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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was good but I wouldn't consider it great. I am curious to see the movies when they come out.  The characters are very  quirky.


I just finished The Prince of Tides, by Pat Conroy. Very well written book with a good story. Not a real page turner till the end but just the eloquence of his writing is enough to make you come back.


I just Picked up The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran last night, looks like it will be a quick read.


After that ill probably get back into some fantasy. I am waiting on the next book in George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire, as well as The Towers of Midnight (obviously), but I am not sure what will be next. I read all of Brandon Sanderson's books and recently finshed up the Deathgate series.


Oh I am also listening to Winter's Heart on CD. I have all the books up to WH on CD and it has been interesting listening to them as opposed to reading them, it adds a different flavor. I am going to try and get through TGS before ToM, do they even have TGS on audio yet?


Just finished Orcs.


Currently reading Under and Alone written by an ATF agent that goes undercover in a biker gang. (non-fiction)


Next will probably read Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Post-apocalyptic story about an angel and a demon. Looks pretty awesome.


Slogging through Dune. For the best fantasy of all time (arguable), I don't find it that enjoyable of a read.


Also, the Illuminatus trilogoy. Erf, it is a very hard read.


Slogging through Dune. For the best fantasy of all time (arguable), I don't find it that enjoyable of a read.


Also, the Illuminatus trilogoy. Erf, it is a very hard read.


Does Dune qualify as fantasy?  I'd say it is more on the sci-fi side of fiction.  They were not too bad though.  Not near the best, but ok.

  • 2 weeks later...

best served cold by joe abercrombie. Only like three chapters into it but looking good so far. I'm getting impressions of Oceans 11 from it though of course instead of a bank heist its a killing spree. Oh and instead of George Clooney we have Shivers.


Check out the First Law trilogy by him also. Some interesting deviations on the normal run of the mill fantasy characters. Especially love what was done with Bayaz.


just starting a game of thrones by George RR Marting for the first time ever, i was told its good, its weird that i had never heard anything about it before, i love fantasy novels and i recall seeing this book in the fantasy section of the books stores but i never bothered to see what it was about...


we'll see how it goes :) and it'll give me something to pass the time until ToM...


@ chuckievi I'm reading shadowmawarch as well...Tad rocks  ;)

  • 2 weeks later...



Dune - Messiah


(Love this book like hell, my favorite in the Dune Saga)



Also reading on the side as my non-fiction book;


Max Domarus - Hitler: Speeches and Proclamations 1932–1945 [4 book set]


(going to take me a while since it's nearly 3,400 pages long. Domarus' anthology is generally considered the most essential and reliable resource on the speeches of Hitler. Definitely an interesting read)


Finished A feast of Crows and moved on to Dune: House Atreides for now.  Someone I work with saw I was reading a Dune book and recommended Asimov's Foundation.  Anyone else read it?  Generaly, I don't get into scifi, but this person said if I liked Dune that this would be enjoyable too.  Any thoughts?  


so after the multatude of threads about suggested readings, i've finally broken down and got a copy of "Game of Thorns" from the Library this week.



i'm only on like chapter 3 or 4, and i like it so far. infact there are characters i can tell i like, and characters i already hate;  like the Beggar King (even though i only just met him)  i like Jon as well :) he seem like a likable sensable guy ... much like Perrin (hopefully there is no faile for him to pine after in the books though *grins*)


yes i know i'm reading this just to be disappointed at no book 5, but your talking to an HP fan that bitches about the movies and still goes to see them lmao, i'm a glutton for punishment i guess :)



Galileo's Dream by Kim Stanley Robinson.  Generally I love his books.  This one is interesting so far but I don't really know where it is going yet and I'm 1/4 through it.


Halfway through Ship of Destiny, and have to say, out of the Liveship Traders books, this is by far the most boring one. Nothing really seems to happen and the story doesn't move on.

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