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Month of the Greats - Ithi & Rhea's Excellent Adventure

Ithillian Turambar

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Join us on our quest to solve an ages old mystery. In true Davinci Code style we will travel through history, locating and solving clues that will lead us to our ultimate goal. Each clue will lead to a Great and the next clue will be found on an item, or in a location related to them. The final clue will solve the mystery.


This will not be a quiz or a competition. Discussion and possible ideas are encouraged and even essential. Only together will we succeed.




The sound of the letter hitting the floor should have been more ominous, more suitable for the beginning of what it heralded. As it was it just fell and lay there with the junk mail and bills, waiting.


Eventually it was scooped up and opened. The first words made you pause.


If a magic door opened up in front of you, and you had no way of knowing where it lead, would you step through?


The letter was signed just with the name Lyon. Underneath was the address of a bookshop in London, the instruction to be there in three day's time and an open travel ticket valid for one month. You didn't know it at the time, but you were not the only recipient of such a letter.


Three days later Ithi arrived at the entrance to the shop.




She looked up and saw the name in the window, Lyon Books. Must be the right place then. She opened the door cautiously and stepped inside, her eyes taking a while to adjust to the dark after the bright sunshine outside and then fixing upon the old man behind the counter.




Perhaps he was the one who sent the letter and would now provide some kind of explanation. But no, his eyes flicked to his left and a nod indicated she should move that way. Turning the corner she was both pleased and excited to see Rhea!


So now two had stepped through the Doorway. How many more would follow and join us in the bookshop?

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*turns to see Ithi there and smiles*


I'm so happy I'm not the only one, I was afraid that I was going crazy! I can't wait to see who else will be joining us! Surely there are more as curious as we?


Blank pokes her head round the corner to see Ithi, Rhea and Arez standing there.


"can I come with?"

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*Mashi turns around the corner of Lyon Books and spies her friends*


"Rhea! Ithi! Blank! Arez! What are we all doing here? I got this crazy letter, and despite my logical misgivings, I couldn't resist the invitation."


*steps throught the door and heads towards the others*  Hello y'all  *waves*


Quick question, tinsy minor rping is okay right?


A tinsy bit is always fun...but don't forget that mother is watching. *GG*


Of course you can!


This bookshop is getting busy now!


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