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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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OK, so far, I trust David's claim as a cop since it hasn't been CCed, I am always reluctant to lynch an unCCed cop. Also, the lightning bolt was probably used because the scene, but don't know why Basel's worked and David's didn't if it was a roleblock for everyone.


The Lightning Bolt? o.O Niel's role power?


*Nods* I'm guessing Lily could still use it, but she can't aquire any more now that her partner is gone.

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OK, so far, I trust David's claim as a cop since it hasn't been CCed, I am always reluctant to lynch an unCCed cop. Also, the lightning bolt was probably used because the scene, but don't know why Basel's worked and David's didn't if it was a roleblock for everyone.


The Lightning Bolt? o.O Niel's role power?

If you remember in EP's death scene, bg mentioned the "little rodent" or something basically referreing to pickachu, and that "he would show them all". Maybe this was him showing us all, I don't know...but can we really be certain that the lightning bolt fizzled to nothing? This may be the after-effect of lynching Niel.

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OK, so far, I trust David's claim as a cop since it hasn't been CCed, I am always reluctant to lynch an unCCed cop. Also, the lightning bolt was probably used because the scene, but don't know why Basel's worked and David's didn't if it was a roleblock for everyone.


The Lightning Bolt? o.O Niel's role power?


*Nods* I'm guessing Lily could still use it, but she can't aquire any more now that her partner is gone.

I doubt Lily still retained the power absorber, and she mentioned that EP being dead affected her power.

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OK, so far, I trust David's claim as a cop since it hasn't been CCed, I am always reluctant to lynch an unCCed cop. Also, the lightning bolt was probably used because the scene, but don't know why Basel's worked and David's didn't if it was a roleblock for everyone.


The Lightning Bolt? o.O Niel's role power?


*Nods* I'm guessing Lily could still use it, but she can't aquire any more now that her partner is gone.

I doubt Lily still retained the power absorber, and she mentioned that EP being dead affected her power.


ie. she could still use the power she had aquired, but could not obtain any more.


I'm guessing a lot of other roles have advantages to being masoned. Like with cop, the night that one of them dies, they'll still get the report on whoever they investigated, but they won't be able to investigate any more.


Just a theory, and I doubt BG has stated specifically, but I think that's how it works.

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OK, so far, I trust David's claim as a cop since it hasn't been CCed, I am always reluctant to lynch an unCCed cop. Also, the lightning bolt was probably used because the scene, but don't know why Basel's worked and David's didn't if it was a roleblock for everyone.


My guess is that it was because Basel's was a 1-shot. But I'm not sure.


I'd been wondering if my night action worked because it was given out to me N1, and had some residue of success tied into it from N1. No one else has reported their actions not working yet. So we have no knowing if it was solely the cop being blocked, or what. But anyone else's NAs would be N2 actions, so maybe the storm only applied to actions of the night that it happened. As to the nature of the storm, I don't think it was an "unspecified bad thing" that BG mentioned. That was in the event of a majority not being reached. And no-lynches are allowed; we had a majority no-lynch vote.

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No actions over the night must be the bad thing that happened because of no lynch.




No night kill.


I do not like this post.


Smacks of over compensation for no kill. There was no reason for the mod to come up with something really bad cause a decision was reached. Mo lynch was an allowed choice. If things failed I am more likely to believe the lightning bolt was the cause. Perhaps whomever was niel's partner got his power.



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No actions over the night must be the bad thing that happened because of no lynch.




No night kill.


I do not like this post.


Smacks of over compensation for no kill. There was no reason for the mod to come up with something really bad cause a decision was reached. Mo lynch was an allowed choice. If things failed I am more likely to believe the lightning bolt was the cause. Perhaps whomever was niel's partner got his power.


! Maybe that's the explination for Yoshi? Yoshi = Niel (Pickachu) 's partner?

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I'm speculating here but I have a thought on the No Kill tying into the No Result.


I'm wondering if the scum team has the ability to trade a NK for a mass role block of actions targeted towards them?


Hence, no night kill but no results either?


Very open to thoughts on this.

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I'm speculating here but I have a thought on the No Kill tying into the No Result.


I'm wondering if the scum team has the ability to trade a NK for a mass role block of actions targeted towards them?


Hence, no night kill but no results either?


Very open to thoughts on this.


You know, normally I think that could make sense. But, because it was a lightning storm and we saw a lightning bolt power, I'm inclined to say it ties into that.

Plus, why would they? They know a cop & doc. No way they want to put off killing them.

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Killing the doc or cop is a wifom situation that could end up with no kill. And the cop could still be scum as he had a weak reveal an the doc could agree and self protect.


Many times shading is shading but you could be rift in that respect. I'd like to hear other thoughts.

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Wanna check in really fast, I just got a new phone today so I've been playing with it a bunch, but luckily the battery has almost ran out so I'll be forced to post in all mah mafia games.


So don't worry, you'll get your Despo WoT-fix soon!



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Eh I got too distracted, sorry. I blame Jonas.


Vote Rand


He was one of the people seriously doubting multiple mason teams yesterday, and now seems to be overplaying the "I don't want to lynch an un-cc'd cop" angle a bit too heavy.


