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Lord of the Rings Mafia [Advanced Mafia] Town Wins!!!!

RandA lThor

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And Turin I think you misunderstood...I wasn't saying get all behind darthes reads. I'm saying I trust his judgement and it would be worth looking at those people more.



Aren't you one of EP's busmates?

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I'm here now after a very long and boring day of work and stuck on a train for two hours, that was packed with very wet people aghh!


So I'm not in a good mood and would love to MC Hammer with EP



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My only thought is: How are you a mason so often? :laugh:


We don't for certain, could be a good ploy by Him, Panchi and Ep...Ep did come and vote himself. Maybe he wants out of the game. My suspicious senses are working over time here, why can't I look at something and say "yep, they must be telling the truth"

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UGH. I'm really sorry, I'll stop apologizing now cos I've done it enough without helping anything, but I only really have time really late at night now and so this may seem garbled but here's me catching up and my immediate thoughts on stuff..

At least I have laptop internets again and can actually do one of these quote things! :)


Really no surprises here, and this is one of the things I mentioned above, the Cloud suspicion is definitely legit now and I'mma be voting him when the red dawn rises.

But since it's night first now I'll just sit here to wait and sink into the deep black tar pit of shame [ :blush:]


Oh wow so you are going to vote for me based on a hammer which was obviously meant as a consolidation? I find that kinda weak you know.

Yeah me too, buuut you just hammered, no explanations or expressions of regret that "someone has to do this blah blah WHOPP" or whatever. I dunno, maybe that's widely accepted, but to me it kinda set off the alarm bells... after being FoS'ed by a lot of people that Day, it seems a little like you whacked the hammer after waiting *shrug* just my thoughts.


Or, if I didn't explain that to any satisfaction:


You say it was obviously meant for consolidation however there were others here waiting for answers from him, if you were caught up up to that point you should have seen that. There were those not voting him yet posting, you could have left it to one of them to throw the hammer. Yet you hammer him say nothing about it being for consolidation and leave. That is why people suspect you because of your hammer.




Turin seems to be working on defending Cloud..picking apart EP's "promises" from the Day before, but hey - don't things that happen at Night, or other things said tend to change people's focus in this game? :rolleyes: Really.
I have to agree with Master Despo here, Turin really pings...





That was ypur revalation?

I'd be disappointed if I was you too. First your symp dies, then you get the great Despo on your trail. If you give up the rest of your teammates now, I'll leave your lynch for last :baalzamon:
Oh despo, sweet despo

I am town, deal with it


*raises eyebrow*

Really convincing. *nodnodnod*





Hiya everyone!!


Replacing in...will re-read, but someone wanna gimme a summary?


*waveywave* :D welcome

*unhelpful Capn Obvious comments* XD People argued, people ganged up on person, person dieded, more people dieded....more people arguing. *goes back to trying to argue too* XD



I am a mason. Panchi is my partner. I had a 1x cop view. I used it on EP. The result was NOT TOWN.

unvote. Vote EP


Agh, blaaaaah, what is wrong with my gut feeling these days? :[

...unless Turin and Panchi are mafia and faking it. Meh, only one way to find out.


Vote EP



....soooo, was that a lynch or what oorrr???


I give up, my brain's dead for today. Someone drag me in here first if/when I make it on the internet tomorrow!!!


Goodnight. *flop*

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Official Vote Count:


EP(11): EP, Turin, Peace, Hally, BG, Despo, Pank, Tina, RTE, WBK, Talya

AH(1): Dap


Not Voting (9): Nya, AH, Noli, Cloud, BB, Lessa, Tigs, Dice, Thorkin


With 21 alive, it takes 11 to lynch.


That's a lynch, scene coming up!


Deadline: http://www.timeandda...ngs Mafia Day 2

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The 8 left in the fellowship rode towards Rohan.  They knew of the valour of the Horselords, and the king Theoden who was so great in battle.  They looked an odd group as they rode toward Rohan, a wizard, a man, a dward, an elf, and four little hobbits.  Easy to spot too.  It was this way that Sauron learned of this trip.  He knew he did not want his enemies joining forces with Rohan, and it must be stopped at all costs.  


He called for his most trusted warrior, one beyond death, the leader of the Nine, and a foe so evil that armies would scatter at his coming.  The Witch King of Angmar.  He quickly mounted and flew out to meet the Fellowship.


