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Things You've Been Waiting For


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Ok, so it's the last book--last chance to get glimpses of the world. What do you want to see--not big stuff, like 'Rand's death', but just the tidbits, the small elements that you've wanted to see... this isn't so much about plot points as elements in the world you've been waiting to see character address. They don't have to be likely (in fact I'm pretty sure mine won't happen), so don't worry about backing up them happening--just what you want to happen, and why you want it to happen is good. For me its...


1. Wise One's resisting the a'dam. The end of the year and a day for shaido da'covale. I don't think either is very likely--had brandon been intending to show them, TofM would have been perfect (the Wise Ones could have been shown against Elaida, the da'coval in the Flashforward). But still, I can hope.


I just love the idea of Seanchan beliefs being put to the test against the most resiliant and strongwilled race in Randland. I have this image...


Fortuona: Why have you failed to train these damane?

Random sul'dam: Highest One, I have tried everything...

Fortuona: And?

Random sul'dam: They laugh at me, Highest One. They laugh!


2. Intergration of male channelers into the Wise Ones. Given the 'Dragon blooded' that doesn't seem likely, still I'd always hoped that the Wise Ones beyond all others would be the ones capable of realising the world had changed and adapting in order to serve their people properly--I hope at least there is a scene where we see Aiel male channelers touched on by the Wise Ones.


3. I really would love if Tomas popped back up to kill Slayer. Having to tolerate Slayer's presence in the Two Rivers was the one thing Verin's left undone, and that whole 'Tomas spent his last hour with family when he isn't bound by the Oath Rod to suffer a last hour' stuck with me. A final victory for Verin.


4. I want to see Graendal betray the Shadow. Ever since Sammael's comment that if Graendal were cornered by Rand she'd betray the shadow and make herself into his greatest asset (likely to later betray him) but still, I want to see Graendal's mind and knowledge opened up on the Dark Side. I was thinking maybe this might happen as revenge for what shadar haren did--like Rand corners Graendal, and she uses the situation to get vengence, or something.


5. I REALLY want to see someone forcibly spark Fortuona. I like her, but goddam if she doesn't need to be given the same choice she gives damane--which is to say none. [i asked Brandon if it were possible and he said 'almost anything is possible' :P]


6. I want to see a cour'souvra broken.


What about you?



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Tuon: The prophecy says you will kneel. You need us. Kneel, and give us your armies. Clearly we are supposed to lead the Last Battle.

Rand: If I must kneel then so be it. But I have conditions.

Tuon: Such as?

Rand: Such as Mat, the man who remembers Hawkwings face, being in charge of the combined Seanchan forces.

Tuon: Dude. Prince of the Ravens does that anyway. You got a deal pal. *signs treaty* I have the saviour of the world under my control. Behold my awesomeness, may I live forever!

Rand: So thats sorted then? Cool, peachy. By the way did you know Mat is Ta'veren, and that his thread is connected to mine? There was this time when he really wanted to go home. I told him he could, but I didnt WANT him to, so he couldnt. He couldnt even SAY he wanted to go, the Pattern wouldnt let him. Because I didnt want him to. So yeah. Thanks for the army. Kthxbai.


Also Im waiting to see Cenn Buie again.


And wondering if Elyas is still bonded to anyone...


Everyones reactions to mats marrage.

Elayne to die in childbirth, not because i dont like her so much as it would be ironic ... and yeah i dont like her

Egwene gets owned

More Moraine and Nynaeve, they are awesome


MMM, good thread.


Id like to see


1. An equal partnership between Aes Sedai and Ashaman. (POssibly going to happen with Pevera and Androl) Working together as equals like AOL.


2. Tinkers to "find the song". Not the actual finding itself, nor the effects of the "singing or song" but rather the changes the finding brings to the Tinkers as a society.


3. The "secret" of the sul'dam/damane be revealed to the whole of Seanchan. See their reaction to the fact that sul'dam can channel awell. I bet they wouldnt take it so reasonably as Tuon did.