As for David, even tho I'm still somewhat skeptical about his claim, I'm starting to believe him a bit more. I know he's offbase about me, but eh I guess all of his play can just be attributed to "inexperience" even tho I hate letting newbies skate by on that kind of thing with regularity

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I feel really awkward when people bring up my name so much when I'm not around... makes me feel all twitchy and stuff. >_>


As for night-time speculation, I haven't anything to add at the moment, but I need to go back and read up again: I read the beginning of day earlier while I was on break at work, but I need a reread to see what y'all have said. (*is slow on the uptake*) lol


Eh I got too distracted, sorry. I blame Jonas.


Vote Rand


He was one of the people seriously doubting multiple mason teams yesterday, and now seems to be overplaying the "I don't want to lynch an un-cc'd cop" angle a bit too heavy.


As for David, even tho I'm still somewhat skeptical about his claim, I'm starting to believe him a bit more. I know he's offbase about me, but eh I guess all of his play can just be attributed to "inexperience" even tho I hate letting newbies skate by on that kind of thing with regularity

Wouldn't anyone be suspicious of multiple mason teams? Until enough people came out about mason teams, it is normal to assume you're the only one.

As for David, I'm pretty skeptical about him telling the truth. I think it was a bit too convenient that the two we pegged yesterday as potential lynch candidates came out as un-countered doc and cop, and then we pushed ourselves into a no-lynch scenario. Either they bloody fail at staying under the radar or they're blowing smoke. And Kat was an odd choice, I at least can agree with Andrew on that point alone. BUT, while they're un-cc'd, I guess we're believing them.

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Did other people's actions fail? If there were many failed actions that would lend credence to the lightning bolt knocking out all powers.

I don't like this, seems like you're NA-fishing, to me.


Though, I'm pretty sure the general notion at this point is that the storm knocked the power out (lol). Except Basel... gotta back-up generator? :huh: Maybe because it was a 1-shot residual power from N1? I dunno. Speculation makes my head hurt.


So... David is unable to provide any kind of proof that he is what he says he is.


This sort of thing always has a 'too convenient' feel to me, despite the fact that it makes sense that a revealed Cop would be Roleblocked by Mafia, but as David said, HE wasn't blocked. And then all this thunderstorm effect talk? It seems like you're scrambling a bit to give us believable excuses David. This, added to the fact that you chose to view /Kat/ of all people first?


I dunno. Seems very suspicious to me.


I need more info. WAKE UP AND PLAY, PEOPLE!


*goes to make coffee and ponder*

Andrew, you're looking a little pushy here, if I do say so myself. Also, middle of the night. Go to bed.


Wouldn't you think if he was fake claiming he'd have said he viewed a townie last night instead of getting a no result? Or said he was the one roleblocked instead of his partner? That would have been a much better lie, if he was trying to come up with one.


And there's still the matter of not being counterclaimed. No matter how scummy you think he was playing, or how unbelievable his reveal, unless someone counters him, there is a very real possibility he's telling the truth. My impression is he's not as experienced of a player as some of you and some of what you see as scummy behavior is lack of experience.


I'm very suspicious of Despo, Nolder and Marsh right now for pushing so hard against an un-CC'd cop.

I find it funny that Despo was for lynching an un countered cop, yet he's now voting Rand because he was protecting an uncountered cop. I just had a nice LOL at that.
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Andrew, you're looking a little pushy here, if I do say so myself. Also, middle of the night. Go to bed.


Shush. That was hours ago in case you didn't notice, Ms. Inactive.

Yes, for normal people, that's the middle of the night. And I'm not that inactive, just... reserved.
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I was stuck in a boat in Michigan all day yesterday. /not fun


We've still got an un-CC'ed cop and doc combo, which has me believing them for now (regardless of how convenient the reveals were). However, I don't like how some people are painting that storm as a result of the decision of the no lynch, because that received a majority of the votes (15 of them to be exact). No lynch was stated in the rules to be completely acceptable, so I don't believe that the storm was a punishment of any kind. And has it even been verified that other NA's failed? Because we've only got David's partner's view that came back with no result. Someone could have roleblocked his partner for all we know. Because it seems odd to me that Basel's would be allowed to go through and David's partner's not.

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I'm speculating here but I have a thought on the No Kill tying into the No Result.


I'm wondering if the scum team has the ability to trade a NK for a mass role block of actions targeted towards them?


Hence, no night kill but no results either?


Very open to thoughts on this.


This would explain why my view worked, because I didn't target scum. But I haven't woke up this morning to see any further reports of roles not working. I'm leaning more towards the simplest explanation. David's partner was blocked, and the doc protected the right target, thus no NK.


Meantime, Des is starting to ping for me. I'm not seeing anything that Rand is pushing the un-CCed cop bit too hard, as Des puts it. And Des himself has been going after David while simultaneously going after Rand for defending an uncountered cop, which is what AJ already mentioned. (Don't you just love it when you're asleep or working, and then when catching up you see something that pings you, only to see someone else make the exact point you meant to a few posts later?) I'm willing to trust AJ on this, since I did view her as town, after all. Vote Despo.

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Well, Basel made my point for me regarding AJ's discussion of Despo and the un cc'd cop.


Vote Despo.


On the "no lynch/no result thing, I could have sworn i saw a mod note somewhere saying "you can no lynch, but it'll be bad." of course I can't find it now.

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