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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Master Hand here!


Well, well... you guys battled pretty good today. Blows back and forth on many of you... seems David and Dice were juuuust about gone at some points. But oh boy, what comebacks! I was sooo excited to see the results... But, wait... what's this? You decided on a truce for the day? tsk... tsk... Well, I'll let it slide this time. If it happens again though... well... I might have to send in my partner Crazy Hand over here to cause some chaos... and you don't want to see Crazy Hand angry... do you?





It is now Night 2 - Deadline @ Midnight Saturday CT.

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Well this is interesting to wake up to. The whole no lynch train makes no sense to me at all. We've got players that were willing to vote for an un-CC'ed cop and doc, and yet it's way off past hammer territory in no-lynch land.


Unvote, Vote No Lynch


I don't really see any other good candidates for a lynch today, and we really don't have much time to sort it out anyways

And there you are

Majorly disappointed in you Des


Didn't Des say a few pages ago that he agreed with Lenlo and thought that I should have been looked at more closely? I saw him vote and unvote me after this whole reveal thing from David. And then he decided no lynch was the best option after Dice revealed. Given how quickly the no lynch bandwagon took off and how many votes it accrued in such a short time that it would have been completely possible to move around and look at people a lot more than was done. I've seen lynches happen in less time.


It'd be too risky, imo. Especially since there isn't a really good candidate for a lynch at this time.

Sure, despo is convinced you are scum, but I don't think too many other people are.

Doesn't matter it's worth TRYING for a lynch

If we had tried for "third scummiest" we still had a chance at getting mafia AND information

Now all we get is a guaranteed townie death

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The No lynch doesn't vet the townies, that's not what I meant.


I meant that because there are so many mason teams (at least 4) then a lot of us are sure of at least their partner's innocence. So, we can start to tally up all the mason claims, so we start to build up a list of townies. The rest would then be a mixture of mafia and single townies. Basically, I feel this game can be made quite easy because at least 8 of us are not in the dark abut their partners. I hope that makes sense.

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Just got back in town. I'm disappointed that you all fell for such a scummy reveal by David. I don't think he's the cop, and I say the real cop should stay low since he was obviously fishing.


But what's done is done, and I had a great time yesterday.

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Can someone please restate the case on Razen? His name comes up a lot, it seems, and I don't remember (and am too lazy to read back at the moment) why people think he's scummy. To me, Rand seems scummier. I'll go into more detail on that when day breaks.

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As the contestants headed back for the evening... a certain energy could be felt in the air... almost like static electricity... several of the contestants went outside to see what was happening.


As they looked up at the sky, they saw menacing dark clouds moving in from all directions. It looked as if it should be pouring rain, but nothing fell from the sky. Suddenly, bursts of electricity could be seen jumping between dark clouds. Over and over the darted across the sky, hundreds of bolts all at once it seemed... then one struck the ground with a deafening roar. *crraaaackkkk-KABOOOOM*


The contests ran as the bolts struck out from the sky... everywhich way... they seemed to be striking at all of the contestants...


Yoshi remembered this... he had seen it before... back in his Karting Grand Prix days... whenever lightning like this was in the air, bad things happened. He ran as fast as he could... he could see ROB, Donkey Kong, Lucario, Link... everyone was running madly... then there was a bright light, and then nothing...

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*Please dont be a mass negative effect*

*Please dont be a mass negative effect*

*Please dont be a mass negative effect*

*Please dont be a mass negative effect*


*Its probably a mass negative effect*


I hate that thing in racing.

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Dice, the way you play this with Doc and Cop revealed is simple. Flip a coin. If it's heads protect yourself. If it's tails, protect David. Don't tell anyone who you are protecting. This way, if the mafia want to kill you or David, they have to take a 50% chance that their kill fails. If they have a roleblocker, then you are screwed anyways.


