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Hippity Hoppity----ROLL CALL THREAD YO!!!


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Forgot to mention last month that if you don't sign into one of these threads (without leaving a LoA) for 3 consecutive months you will be put on the deserter's tree! If you are the rank of civilian and do not sign in for 6 consecutive months your name will be stricken from the deserter's tree and you will lose all your points and ranks. (This is in order to clean up the points page and deserter's tree).



Don't post more than once or you get docked points. For signing in you get 5 points! YEA YOU HEARD IT 5 POINTS!!! And another 5 for putting in a sentence or two that will be put together to form a short story about The Black Tower!



There once was a guy. Who was super awesome.


His name happened to be Locke.


Which was an odd coincidence since he was born inside a turkey baster one dastardly Thanksgiving.


Even then his people knew that he would be someone big and powerful, because the Turkey tasted good


But his people always had the nagging worry that that taint had got to him already


But he didn't care at all - as long as he could smoke his cigar, he didn't care what others thought.


His favourite hobby was using civvies as footstools and chairs while he smoked those cigars.


But even the finest of cigars could not cure his restlessness.


Stubbing out the cigar on his Inflate-a-Civvy beanbag, he descended from on high to rob the local Dollar General for a box of Junior Mints.


Yet, much to his chagrin, they were out of junior mints. He decided to take the economy size box of Whoppers, instead.


As he attempted to exit the store with the economy sized box of whopper stuffed so unceremoniously down the front of his pants, the unthinkable happened.


Yes, the unthinkable - as he was leaving the General Store, box of Whoppers stuffed in his pantaloons, he tripped over something unseen, and went sprawling on the ground, arms and legs akimbo, crushing all the Whoppers and leaving an unseemly stain!


But the stain was not the worst of it, as he was lying on the ground an alien UFO came and abducted him


While on the UFO he tried to make friends. However, the stench of his non-Whopper breath forced them to drop him off in the middle of a desert.


And in the middle of the unspeakably ugly and desolate dessert, he stumbled upon the most unlikely and amazing album ever. With album in hand, the dude managed to hitch a ride from none other than.....


a fantasmically magnificent hippopotamus, with a red...


golden nightmare steed, whose effervescent mane sparkled with dark energy. The Taint ruled the beast; no sooner had he mounted it than...


...he began to feel the extra Taintyness in the air, and the beast began to dash through the Black Tower grounds smiting the Shadow factioners as it went. The Lighties decided to name it Fluffy...


And on the dawn of the next day, the Lighties were dismayed to find that their camp lay in ruins, and in the place of Fluffy, Eddie sat, picking his teeth with a bone. :o

From one Fluffy to another, Eddie had smote the creature, and watched as the Shadowies came from the Lightie's domain, carrying treasures.


Then Hannah Montana showed up, in a glittery pink outfit and kissed kidnapped Ed, mumbling something about how she wanted to dress him up.


Eddie fell hard for Hannah and on the night after their wedding finally discoverd that she was a man, ed didn't care because he had hoped for it all along.


Since the dresses would all be his for the taking! Miley Cyrus becomes enraged at the thought of not being the girlier of the pair and so...


MCS, after such a long absence, finally reappeared, and brought the cast of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy to help Al Jenn defeat the evil Montana/Cyrus.


But even that did not work. She was too strong for even them to defeat.


For she had a secret weapon that no mere human could comprehend, leaving half the population blind and the other half dumb(er)


Stubbing out the cigar on his Inflate-a-Civvy beanbag, he descended from on high to rob the local Dollar General for a box of Junior Mints.


As he attempted to exit the store with the economy sized box of whopper stuffed so unceremoniously down the front of his pants, the unthinkable happened.


Yes, the unthinkable - as he was leaving the General Store, box of Whoppers stuffed in his pantaloons, he tripped over something unseen, and went sprawling on the ground, arms and legs akimbo, crushing all the Whoppers and leaving an unseemly stain!


While on the UFO he tried to make friends. However, the stench of his non-Whopper breath forced them to drop him off in the middle of a desert.


And in the middle of the unspeakably ugly and desolate dessert, he stumbled upon the most unlikely and amazing album ever. With album in hand, the dude managed to hitch a ride from none other than.....


...he began to feel the extra Taintyness in the air, and the beast began to dash through the Black Tower grounds smiting the Shadow factioners as it went. The Lighties decided to name it Fluffy...


And on the dawn of the next day, the Lighties were dismayed to find that their camp lay in ruins, and in the place of Fluffy, Eddie sat, picking his teeth with a bone. :o

From one Fluffy to another, Eddie had smote the creature, and watched as the Shadowies came from the Lightie's domain, carrying treasures.




Then Hannah Montana showed up, in a glittery pink outfit and kissed kidnapped Al Jenn, mumbling something about how she wanted to dress him up.


Al Jenn fell hard for Hannah and on the night after their wedding finally discoverd that she was a man, Al didn't care because he had hoped for it all along.


Since the dresses would all be his for the taking! Miley Cyrus becomes enraged at the thought of not being the girlier of the pair and so...


MCS, after such a long absence, finally reappeared, and brought the cast of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy to help Al Jenn defeat the evil Montana/Cyrus.


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