In fact your idea about the 5 mafia and the coroner report feels a bit like TMI wrapped up in a theory.


As far as Tess and the various stories being told about their number of votes/roles/slots. If it doesn't make sense then why push it in the first place. It isn't helpful. I never said LAL. I said lynch Despo(or Tommy). Despo was the first one to mention the mafia role being the cause of the lack of coroner reports. Something that I have picked up about Despo in the past is that he likes to mention his role in some manner during the course of play. I really think that he can not help it. It will be frequently transferred onto someone else or just mentioned in passing. That he was the first one to go to a special all powerful mafia role instead of something more mundane like a janitor seemed odd. Your echoing it and flipping your read on him suggests you could well be mafia too.


Was I the first to mention that? I feel like others had already brought it up... I didn't think it was a Janitor because most of the time Janitors are X shot and Pray would seem like a waste of that kind of ability, and I also assumed that this game would have some OP scum roles as well as town ones, and a role which prevented coroners would be exactly that.


Either way you're wrong about me and I think your other reads aren't that great either (I got pretty strong town reads on AJ and Mish atm). I do happen to think you're town now, so if that's the case try casing either of those reads better to convince me you might be right or to help you see that you might be wrong.


##Vote RTE


There are a number of things I could mention, but to me the most obvious tell is how RTE instantly tried laughing off Mish and then portraying her as overly emotional to try and discredit her. I would bet the farm on him being scum this game. I also really don't like how often Cloud has randomly come to his defense, and Cloud didn't seem that clean to me either this game.


Fwiw, I had all intention of voting Wombat today, as he fit the bill for what I was saying before about someone flying under the radar even tho he shouldn't be able to. But let's go with definite scum first.


Catching up.


Despo, what do you think about Tina?


Also, have you got reads on those with very few posts? Anything stood out there?


RTE seems to be faux-casual atm.  His reads did suck too.  Not sure why Cloud defended him though.  Makes me uneasy cuz Cloud is better than that imo.  Anyway, it's 3 AM, my brain is fried, and I have no idea on the VC so I'ma wait 'til tomorrow before I decide what I'm doing next.


And idk what you mean about me flying under the radar when I shouldn't be able to, Des.  I don't think I'm flying under the radar, and I have no idea why I shouldn't be able to either for that matter.

  On 3/13/2014 at 7:01 AM, csarmi said:

@those who played with Turin+Ithi - is Turin's interactions with Ithi normal?


He normally buddies her way too much, but this is even worse than usual imo.


Cloud seems annoyed that I can still post and wishes everyone would just stop listening to what I'm saying.


Coupled with his posts near the start of Day one about Pral. I'm thinking he's our solo killer of some description. He probably killed me.


He even says I'm probably Town - so why would he want people t ignore what I say. I'm quite good at spotting things after all.


Also Turin. He does buddy me a lot. It's when he doesn't that I get worried. And this game he was very buddy and then I die and he just does a funny meme. That's not normal. It was funny though. And probably quite accurate. So he buddys - stop when I die - and then when I point out I've spotted it he over compensates. You should all be wary of him.


RTE is a clear candidate for Mafia/Not Town. I've already said my piece on that and I concur with the reasoning of others.


No-one else spotted that Ameg wants to help Town win? ...


Also ugh - they are switching the Macnhester lines over today which means we go fully inbound and I will have to work :( no messing about on DM today.


CSarmi is still not posting any real content.


He's asking others for their thoughts and pointing out things that have happened, but he's not actually saying anything about what he thinks. It's all very fluff.


Another to be wary of I think.


So I got a strong gut feeling on Hally being scum with Dice and moving the Cloud train to help her buddy.


Which puts Cloud on non-mafia.


I'll have to do an ISO but i m seeing a scum AJ here. I feel as if he never scumhunted. Discarding posts. Backtracking. Long Hydra speculation. Caught down in arguments that don't lead to places. Like no Maffia finding just arguing.


I'm wary of Tina. Obviously I skimmed a lot on the last days and thus I might have missed a lot. Will have to check that part. For now I have the feeling that she didn't add stuff and it stands out to me that what she chose to pick was the inane questioning me about what tone is.


Mixed on Cloud. He does make a lot of sense every time I decide he's dirty. Agreed with the early Ithi-case on him might fetch notes later.


I could buy him being SK actually, that feels right to be somehow. The way he hunts but wanna live.