While the Fellowship rode, Legolas kept watch.  His elven eyes were known to seldom miss anything that didn't vanish in the horizon.  Suddenly he cried out.  A bird, yet this one was so far away, yet so big.  Legolas took a closer look.  Nazgul.  He yelled at the Fellowship, and they quickly started to ride in a different direction thinking they would lose it.  However, they didn't know that the Nazgul was after them specifically.  It didn't take long for the Nazgul to catch up.  Suddenly, Legolas nocked an arrow, and fired.  It struck the mount straight in the heart, and it fell from the sky.  The Fellowship ran toward the spot where the dead mount lied, and saw the Nazgul, uninjured, with a mace in his hand.  Quickly the Nazgul attacked, and the Fellowship was thrown back.  However, in the bright of day, the Nazgul was not as powerful as the White Wizard.  Gandalf quickly took his staff and smote the Nazgul.  The Witch King fell, and was not heard from again.


EP, Witch King of Angmar, Mafia Vote Controller has been lynched.


It is now Night 2.  Deadline: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20130529T16&p0=803&msg=Lord+of+the+Rings+Mafia+Day+2


24 hours from this post.  Lol, deadline went backwards.

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Umm...looks like I missed a lot


@talya- I think that is just how mafia minds work my dear. I started playing mafia so much a couple of years ago that I was looking at my 3 year old wondering if him and his brother were pulling a gambit because they pooped at the same time. :/


Despo- first of all, using a word like manipulate is in fact, manipulation in itself. But, yes, I was wanting everyone to consider the idea that the mafia team, was in fact, newer players. Am I confused or is that not how mafia works...you see something strange or suspicious, point it out, and then try to get others to go along with your suspicions?

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o.O Glory of Gondor I missed a lot!!!

And I swear I will catch up and post no matter how sleepy I get!!!

Used to be against posting too much info at night.... I can’t really remember the reasoning behind it now....

Basel was Boromir... That is ironic in so many ways....

My first thought upon reading all of the Piano/Des back and forth:

Ok now for a real response:

THE SKITTLES LIST IS BACK (y’all who played with me before know you missed it XD )

Dead Town Dead Mafia
Alive Claimed Role Alive No Role Claimed

1. Turin--Mason--partner of Panchi--had 1x cop view--found Firebird to be mafia
2. Arez Peace--has a role that allows him to know that the mafia have a role cop

3. Nyan
4. Heart
5. Nolirion
6. RTE
7. Hallia
8. Tina
9. Piano

10. Basel--Even night Vig--Boromir--killed N1
11. Cloud
12. Ley BBee

13. Darthe--Miller--King of the Dead--lynched D1
14. Tiink--Mafia Sympathizer with 1-shot recruit and godfather potential--Saruman--killed N1
15. BG
16. Lessa
17. Tigraine

18. Panchi--Mason--partner of Turin
19. Talya--had to find Saruman and had 25% chance of killing him if she did

20. Kronos
21. Dice

22. Firebird--Mafia Vote Controller--Witch King of Angmar--Lynched D2
23. Des
24. Thorkin

From rereading my five posts of doom:

Darthe and Basel both acted really weird to me and I was probably just jumping at shadows seeing enemies in friends but it’s how I saw things. I still think Darthe could have been more helpful as a townie even as a miller.

BG was very eager to lynch Darthe when he first revealed.

Tina voted Basel because of his weak case on Cloud.

Tigriane voted him seemingly because he was the third vote? She also didn’t see why people had a problem with Cloud’s vote at the beginning.

Firebird said that Des and I had valid points early on, but never gave what they were that I can remember.

Dice’s “so Darthe if we lynch Basel and he flips town are you volunteering to be next?” just got a whole lot more interesting.

Des and Piano both didn’t like Talya for a while because of her “mass defense.” Basel was suspicious of her because of the “among those involved” comment and for questioning my ping of him. Talya said at one point that she didn’t see what others saw scummy about Cloud’s first post either. He later votes her for related reasons.

The whole Kronos delayed vote on Dice thing for what I mentioned above, which Piano didn’t like. Still note that he tried to defend Darthe at one point.

Cloud really got tunnelvision on Basel near the end.

I still say Nyan has commitment issues.

Des and Piano also agreed that voting Darthe Day 1 wasn’t the best option at one point. Tigriane also REALLY didn’t like it.

Lessa thought Cloud and Basel both looked scummy--Cloud moreso she later clarifies. At that time Tiink saying that Talya’s case didn’t make sense stood out to her.

