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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Vote: Despothera


Given his annoyance at EP's "trap" I am thinking he is mafia who thinks none of the mafia were caught in it. EP annoys me too sometimes but Des saying there is no trap pings me. It's very likely that EP's trap was extremely transparent (if it even existed), but the reactions to EP have nonetheless brought us info imo.

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Official Vote Count


David (1): Len

Despo(1): Wombat

Mynd(1): Tress



Not Voting (19): Arez, Alanna, Andrew, Basel, Darthe, David, Despo, Dice, John, Kathleen, Lily, Mynd, Nolder, Nyanna, Peace, Rand, Razen,Tiinker, Turin,


With 22 alive it takes 12 to Lynch.


Deadline Friday @ Noon CT



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Btw, is it possible that EP could have died from the lightning bolt? And maybe the mafia targetted EP at night when he was already a dead man.


Maybe Niel wanted to get lynched because he was hoping that a mafia would hammer him, and therefore get killed at night.


Also, from this train of thought, if EP obtained the lightning bolt, he may have wanted to do what Niel was going to do, and get himself lynched and hopefully a mafia player would give the hammer vote and get killed at night.


Scummiest speculation ever.


Also, I wasn't going to correct him but it amuses me tosince he is dead. The presidential siggy is meant for other players to wear :). Get it? "Vote EP 2012, it's a trap"

I thought that being town meant helping the town scumhunt and not to cause confusion which would distract from scumhunting. I feel that my post is helpful to the town and isn't distracting, and actually trying to shed light on a strange issue of the lightning bolt and what EP's "master plan" was. So explain how my post is scummy, please?


Game speculation tends to be useless and WIFOM centered as seen above, however speculating about dead players is actually more clever because it looks like you are contributing and because the only loose variables won't be known during the game. Hence..-->scummy. Very interesting reaction though David and you are in the right as to how to post so props for that.

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Btw, is it possible that EP could have died from the lightning bolt? And maybe the mafia targetted EP at night when he was already a dead man.


Maybe Niel wanted to get lynched because he was hoping that a mafia would hammer him, and therefore get killed at night.


Also, from this train of thought, if EP obtained the lightning bolt, he may have wanted to do what Niel was going to do, and get himself lynched and hopefully a mafia player would give the hammer vote and get killed at night.


Scummiest speculation ever.


Also, I wasn't going to correct him but it amuses me tosince he is dead. The presidential siggy is meant for other players to wear :). Get it? "Vote EP 2012, it's a trap"


I agree that David's speculation seems to be a little bit too informed, as in he seems to know stuff the rest of us don't. Also, I love the siggy even MOAR now!


Vote: Despothera


Given his annoyance at EP's "trap" I am thinking he is mafia who thinks none of the mafia were caught in it. EP annoys me too sometimes but Des saying there is no trap pings me. It's very likely that EP's trap was extremely transparent (if it even existed), but the reactions to EP have nonetheless brought us info imo.




Gotta keep the streak going, huh Womby?






*Sharps cleaver*


I'm not sure, but I believe this may be the post Wombat was referring to of Arez's. Could be a scum slip, but honestly I think Wombat goes for clues that are too obvious early in the game. Do yall think it's a legitimate slip?


Wombat, you gave your thoughts on me, what about some of the other players you fos'd? Anything strong there?


As for EP, I was hardly the only or even the main culprit that was attacking him for his annoying playstyle. And there was no trap, even if there was one to begin with, because a trap loses pretty much ALL effectiveness the second you start going "Oh trust me guys! This trap is epic!" Peace pointed out the same thing. THAT'S why I said there was no trap.


And honestly, EP's style does irritate the crap out of me, but he's not a completely useless mafia player and can actually have good scumhunting techniques. The only problem is, he rarely gets to pull them off because he's always lynched or NK'd too early. I wasn't trying to make him look scummy for his play yesterday, I was trying to let him know that people don't really enjoy playing with a guy that is that boastful. Hell, Mynd gets on people's nerves for pretty much the same thing, but he's charming enough to pull it off. Red did the same, but she had a reputation for being an OG mafia player long enough that people had finally gotten used to shrugging it off from her.


Point is, me saying there was no trap had nothing to do with anything except even if there was a trap there to begin with, he had pretty much foiled it himself. Now, that being said, I am somewhat surprised the mafia team ended up targeting him anyways, apparently not worrying that part of his "trap" may have been to try and get targeted. Not only that, but I would expect that if they had wanted to, it prob wouldn't have taken much to get him lynched today. So we still gotta figure that out.


For now I'm going to withhold my vote, but I work tonight so as long as it doesn't get too crazy, I should be able to do a reread

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Official Vote Count


David (1): Len

Despo(1): Wombat

Mynd(1): Tress



Not Voting (19): Arez, Alanna, Andrew, Basel, Darthe, David, Despo, Dice, John, Kathleen, Lily, Mynd, Nolder, Nyanna, Peace, Rand, Razen,Tiinker, Turin, Tress


With 21 alive and active it takes 11 to Lynch.


Deadline Friday @ Noon CT



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Hmmm. So that explains Mynd's inactiveness - maybe. If not, my theory is he might have asked to be replaced so we'd think that's his reason, and clear his successor from suspicion??


I dunno, that's a bit farfetched, but just popped up in my mind for some reason :P Tainteh.

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Well, Des, regarding the sharp thing, I started rereading and I looked at the context specifically that the comment you pulled up from Arez was in. It didn't look scummy to me in that context, because Ithi had posted something about imagining that Arez held a cleaver in his hands, but then I had a thought. What if it was deliberate? You know what sharps are in music, so I got to thinking, what if Arez was trying to hint at his character with that post? Because I can think of one character from SSB that would fit if it was a sneaky misspelling. And it was pointed out by Ithi, who corrected it.

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