  On 3/13/2014 at 6:58 AM, csarmi said:

Catching up.


Despo, what do you think about Tina?


Also, have you got reads on those with very few posts? Anything stood out there?


I wanna iso Tina to give me a better picture, but I know she'll lurk as scum, so nullish leaning scum atm.


Others with low post counts-


Amega (30) - was leaning scum but recent posts seem more like genuine frustration instead of AtE so leaning town now

Tina (25) - already covered

Mish (21) - town, hasn't spoken much but when she has she seemed strongly town to me, most of what she said made sense

Lenlo (20) - has almost no gameplay posts to speak of. Without checking his iso I'd bet he has around 15-17 fluff posts, and 3-5 gameplay posts that didn't offer much. Horrendous. Would policy lynch.

Dap (16) - null, need to iso him as nothing is really coming to mind right now that he's said specifically in this game.

TG (16) - Wanna check his iso as well but from what I remember I had a town read on him

Rags (2) - sadly I have a townread on him. Two posts at this point in the game is absolutely unacceptable, but he likely wouldn't lurk this hard as scum and would have asked for a replacement by now if he was imo. More likely that he got busy and is phoning it in.


Dunno why you think something would stand out in this group tho btw. Obv those with low post count haven't given as much TO stand out with, so...


  On 3/13/2014 at 7:03 AM, WWWwombat said:

RTE seems to be faux-casual atm.  His reads did suck too.  Not sure why Cloud defended him though.  Makes me uneasy cuz Cloud is better than that imo.  Anyway, it's 3 AM, my brain is fried, and I have no idea on the VC so I'ma wait 'til tomorrow before I decide what I'm doing next.


And idk what you mean about me flying under the radar when I shouldn't be able to, Des.  I don't think I'm flying under the radar, and I have no idea why I shouldn't be able to either for that matter.


You shouldn't be able to fly under the radar anymore than anyone else- a good town will hold EVERY player accountable for their thoughts and opinions. Going utr helps keep others from being able to keep your thoughts and opinions in mind.


And you're going way under the radar compared to how you usually play. Like me, you're a very polarizing player, and other players will often mention you. Whether it's a scum read, or strong town read, or even mentioning they aren't sure on you yet, you'll still get namedropped a bunch. This game that isn't really happening. I think the reason for this is you're being much less vocal than normal. You have said multiple times that there wasn't much commenting on D1, but I think if that was the case then you would have been telling town to shut it about inconsequential matters and helped everyone focus on better stuff. Town!Wombat isn't one to let town get derailed by drivel if he can help it, and as a vocal player with a lot of clout you're able to lead pretty easily.


  On 3/13/2014 at 8:08 AM, Ithillian said:

Cloud seems annoyed that I can still post and wishes everyone would just stop listening to what I'm saying.


Coupled with his posts near the start of Day one about Pral. I'm thinking he's our solo killer of some description. He probably killed me.


He even says I'm probably Town - so why would he want people t ignore what I say. I'm quite good at spotting things after all.


Also Turin. He does buddy me a lot. It's when he doesn't that I get worried. And this game he was very buddy and then I die and he just does a funny meme. That's not normal. It was funny though. And probably quite accurate. So he buddys - stop when I die - and then when I point out I've spotted it he over compensates. You should all be wary of him.


RTE is a clear candidate for Mafia/Not Town. I've already said my piece on that and I concur with the reasoning of others.


No-one else spotted that Ameg wants to help Town win? ...


Also ugh - they are switching the Macnhester lines over today which means we go fully inbound and I will have to work :( no messing about on DM today.


Your point on Amega seemed like a reach tbh. Some will talk about "Town" in a third person sort of way even if they're town. And even if you're right, wouldn't it pretty much make no difference? 3rd party that can help town win isn't really a high priority lynch target in my book.


The point on Turin seems like a bit of a stretch too, tbh, or at least part of it. You say he stopped buddying you when you died but before you spoke again... but you were speaking pretty soon after the night scene. Plus you know if he might have been active or not leading up to your death, I know he will often go for extended periods of not posting while he's driving or w/e.


I will say (and you might dispute this but meh) that he could have NK'ed you himself. I and others noticed that he will often NK you early when he is scum and you are town.


I know Turin.


You can use the information I gave you or not. I can't do anything with it myself. Ive seen this behaviour before and so when I see it again I mention it. I know when he's active.


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