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[Blue Ajah Harry Potter Week ] *Game Over - Town Wins* Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 Mafia

Ithillian Turambar

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Basel why did you not buy a character upgrade?


RTE, I did try, but when I was told there were not enough available studs, I attempted to buy a boost instead, and that was successful.



So why haven't you still?


Upgrading is pro town. Not upgrading when we seem to have enough studs makes no sense to me.

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Basel why did you not buy a character upgrade?


RTE, I did try, but when I was told there were not enough available studs, I attempted to buy a boost instead, and that was successful.



So why haven't you still?


Upgrading is pro town. Not upgrading when we seem to have enough studs makes no sense to me.



I still have one shot of my boost remaining. It doesn't strike me as pro-town to buy an upgrade and allow that shot to go to waste.

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Bus has a rather specific meaning in mafia. It refers to one mafia voting another mafia so as to "throw him/her under the bus."


I'm assuming you meant something more along the lines of "bandwagon?"

Ah, thanks for explaining that. Then yes, bandwagon is more correct. I used the term bus since that was the term used in the post. This mafia stuff is very complicated.

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Wait you said Basel wasn't going to be lynched so you changed your vote? I thought you were voting Basel right now.

I am, but at that time I was the only one voting fir Basel and it wasn't going to do any good. So i cast my vote where I thought it wiuld be more helpful.

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Ping, ping, ping goes Basel and Dar. It's so easy to blame the newbies isn't it?


Now here's a funny thing for you all. I wrote yesterday that I would give Turin one of my draughts, right? That was complete wifom, since I upgraded my character completly last Day, and I don't have access to potions or charms anymore, so I lost my draughts. My draught never stopped Avada Kedavra either, btw. Just all other kinds of charms and spells. But I decided to WIFOM it to see what happened.


And nobody tried to kill Turin last night. I have ways of knowing this now.


Soooo... Unless someone else protected someone last night, then either the mafia forgot to send in a NK, or they dropped it on purpose to give the impression of having targeted someone and failed.


Sneaky sneaky :) Nice job with the WIFOM, I totally believed that you still had two Draughts left..


Interesting that you know that nobody targeted Turin last Night (after finishing my read I now know that you are a ghost who can't use wands and potions, and can swap yourself with another person and act like a Bodyguard). I think it's because they were expecting you to protect him so they didn't want to waste a NK? I doubt that the mafia team would have dropped their NK on purpose as I don't see much use in that now that they are behind town.




Darthe, one of the people on your list is not scum, unless that person had already used polyjuice potion when I cast Revelio.  Although . . .I guess that is possible so maybe I shouldn't be a certain as I originally was . . . :unsure:  For some reason, I didn't even think of PJ potion when I posted earlier.


I do agree with you on Turin, Mish, Cloud, and myself though.


I think there is a good chance that PJ was in the mix last night. Mish is saying that she didn't use any draughts last night. I bought a character boost on D2 and was given a shot to track or follow. I chose to follow Mish, and was told that she protected. Which leads me to think that someone out there was disguised as Mish.


And if it helps, I am George.



Why would you follow Mish if you are town? That doesn't make any sense to me. I also don't believe anything you say in this game so I'm not buying your character claim either.



Darthe, I'm 95% confident that I like statistics. Not sure why Mish felt like claiming doc or whatever. Prob shoulda let the mafiaz think you didn't upgrade or whatever. Speaking of which, Basel's claim is rather imprudent as well, but BG flipping scum makes me feel a lot better about him as he first came to my attention with the whole "one of these guys is scum" thing. Got a lot of null reads right now. I agree with Darthe that Turin is infuriating.


Vote: Amarande


She's still playing right?



I actually find the whole "one of these guys is scum" a move that sooner a mafia would make instead of a townie. He was linking two players together on almost no basis and said that one of them is mafia based on a gut feeling.



Basel: PJ lets you impersonate characters, not players.



Darthe, one of the people on your list is not scum, unless that person had already used polyjuice potion when I cast Revelio.  Although . . .I guess that is possible so maybe I shouldn't be a certain as I originally was . . . :unsure:  For some reason, I didn't even think of PJ potion when I posted earlier.


I do agree with you on Turin, Mish, Cloud, and myself though.


I think there is a good chance that PJ was in the mix last night. Mish is saying that she didn't use any draughts last night. I bought a character boost on D2 and was given a shot to track or follow. I chose to follow Mish, and was told that she protected. Which leads me to think that someone out there was disguised as Mish.


And if it helps, I am George.



Bolded: That was so completly unneccessary to say. Even with your botched Polyjuice-potion theory. Pray tell; Why would someone disguise themself as me, and do a pro-town action?