Stop directing the Doc!!!


jking lol




Well this was an entirely wasted day


Major FoS whoever started this No Lynch train

You could have went with the "third scummiest" player if you really believed neither dice or david should have been lynched


I really didn't think there was a good option to try and secure a lynch on at that point in the day. I had a couple of ideas of people I wanted to see more pressure on (Razen being one, Rand as well), but honestly judging from the activity level I had seen lately in the game I doubted we would have time to build a lynch on them fast enough.


And then EVERYONE all of a sudden showed up out of the woodworks to vote no lynch. Kinda stinks when there are so many lurking and preventing town from being able to properly scumhunt. Either way, I really don't want to find out what kind of bad thing would happen with no majority reached, so I figured no lynch was our best chance at preventing that. I'm not saying it's optimal, but at the time it made sense to me.


Unvote, Vote No Lynch


I don't really see any other good candidates for a lynch today, and we really don't have much time to sort it out anyways

And there you are

Majorly disappointed in you Des




Nold it wasn't wasted at all. We have, for now, two un-CCed power roles ((a cop and a doc)) neither of which we should lynch until we get better evidence.


We also see who still wanted to lunch an un-CCed doc or cop. I still say Razen is the way to go tomorrow.

I strongly believe that uncc'd cop is fake


I don't know what evidence you're expecting to get except more fake reports

thing about how you play cop

you don't out your innocent viewings but David did that in his freaking reveal trying to get Moon to vet him

If he's the cop he's playing exactly opposite of how he should be playing


I'm in complete agreement with you about David btw. I don't believe his cop claim one bit, and in fact was still pushing to lynch him after his reveal. I started catching heat for that myself as a matter of fact, which of course doesn't bother me as I'm used to it, but still I realized we had little chance of securing a lynch on David.


I personally don't like the policy of NEVER lynching an un-CC'd Cop or Doc. I think it's a fairly good standard to live by, but in some cases, when the reveal is justTOO unbelievable (as David's was), I think it's a little foolhardy to blindly accept it as legit until counterclaimed. Just my opinion tho




The No lynch doesn't vet the townies, that's not what I meant.


I meant that because there are so many mason teams (at least 4) then a lot of us are sure of at least their partner's innocence. So, we can start to tally up all the mason claims, so we start to build up a list of townies. The rest would then be a mixture of mafia and single townies. Basically, I feel this game can be made quite easy because at least 8 of us are not in the dark abut their partners. I hope that makes sense.


Good Lord you are pinging. Just because someone claims mason doesn't mean they're vetted in ANY way. Scum can easily claim masons and "vet" each other. So much FOS. So much.


Can someone please restate the case on Razen? His name comes up a lot, it seems, and I don't remember (and am too lazy to read back at the moment) why people think he's scummy. To me, Rand seems scummier. I'll go into more detail on that when day breaks.


There were a few cases of him trying to misrepresent situations to try and make someone look worse, or at least that's what it seemed like to me. There was more too, I believe, but that was the thing that bothered me about him.


I completely agree about Rand tho, the fact that he was one of those doubting multiple mason teams in this game tells me he's not a mason, although he might have a team...


Which is why I went back and looked at all those who seemed to be scoffing at the multiple mason thing initially. Guess no one read THAT wot either :rolleyes:


As the contestants headed back for the evening... a certain energy could be felt in the air... almost like static electricity... several of the contestants went outside to see what was happening.


As they looked up at the sky, they saw menacing dark clouds moving in from all directions. It looked as if it should be pouring rain, but nothing fell from the sky. Suddenly, bursts of electricity could be seen jumping between dark clouds. Over and over the darted across the sky, hundreds of bolts all at once it seemed... then one struck the ground with a deafening roar. *crraaaackkkk-KABOOOOM*


The contests ran as the bolts struck out from the sky... everywhich way... they seemed to be striking at all of the contestants...


Yoshi remembered this... he had seen it before... back in his Karting Grand Prix days... whenever lightning like this was in the air, bad things happened. He ran as fast as he could... he could see ROB, Donkey Kong, Lucario, Link... everyone was running madly... then there was a bright light, and then nothing...




*jumps underneath the covers*

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