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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Game is moving too fast for me to keep up with everything

Have I missed anything noteworthy since it turned night?


Just Rand's scum slip and subsequent flailing. Oh and Desp edited a post and has been admonished by the mod. Oh and Ithi apparently has an indiscriminate gender. Think that sums it up.

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And AJ is gonna be all like :baalzamon: :baalzamon: :baalzamon: :baalzamon: :baalzamon:


Oh Despo what have you done... :P

You have no idea.


Official Modding Judgment:


Despo must not praise himself or his playstyle in anyway till the end of Day 4. He must also compliment another player in every post somehow.

You get epic points in my book for this.




BG, I modestly accept your gracious judgement. Thank you, and my bad once again.




Alannalynn, you have an excellent avatar and your grasp at teh game of mafia is astounding. I wish I could grow up to one day be as skilled a mafia player as you.



Somehow I don't believe you....?
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ok one question what the hell is 'Jack of all trades" ive never heard of it and dont have the time to google


As I recall, it's a role that has a bunch of 1-shot items they can use.

Sometimes they know what they do, sometimes they don't

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Official Modding Judgment:


Despo must not praise himself or his playstyle in anyway till the end of Day 4. He must also compliment another player in every post somehow.

Trying to catch up, but I must say that my face just lit up with glee at this post.

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ok one question what the hell is 'Jack of all trades" ive never heard of it and dont have the time to google


As I recall, it's a role that has a bunch of 1-shot items they can use.

Sometimes they know what they do, sometimes they don't


As you recall Newb?

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ok one question what the hell is 'Jack of all trades" ive never heard of it and dont have the time to google


As I recall, it's a role that has a bunch of 1-shot items they can use.

Sometimes they know what they do, sometimes they don't


As you recall Newb?


I has no life. I've done a lot of reading on the MafiaScum wiki

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Against all odds, I'm caught up to the game now. I think Rand's been proving Freud correct, and I find him far more scummy than AJ or John.


You know, I was kinda hoping you would be replaced so we could see someone have to dig through 100 pages.

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Against all odds, I'm caught up to the game now. I think Rand's been proving Freud correct, and I find him far more scummy than AJ or John.


You know, I was kinda hoping you would be replaced so we could see someone have to dig through 100 pages.


BG asked me to keep playing until he can find a replacement. Besides, I only said I was caught up to today. I still don't think I can get enough internet time to be effective in the long run.

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Goodbye sleeping pattern >:( you will be sorely missed.


Came back from the states and it seems that my biological clock is moving anti clockwise to fix itself. Gotta go through California and China time and all that to get back to European it seems. Yup. F***.

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I asked BG if it counts as a NA and he said it does.


I hate to try to direct the cop, but it would be a good idea to check me and see that I'm town before lynching me.


Why, thank you, Despo.

Well, we've already sent our NA and it wasn't you we targetted, but I'm not saying who we targetted. But as soon as I get the result you guys will be informed. And despo was just following his own punishment with his praise of your style, although it did sound more genuine in that post, and I agree with him.

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I asked BG if it counts as a NA and he said it does.


I hate to try to direct the cop, but it would be a good idea to check me and see that I'm town before lynching me.


Why, thank you, Despo.

Well, we've already sent our NA and it wasn't you we targetted, but I'm not saying who we targetted. But as soon as I get the result you guys will be informed. And despo was just following his own punishment with his praise of your style, although it did sound more genuine in that post, and I agree with him.


The first post I believed him. After that, I knew he was full of it.


I'm just saying at some point, it would be nice to be vetted.

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