4. Demandred and Rand. Not a fight (although that would definitely be cool) but just for the fact of Demandred (who hates Rand more than anything) meets up with him. How they both react to each other, being friends once and all.


5. Moridin's reaction to VoG epiphany and how that has changed him.


6. Lanfear's relationship with Rand (false or no)


7. The changes Avi brings on the Aiel (i for one believe that the vision future can be easily changed and is not set in stone)


8. Male channlers beggining to be accepted by society. Aiel, sea-folk, mainland, even Seanchan.


9. I would like to see a bit more of the Sharans and their society.


10. One of the Forsaken betray the shadow and help Rand out.

...They don't have to be likely...

Good 'cause I very much doubt any of this will happen


After the grand welcome home for Lord Perrin Goldeneyes, Perrin introduces the Seanchan Empress and the Price of Ravens, and also the new Lord of the TRs (assuming he survives and wants the job)and his three wives (one being the Queen herself)to the Woman's Circle and Village Counsel.


Then the three boys have a quiet LotR style drink in the Winespring inn where Mat gets a cool prank idea but asks Rand to softly sing his version of his favorite tune, "Mary had a little Lamb" to keep his bond holders from picking up on it, since they are sitting at another table across the room trying to get to know each other.


Across the room Min and Faile give each other the evil eye while Aviendah caresses her belt knife as she and Elayne watch Fortuona eye them and the DR. Recognizing that strong feeling from him, Min, Avi and Elayne all glance at Rand wondering who is 'Mary' and why he's blushing.


When Mat blows the horn for the first time Arthur Hawking talks to Hurin for a bit and sais he might join the heroes of the horn himself.


I want it to happen x)


Also I hope a few unexpected people die. Rand will die, of course. But I hope for some other main characters that aren't predictable. Mat? Egwene? Nynaeve?

It's fairly certain that not too many main characters will die, simply because there isn't enough space for a lot of dramatic deaths.

I think Brigitte will die though. She is a 'token guardian character' and they tend to die.


1. Moiraine and Siuan reunion.

Moiraine - "And what have you been up to?"

Siuan - "I have taken one of Morgases former lover to be my warder and husband. And you?"

Moiraine - "Oh, what a coinsidence. Me to..."


2. Randland ogier meeting seanchan ogier.


3. Graendal performing something great like becoming nae´blis or betraying the DO.


1. Moiraine and Siuan reunion.

Moiraine - "And what have you been up to?"

Siuan - "I have taken one of Morgases former lover to be my warder and husband. And you?"

Moiraine - "Oh, what a coinsidence. Me to..."


2. Randland ogier meeting seanchan ogier.


3. Graendal performing something great like becoming nae´blis or betraying the DO.


Solid. All three. :D


One of the things I enjoyed in Towers of Midnight was, after so much conflict, the human touches in relationships. Perrin and Faile in Shanna'har, Rand meeting with Tam, Nynaeve hugging Rand. So I'm going to be really lame (and possibly emo? Never really understood what that meant) and say that I want to see more hugging,


One of the things I enjoyed in Towers of Midnight was, after so much conflict, the human touches in relationships. Perrin and Faile in Shanna'har, Rand meeting with Tam, Nynaeve hugging Rand. So I'm going to be really lame (and possibly emo? Never really understood what that meant) and say that I want to see more hugging,


You want more hugs for the Dragon Reborn? You're as silly as Elayne. :tongue:


Nice ones indeed, TinaHel ;)


I would like to have the music sheet of some of Asmodean's music (though I suppose I'll have to learn harp as well in the case I get it)...


But really, I would like to know as much as possible about all characters and peoples. No matter what as long as it is realistic and not some happy-ending-with-everyone-being-happy-ending.


1. Moiraine and Siuan reunion.

Moiraine - "And what have you been up to?"

Siuan - "I have taken one of Morgases former lover to be my warder and husband. And you?"

Moiraine - "Oh, what a coinsidence. Me to..."