^^ This. And btw Basel said that he followed Mish last Night and he got a result back which said that she protected. This is a very vague statement because he doesn't specify if she self-protected or protected someone else, but by looking at the wording of "protected" I think he meant the former. In any case even if I'm wrong about the wording I don't see protecting the same as using a bodyguard ability on someone else.



Btw, both mafia and town are going to want to keep me alive. I bought an ability and now double studs gained from post number.


I think that almost everyone is maxed out already and since we can only use 1 NA at a time so we don't really need those studs anymore :P



Strange to see so much happening, but nothing changing in the voting behaviour. Some very interesting things which I'll discuss in a bit more detail later (today or tomorrow).


For now, one question: Basel, why claim George?


Also, vote darthe


Something irrational bugs me about the posts since day broke.


Care to explain what bugged you about Darthe's posts?



FWIW I Revelio'd Basel last night and got George. Doesn't help much given that he could be Polyjuiced but I'm not liking the momentum building on him right now. I especially don't like what Thorum is doing. It looks like he's preparing for Basel to flip town. Let's see what this does:



Vote: Thorum


Meh. I don't believe his character claim anyway and there is nothing odd about the momentum building around him right now because it has also been there for the last few Days... His busvotes on Rhea and BG haven't been helping you know.



I also don't get Basel's theory on Mish. Mish had just claimed doc at that point so Basel getting a doc viewing or whatever on her makes sense. Why he would think someone was Polyjuiced as Mish makes no sense to me. I don't think Polyjuice even does that in this game does it?


I'm sure that Polyjuice only lets you take on the disguise of a character, not a player. Basel saying that Mish protected doesn't make sense because she never ended up using those potions and instead bought a full character upgrade that turned her into a ghost. 


Cloud voted Basel with no reason given, which is fine but he hasn't come back to say much so it looks opportunistic.  Usually when I do that kind of thing I pick people who either haven't been taking much heat or aren't likely to be lynched right away.


No reason given..? I have been saying that I think Basel is mafia since the previous Day and have constantly been pushing for his lynch. It shouldn't come as a surprise to you that I voted him without much of an explanation at the start of this Day.




I didn't much like the Brid slot and could lynch peace too.


Dementor attack = I die at the end of N3 unless a patronus is used on me or I use one.


I can't do this because I don't have a wand.


@MOD, I assume that others can use one on me?


So a Dementor attack works like a Poison?



Peace, the wand chooses the wizard. So either your character has one or not. Even without a wand you can still use potions.



My suspicion is that it is more likely that between Thorum and Basel it would be Basel that was polyjuiced. He was the one to bring it out that it was in play last night. How would he know? There is nothing that says you havevto use a spell/potion that night. In addition the mafia are a team. So they can coordinate their night actions. So just because he follows mish doesn't mean a teammate didn't give him the potion.


The hunch part of my thought was in regard to what ability he claimed as his boost. Tracking and following are IMO the most common mafia investigative roles. Boosts and upgrades are linked to alignment I believe based upon my situation and what I have seen from mish's reports of her boost and upgrade. It seems that they follow in the same tree of abilities. But not truly in a straight line. I was thinking what role would those two likely lead to and what I got was role cop. Which is moat often in my experience mafia. Added to his sketchy play earlier and he is my number one choice right now.


I agree with this post from Turin and especially with the bolded. It could for example explain why there have been no NK last Night. Basel's teammate gave him a Polyjuice potion because he was most likely to get viewed (this makes me believe that his teammate is laying low), and Basel himself used a Dementor attack on Darthe which works as a Poison (a delayed NK).




Basel why did you not buy a character upgrade?


RTE, I did try, but when I was told there were not enough available studs, I attempted to buy a boost instead, and that was successful.



So why haven't you still?


Upgrading is pro town. Not upgrading when we seem to have enough studs makes no sense to me.


Good logic from RTE.

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Just a quick note that I'm offline again most of the day today. This morning with a migraine and then we have someone coming over to help us organize our disaster of a garage (which has not had a car parked in it since we had the house built 5.5 years ago).  We still have just over a day left to vote so I'll be back this evening to get mine in.

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That post from Cloud is a very good one. This is strange for me; a game where I'm actually trusting him :laugh: But like I've said earlier, I see no reason why a mafia member would state that they Revelio'd Turin, and I got the same result so I know he's telling the truth. But yes. His theory about the polyjuice and dementor is a very good one.


We're in very good standings now, so I suggest we lynch Basel anyway. If he's town; though luck, then we'll see who was for and who was against his lynch. If he's mafia, it'll be a very informative lynch indeed.