From my sum up: two of those I thought to be suspicious are now dead townies. I find it really interesing that Basel was killed and want to know what their purpose was in that. They could have pushed for his lynch more and it might have been achieved. Or maybe they wanted to put everyone he looked at and who looked at him in a bad light? Difficult to say.

BG liked both Basel and Cloud at some point.

I wonder about Cloud....

Moving on.
Hallia caught that Firebird was the first in the Cloud joke vote thing. She also didn’t like Basel’s vote on Cloud. Voted for Darthe.

Piano was with me on the not lynching Darthe yet. I really liked his reasoning and he feels more townie to me now because he saw figured that out and was trying to get Darthe to help town. It made me more sure that we needed Darthe alive--that him being alive to do whatever help would help us defeat mafia somehow. Maybe not crucial but nice. Everyone else seemed to kind of breeze by and ignore that. Still stand by that Darthe was trying too hard to get lynched. I think it was part of his character role maybe? Not sure. It just all made me feel his lynch wasn’t a good plan. Then also there was the possibility of something going very wrong when he did die because I was afraid he was necessary somehow. Didn’t really phrase all of that well that night because I was brainfried from the posts of doom.
Dice commented that Darthe didn’t seem to want to help; only die. Stands out to me now.

Kronos says Talya would be his third choice and he doesn’t know about Cloud. Turin focused a lot on getting opinions out of him.

Dap and Des’ trouble began with their different views on millers when Des switched his vote to Darthe. Still didn’t like Tayla at all.

Piano switched ot Darthe but didn’t think he was maifa.

Cloud hammers. Peace is first to poke at it with a “was that scummy?” stick. Piano “cloud’s been iffy all game if memory serves...Good place to start tomorrow. ”

Piano unimpressed by play if Darthe is a miller. Peace agrees and so do I. Miller convo...

In the scene of death Darthe’s character said “I would have served you.”
Something was lost. Not crucial, but it could have made things a lot smoother for us later. Imagine that one battle without the ghost army!

Tiink found Firebird, RTE and Kronos suspect and points out my “desperation to keep Darthe in the game.”

Piano asks what Tiink thinks of cloud’s hammer. (Response: obvously suspicous but you’re still right up there).
Nyan doesn’t like Cloud because of his hammer.

BG basically said to think nothing of Cloud’s hammer.

Tigraine tought there ws something going on between Basel and Cloud--as in both scum. Tiink didn’t like that she said Darthe vote wasn’t a good idea.


I didn't think it was a good idea because of his eagerness. I have been a bomb in a game in which the only way I won was if a townie was the hammer and therefore went out with me.

My honest opinion would've been to ignore him.

I know I haven't been around and have helped AT ALL. But neither had he. Being a killer he would've won with the town. Therefore I didn't understand him tying the noose and trying to force it over his own head.

He did give us his thoughts on who he think is scum, unfortunately, we don't know his reasons why.


I hope his reasons was to help town. What other reasons would there be?

@Tina--he could have done a lot more to help town, like giving why those peole where scummy which is what Kronos was referring to.

Turin, Piano and Peace don’t like my sleepy reaction to Darthe being town but me standing by what I said.

Mafia has a role cop according to peace.

Des and Piano start the battle of correct miller reaction and who is mafia and in many ways it does kind of spring up out of nowhere.

Peace seems on Piano’s side a lot...

Des said Cloud hammer tells us seomting==would reveal in the morning.

Des thought Darthe shouldn’t have gotten as much as attention as he did and other people should have been focused on more. I’d say that there was a lot of focus on Cloud, Talya nad Basel as well. Des goes after Talya again spelling out his reasoning, said she was deflecting attention to me at one point and didn’t like that she wanted to keep Darthe around longer.

Piano I don’t remember ever really seeing why you thought Des was mafia you just jumped out with “You are definately mafia” or something like that. Reasons why?

Des acknowledges other players lack of response but focuses on Talya.

Piano gives is thoughts on how millers sould be handled.

Turin says Des is fishing.

We made it to dawn.

Hmmm... Didn’t firebird say somethign abotu it being bad for Peace to share info in the middle of the night? Potentially bad.

Firebird tried to turn Talyas claim against her. Said Cloud and Kronos were good places to look and wasn’t sure about Talya’s claim.

Talya points out that Tigs and RTE were both looking at Basel today for a lynch. Firebird seemed to try to deflect this.

