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Pokemon Mafia III: The Treasure of Heart Island--GAME OVER--TOWN WIN

Aiel Heart

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^Kinda answered them already, those four people are practically confirmed town I got such a strong read on them imo, and your attitude towards Ithi is far different than I would expect of you in such a situation.  Chuckles and TG joined mafia at similar times and always make me think of one another :shrug: if I get lynched for that and trying to get info then at least my reads will be valued.

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RTE- I am not certain which way to lean but high on suspicious list


Darthe- all I know is that his playstyle is different and that is not much to go on. The Ithi is mafia made sense but then fake claim and Ithi is town confused me a bit.


Two fake claims on Day 1, a bit out of ordinary


Now, Darthe admitted that he fake claimed, but I saw nothing about anyone else.  So how would you know that there's multiple fake claims?

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A kiss by dathe?!


Ewwwwwwww :mellow:


And I'm not really worried dap, it was more something I noticied that happened in a few games before and I'm just random thoughts (I really need to go to bed lol, its already 4 in the morning)

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Razen, Not sure but I think the second fake claim they were talking about was RTE with his Abra claim and whatever the thing he claimed. he quickly backed off of it however. Make up your own mind if you will. 


Darthe, You are so sure of those four. I find that very odd. Also you are saying that my attitude is far different than you would expect. In which way. I am questioning if you would have expected me to either jump right to voting a person that I found town based on my own reads. Or would you expect me to go after you for making the claim in the first place? I find the idea of a percentage to fail/succeed role reasonable based on previous pokemon games(granted this is gaming the mod to an extent) and I would also see you being willing to use your view to confirm/condemn Ithi as she is a big time player in nearly any game. Better to know asap if the town is getting led astray. So my take was that your claim was plausible and that Ithi was town. there was a place for both to be true and I still think RTE is mafia so I chose to basically ask questions and see what happened. Now that you are backing off from Ithi (it feels like an eject, eject, eject situation) I am thinking that the entire purpose was to derail the RTE train. Part of your premise was that Ithi was mafia pushing the RTE train. Now you have her as town, so if she is town and pushing the RTE train you have to doubt that RTE is town. The question I really wanted answered is are you willing to vote RTE now?

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Razen, Not sure but I think the second fake claim they were talking about was RTE with his Abra claim and whatever the thing he claimed. he quickly backed off of it however. Make up your own mind if you will. 


That could be it.  I didn't interpret the Abra as a fake claim because it was brought up in a tongue in cheek kind of way, plus the fact that it's not a Gen III Pokemon. He did claim Skitty as his actual Pokemon, which is a Gen III Pokemon, as well, which could be why she mentioned a second fake claim.  But I don't know.  It did catch my attention though, as I didn't perceive it that way.

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I think Turin buddying up to Ithii is based on this earlier comment made by Ithii:

Tbh Turin - I am bloody brilliant at fake claiming.

However this time I really am a sloth. And as usual in pokemon games, I am vanilla town.

Dap is now on my suspect list for blatant buddying up to a well known lynch Pusher - best best is right behind them, right? And also lining up future Lynches.

You expect me to just say ah well - Lynch me blah blah blah - self pity woe is me?. I understand why it will probably happen and the Mafia must be loving it. You will get probably no useful info from it - as everyone who votes can now just say 'cop view - vote ithi'

I promise I won't say 'I told you so lol' as uninformed Town I would probably have done the same if another person had been targetted in Darthe's equation.

I would ask you all to remember this is an experimental game and to not stuff it up lol

I think you are in for an interesting ride.

So maybe we can believe that she is really is a sloth. A point I underlined. Beside Darthe's recommendation is not to be trusted. I questioned the veracity of all his statement. However what he reveals by lying is more telling than not. Voting for him this early in the game is just shooting ourselves in the foot. He's good value because he's good at winnowing other's motivations and their possible alignments, even by lying, a pretty scummy thing to do I think.
But Ithii for saying that she is brilliant at flipping town and causing Turin to buddy up to her...is a big tell imo.



I would ask you all to remember this is an experimental game and to not stuff it up lol

 I agree with her in this. So far people have come in with pre-conceived notion of how other people react and behaved in other games. This is an experimental game so let's all start with a clean slate and fresh view point. Darthe throwing up TG just confuses me. Who is this person?