Available studs:




Hmm.  Probably enough for 2 upgrades in there.



Well we don't know how much of that belongs to the mafia; if they haven't spent much, and town has spent alot, they could have 1200 of that for all we know.

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Official Vote Count


Basel - 4 (Cloud, Turin, Brid, Mish)

Brid - 1 (Thorum)

Thorum - 1 (Dice)

Hallia - 1 (Wombat)


Not Voting - 7 (Basel, Darthe, Daruya, Nicana, RTE, Hallia, peace)



With 14 Alive it takes 8 to Lynch



Current End of Round Bonus = 700 Studs


Day Three Deadline is Sunday 11th August at 9pm BST - Deadline Extended due to Weekend.


http://www.timeandda... deadline&csz=1

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Still a migraine but something about some of the reasoning bugged me and I wanted to try to get it jotted down to see if anyone else had something to add.

Let's assume for this hypothetical exercise that Thorum and Basel are mafia teammates.  I revelio'd Thorum as a town character, someone else (Wombat, I think; I don't feel like going back umpteen pages to find out right now) Revelio'd Basel as George.  If Thorum used PJ on Basel to make him appear town and Basel used his ability to follow Mish, who PJ'd Thorum to make him appear town?   Remember, we all only have one NA apiece so Thorum couldn't have used it on himself and Basel couldn't have used it on Thorum because Basel used his ability that Night to follow Mish.  Does that mean there's another mafia character out there who may have PJ'd Thorum and, if so, who?

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Good morning IthiMod :wub:  Nice song for happy mafia


Hi everyone. Finally catching up on my sleep. It has been a crazy few days. Has there been much change in the votes? I not seeing it tbh.


Who did Peace replace again? Amarende? Ithi you should really make him a sigyy "designated mafia game pinchhitter" He is the Manny Mota of replacing. :smile:


Anyone got anything new? Basel? Why were you so sure that Polyjuice was used last night? Do you still stand by that statement?


Quiet people, come on out and play

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Good Morning :) yes yes - happy mafia continues and there are some very smile making pictures in that video.


Peace is my bestest most favouritist go to guy replacement ever.


He already knows this of course - which is why he doesn't mind bailing me out even when a Game is a good way in.


I would certainly make him a siggy if he wanted one :)

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Why would you follow Mish if you are town? That doesn't make any sense to me. I also don't believe anything you say in this game so I'm not buying your character claim either.

Because I was suspicious of her at the time, duh. Why else would I follow someone if I am town? I can't even begin to find words for how utterly pointless this question is. This isn't like a normal game, where the mod makes someone a doc. She claimed to buy an upgrade making her a doc, which is harder to back up, and at the time I sent the NA, I felt that anyone can say they bought an upgrade to make them some kind of role.


^^ This. And btw Basel said that he followed Mish last Night and he got a result back which said that she protected. This is a very vague statement because he doesn't specify if she self-protected or protected someone else, but by looking at the wording of "protected" I think he meant the former. In any case even if I'm wrong about the wording I don't see protecting the same as using a bodyguard ability on someone else.

Cloud, do you even know what following does? Following tells you what actions your target performed. It doesn't tell you who they used the actions on. So why do you expect me to know who she protected?



Anyone got anything new? Basel? Why were you so sure that Polyjuice was used last night? Do you still stand by that statement?

Turin, I have gone over this already. How about you quit skimming, and go back and read my posts where I made the point the first time?


I think there is a good chance that PJ was in the mix last night. Mish is saying that she didn't use any draughts last night. I bought a character boost on D2 and was given a shot to track or follow. I chose to follow Mish, and was told that she protected. Which leads me to think that someone out there was disguised as Mish.

If Mish claimed she was bluffing, and my result told me that Mish protected, then that means that someone else protected and was PJed to appear as Mish.


I got the ability to either track or follow. I used follow last night. Mish's eventual explanation makes some sense, since I had thought her initial talk of having bluffed about using a draught meant that she didn't cast any magic at all, but she now says she did, which fits events more nicely. (And I didn't even remember Madam Pomfrey and had to look her up to see who she was.)

As for whether I still stand by that, again, I already addressed this point before you ever asked the question. Mish backtracked, and established that she did protect but just didn't use a draught. God forbid I should actually say anything and have people notice it.

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I am playing, Turin. I didn't seem to be having much of an effect though so I decided to take a break. I will try to post some more later today.


I disagree with a lot of stuff in Cloud's last post btw. He's really starting to ping me now. I think he's trying to lean on his alleged Revelio to give him towncred. Which is kinda silly because the mafia would know if Turin is mafia or not.

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