Turin tries to draw info out of firebird at first about why Cloud moved up on his list.

I missed the Treebeard hint. Tina saw it as obvious. I think Hallia means she saw it too? Or just that the almost reveal was more of a hint? Either way can someone link me to/quote the original hint that I missed. ?

Talya said it was between Tiink and Piano for her choice on who to pick. Thinks Paino is also mafia

Tigriane thinks that mafia killing Basel was really dumb. Turin votes Kronos, Piano votes me and has more miller discussion with Des which Turin says makes sense. Hallia asks for reasons of votes. Turin gives her an asnwer of find it yourself most of it’s been posted. I was acting strange to Piano and will put together a “newer” case on me. One was never actaully really made; all I remember is Basel being very reactive to my vote on him and everyone else not understanding the vote....


Cloud hammer. Fascinating.
Can I have mithril armor now?

I really do wonder why everyone finds my hammer so fascinating and scummy?


I find it really weird that you choose one of the ones that doesn't say you are scummy. I said it was "interesting" and wondered why with all you've been scurtinized today you chose to vote hammer which is also likely to bee looked at closely. Can spin all sorts of possible reasons. Never said you were scummy--you put that in there yourself when it came to my post. Others linked hat though. So interesting you chose this one.

Turn doesn’t find hammer bad, starts closing in on Firebird. Firebird comes with case on Cloud and Talya and Kronos were both iffy and Turin accuses of distancing.

So Turin you don’t agree with what Piano said about making Darthe help even wit that line in the scene?

Turin likes a Kronos lynch. Des doesn’t like anyone looking at Cloud’s hammer. In fact thinks it nearly confirms Cloud. Des--what were your thought’s on Cloud’s multivote at the beginning? Simply a mistake of a “fairly good multiplayer” who should have known that that would draw attention?

Aslo Piano is mafia for not wanting Darthe to by lynched. No rebuttal to the help thing eithr?

Turin cases Firebird. Des defends Cloud, analyzes those who don’t like his hammer, alazyses Tiink, and looks at Piano. Notes that Tiinker who is a symp picked Firebird, RTE and Kronos.

Ok, I can’t remember right now: symp can see the mafia’s page but they don’t know about him always, right? So interesting that Des said he might not know and interesting that Turin says he points those three out. Could be a signal but would be odd for him to out all three of them like that so not sure where Turin’s going here.

Des doesn’t like Turin’s play.

Possibly another mafia recruit noted by Turin Des says he saw it too.

Peace says Tiinker gave strong defense of tTalya. I could see that.

I find it interesting that Turin and Des are talking about me and not wanting Darthe lynched when Des at elast was looking at Piano who was fighting for the exact same thing just in a more concise/direct manner and he’s not mentioned.

Turin if you agree with me about the Cloud hammer, then can you explain this post?


Clouds been pretty iffy all game if memory serves

And yet he got quite a bit of defense.


Also, while were at it, what are your thoughts concerning Dap?

@Peace: Talya might as well be considered confirmed town at this point, unless someone else comes forward to claim the kill on Sauruman. Tina caught her role hint from before (I didn't), and Rand came forward and clarified no role hinting from now on, so I believe her to be Treebeard. Why you still trying to push at her?


There’s something important in the first part... Something important.... Someone slipped there... Will figure out who when I have brains working.

As for the miller thing, Because Rand listed all the extra stuff with Tiink's role (Symp with 1 shot recruit and GF %), I think he would have also told us if Darthe had any other helpful part of his role. I think he was a miller, plain and simple.

Hmmm... Hadn’t thought of that.

Back and forth and back and forth... Peace is tired of it too.

Des and Dice also mised treebeard hints. Tina assisting Talya’s claim?

@BBee--welcome and I have summeries up to page 18 on page 18 :P

Des and Playre stand out to Panchi and thinks they might be doing something weird together. Most solid unpromted post I’ve seen from her all game. Feeling bolder?

Yes sorry I’ve not been here Turin. And Turin waited to see opinions and such before revealing waht he found out about Firebird. Also gave reasoning on pushing Kronos and what he thinks about the rest of us. Everyone instabelieves Turin and Firebird is speedlynched.
Des, who says earlier in the post that he was agasint speedlynch in efforts of gathering info goes along with it too. Of course, a way to feel a little more certain of Panchi and Turin.

Wait didn’t BBee replace Turin?

I’m going to read through this and come to some sort of sense of it in the mroning.

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