2. Randland ogier meeting seanchan ogier.


3. Graendal performing something great like becoming nae´blis or betraying the DO.



Moiraine and Siuan are sitting having a nice cup of tea. Probably sipped from cups of delicate Sea-folk porcelain. Perhaps the tea is blueberry. Or mint. Siuan's dress is blue, the color of her ajah, but embroidered with golden...what? Bulls? I dunno. Moiraine is in green, slashed with her house colors. I don't recall, honestly, if the bosoms in question are rounded, plump, lush, or so unremarkable as to have escaped description.


Nynaeve walks in. "Where have you been, Nynaeve?"


"Healing Morgase. Somewhere along the line, she picked up a nasty case of..."


I'd like to see....


Lan and Nynaeve recover Malkier


Graendal do something spectacular


Something of Shara. Just one scene of them fighting stuff swarming out of the Blight or something


Egwene get taken down a peg or two


Aviendha and Elayne die


Egwene vs Cadsuane vs Moiraine


Both the Aiel and Seanchan shown that just because they do things one way, it doesn't mean everyone else in the universe has to be the same.


One of the things I enjoyed in Towers of Midnight was, after so much conflict, the human touches in relationships. Perrin and Faile in Shanna'har, Rand meeting with Tam, Nynaeve hugging Rand. So I'm going to be really lame (and possibly emo? Never really understood what that meant) and say that I want to see more hugging,


You want more hugs for the Dragon Reborn? You're as silly as Elayne. :tongue:




Hugs all round really. I think Egwene could do with one, and maybe Mat.


1. Moiraine and Siuan reunion.

Moiraine - "And what have you been up to?"

Siuan - "I have taken one of Morgases former lover to be my warder and husband. And you?"

Moiraine - "Oh, what a coinsidence. Me to..."


2. Randland ogier meeting seanchan ogier.


3. Graendal performing something great like becoming nae´blis or betraying the DO.



Moiraine and Siuan are sitting having a nice cup of tea. Probably sipped from cups of delicate Sea-folk porcelain. Perhaps the tea is blueberry. Or mint. Siuan's dress is blue, the color of her ajah, but embroidered with golden...what? Bulls? I dunno. Moiraine is in green, slashed with her house colors. I don't recall, honestly, if the bosoms in question are rounded, plump, lush, or so unremarkable as to have escaped description.


Nynaeve walks in. "Where have you been, Nynaeve?"


"Healing Morgase. Somewhere along the line, she picked up a nasty case of..."





Fains POV in TOM makes it very unlikely, but I would still love to see him and Slayer have a go at it, both pulling out their entire arsenals of dirty tricks.


Rands reaction when he learns that Mat 'accidently' married the Seanchan empress.


Logain beating the crap out of Taim. (Followed by a chapter where we get to see a very not-beaten Moridin).


Another smart trolloc, since we all dearly miss Narg.


Someone figuring out that smoking leaves from Avendesora has...unexpected effects.


The tinkers rediscover the Song. Turns out it is All Along The Watchtower.


Mat and Tuon having a heated discussion about damane. Eventually, Mat snaps and blows the Horn. Having heard about the argument, Hawkwing puts Tuon over his knees, and spanks the little brat until she sees the errors of her ways.


1. Moiraine and Siuan reunion.

Moiraine - "And what have you been up to?"

Siuan - "I have taken one of Morgases former lover to be my warder and husband. And you?"

Moiraine - "Oh, what a coinsidence. Me to..."




Just about spit out my Diet Dr. Pepper... barely saved the company flat screen and keyboard.


Anyway, something hit me earlier today that I've not seen brought up before: Rand meeting the Tinkers. At this point it's highly unlikely to happen; however, if you think about how the Way of the Leaf has changed over the last 3,000 years and the fact that Rand has not only Lews Therin but also the Rhudien experience. One such change: the fact that they were allowed to eat meat and, possibly, not have a restriction on killing anything not human. If memory serves, it wasn't the fact that they had killed that the Aiel were banished from the Daishan but that they killed a human. And that's not to forget as they were looting the bandits they left the sword but picked up the spears/axes because they could be used as tools, specifically the spear to put food on the table.