I think time constraint is forcing Tina to make a snap judgement and to believe Darthe's claim of being a cop. However this also makes it hard to get a handle on her. She is still a cypher to me. Could be a mafia could be town.


I want to get more info on Cloud as well. I'm unsure about him and also about Chuckles.


The picture would be more complete if more people join in the game. So far everyone is throwing mud and see what sticks. I include myself in this.

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So can someone actually post public thoughts on who is mafia? I got some-what lost a hundred posts ago...


As opposed to 'private' thoughts?


Who else is in your QT, Hisoka? 



Still willing to vote Darthe or RTE, still happy voting Darthe first. One mess at a time.  


Nothing more to add, really. Checking the countdown we still have 5 days left (as in, 121 hours as of typing) so no real rush, but at the same time why stand around scratching ourselves when we have some strong candidates available to get Lynchy.



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You are also new right?


Ok if you haven't already go and ask ithi in the sign ups thread to PM you the new player guide. It will help.

For the rest of this ill assume you know the basics of teams and goals of town and goals of mafia


Right so as a player you are only allowed to talk about this game, on this thread (if you are mafia you get a QT to chat with your teammates but aside from that just this thread)

Now the way people try and figure out who the town and who the mafia are is by looking at what they say on this thread, how they vote, and their opinions on other players.


Anyone at anytime can say who they think is what. In fact it is encouraged.

It helps others get a read on you but also gets those people you talk about talking and encourages activity


So yes, anyone can say what they want. The trick is not to shoot yourself in the foot in doing so (like RTE or Darthe :tongue:)


Anyway good luck

(If you are mafia, go to your QT and talk to your teammates first. They will advise you)

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Official Vote Count
With 24 alive, it takes 13 to lynch
Kronos (0) : Hallia
berf (0) : berf, Ithi, Piano
Ithi (1) : RTE, Darthe, BG, Tina, RTE
RTE (7): Piano, Cloud, Panchi, Razen, BG, Ithi, berf, Hallia, Turin, madness, Luci
Piano (1): Des, Krak
WoT13 (0): Chuckles
Chuckles (1): RTE, Razen
Mawth (0): Ley
Darthe (4): Piano, berf, Chuckles, BG
Madness (0): Des
Cloud (1): Des
Turin (1): Darthe
Not voting: Mawth, Kronos, Tina, Dav, Ley, WoT13, Cyan, Hisoka

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So Darthe could be the godfather of them all?


His name means death right? I don't speak german so I only know that vader means father....anyway not relevant.


Let's clear up one mess at a time. We can't learn anymore from RTE except his gaming mode sucks and he doesn't make a convincing case to defend himself. I don't think he really cares about the game anyway and all are united in being annoyed at him.


Unvote : vote RTE.

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*sigh* I still think that RTE is Town though but he really wants to go down in a blaze of info. So let's comply with his request.

Whether or not he will reveal anything at all after the coroner's report? not sure.


This is what I got my beady eyes trained on and it's all speculation at this stage :

Ithii, for doth protesting too much.

Berf for buddying up to Ithii.

Darthe for being a lying scum

Turin I think at the moment he's playing a deep game of obfuscating (can't think of a simpler term).


In the unsure box is Dap.He claimed to be town but it's a soft claim...hmmm...will think about this more as I think he could flip at any time.

Chuckles he told me not to take anything at face value and so far I still don't know his affiliation. So far he's good at deflection.

Cloud...maybe he's town don't know for sure yet.


I noticed also there is subtle interaction between Darthe and Ithii which could be missed. They both appear to support each other while not appearing to do so. Ithii also distances herself from both Dap and Turin. Could be a very clever ploy on her part.

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Muchmad , you realize you ramble a lto and say a lot of super random things? I kinda stop paying attention about half way through your posts.


Also the way you corrected your method of unvoting and voting RTE, makes me believe quite strongly you were coached.

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Maddy, If you really think that RTE is town then why are you voting him?


Obfuscating. Good word. but I am very transparent. I say just what I think. I have given my mafia suspect list. I want RTE lynched because I think he is mafia. I am alarmed by the number of people in the game that have said they think he is mafia but do not want to vote him at this time for whatever reason they have given.


Talking is good but on occasion you can get too cute. It is almost always a good idea to lynch the anti -town elements you see in front of you. I think RTE is mafia so I want him gone. He has been subtly defended by numerous people and others are refusing to vote him for what seem to me vague reasons. I want them on record for why they are taking whichever stance they are taking.   

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