Anyway, just a point of musing for me earlier today. Also, forgive me the sin of mispelling the WoT words... don't have a book handy to double check the spellings.


Rand met the Tinkers at the end of TGS - he stayed with them outside Ebou Dar before he tried to destroy the city and before the VoG epiphany. Or do you mean Rand Sedai meeting the Tinkers?


I'm looking forward to a Rand/Moiraine reunion. And just more Moiraine, really.


The return of:

-Tylee Khirgan

-Almurat Mor

-Abell Cauthon

-Bode Cauthon, especially if she encounters her sister-in-law...


-Teslyn to the Tower - I look forward to Egwene's reaction when she reports in.



-Uno and Ragan




The return of:

-Tylee Khirgan

-Almurat Mor

-Abell Cauthon

-Bode Cauthon, especially if she encounters her sister-in-law...


-Teslyn to the Tower - I look forward to Egwene's reaction when she reports in.



-Uno and Ragan




yep that's about it for me to


1) Demandred. Doing something awesome. That has to happen.


2) People realizing that the ashaman aren't crazy monsters who just blow everything up, and that they're actually human beings just like everybody else. One of my favorite chapters in TOM was the one where Perrin and Grady are talking, and Perrin realizes just how ridiculously hard the ashaman have it.


3) Rand and Moiraine meeting again.


4) The Sea Folk doing something useful for a change.


6) Someone, anyone, setting Tuon straight.




The return of:

-Tylee Khirgan

-Almurat Mor

-Abell Cauthon

-Bode Cauthon, especially if she encounters her sister-in-law...


-Teslyn to the Tower - I look forward to Egwene's reaction when she reports in.



-Uno and Ragan




yep that's about it for me to


I've been missing Uno since like LoC


I completely forgot about Nestelle din Sakura South Star! They've got to allow the Windfinder that Mat freed to come back onstage! Please Team Jordan, let Mat and Nestelle meet in daylight!


When last we left Moghedien (practically), at the end of Winter's Heart--


"Strangely, she still felt no fear. She thought if she survived this, she would never feel fear again."


Flash forward to A Memory of Light. In the middle of a pitched battle, Nynaeve and co. come upon Moggy, who seems strangely intent.


"Don't worry, everyone," Nynaeve announces firmly. "I've beaten this one twice, and I can do it again. The Spider has always been the most cowardly of the Shadow's servants."


"Once that was so, Wisdom," Moghedien sneers. "Things have changed." And then she channels Air streaked with Earth and Fire, and a wicked gauntlet of the Power wraps her hand, a set of shredding claws of coruscating flame that flex langorously. And Nynaeve knows that this time their duel will be to the death, one way or another.


..I've been loving the parallels between Nynaeve and Moghedien on my recent re-read. They're natural arch-foes: the Shadow's biggest coward versus the Light's biggest self-doubter. Nynaeve has always been convinced that her fear was cowardice, while Moggy has been able to convince herself that her cowardice is shrewd self-preservation. That parallel,and their enmity as characters, both need satisfying resolution. I think it needs to end with Nynaeve finally using the Power to kill (as amazing as it seems, I don't think she ever has; for her it's the ultimate source of the potential for healing,and to use it to kill is close to perversion). Having crossed that rubicon, Nynaeve will dig deeper in herself than anyone thought possible in order to bring Healing to its greatest potential--perhaps creating a weave to restore life to one three days dead--?


Please correct me if I'm wrong about Nyn having never yet killed, if only to put paid to this fantasy scenario...I'm hoping for it far too much :)

4) The Sea Folk doing something useful for a change.


I always thought Zaida was going to turn out to be a darkfriend, and that Harine would take her out, and in the process realise that some things are more important than self-interest and greed, thus leading the Sea Folk to join the fight in truth. Dunno if there is time.




Like why he's so calm about turning into Jesus? I know if I turned into Jesus I'd be freaking out.


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