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I'm reading The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan and Angel by James Patterson, but this is the first time I ever tried to read two books at once, and it's not as hard as I thought it would be.


I've been on a mad manga-bent recently. I'm completely caught up on BLEACH and Naruto (for the most part) and I've just finished reading Dragon Ball (the box-sets are a God-send!). I'll need to get started on Dragon Ball Z when that box set is back on Amazon.


Reading: Ringworld by Larry Niven - Why? Because it's on a list of must-read Science Fiction that someone gave a few years ago. I have nine books left once I finish Ringworld.


Listening: The Final Empire, Mistborn Volume 1.


I swap every 2-3 weeks, listen to a SF book, read a fantasy book, vice-versa.

I swap every 2-3 weeks, listen to a SF book, read a fantasy book, vice-versa.

Haha, that's a nice idea actually :) I'm gonna try it.


At the moment I'm reading The Magician, and re-reading The Twilight Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko, Children of the Mind by Orson Scott Card and the WoT-series.

Really should try something new though :P


Been reading the "Soldier's Son" trilogy by Robin Hobb. Currently about 150 pages into the third book; "Renegades Magic". Quite enjoyed it so far, not as good as the Assassin or Tawny Man trilogies but certainly on par with the Liveships story I feel.


Just finished Snuff and The Steel Remains. Moving onto Cold Commands now.

Not sure about Snuff. Wasn't as humorous as usual and the whole goblin plot was a bit like the whole introduction of the trolls, dwarves and so on. The last book was a bit lacklustre and I think this was as well. A watch book without the watch. Still a cut above most other books.

Steel remains was okay, nothing spectacular and the ending was a bit weak. The whole plot was a bit thin. Felt like it was just and long introduction to the main characters and the world.


Just finished Deadhouse Gates in the Malazan series. It's hard to describe how I feel about it. You get wrung out.


Will start Memories of Ice this week.


I'm reading a mainstream novel that has a lot of fantasy flair - Her Fearful Symmetry. It's about the twin bond and ghosts. It's interesting in a kooky, bizarre way. . .which means I like it. :biggrin:


Just finished the Soldier's Son trilogy by Robin Hobb and have to say I was very happy with it.


Went to the bookstore yesterday to buy Elantris by Brandon Sanderson and came home with Elantris, The First Complete Tale of Bauchelain and Korbal Broach by Steven Erikson, and the entire First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie.


Currently reading Elantris.

  • 3 weeks later...

Finished Reaper's Gale yesterday and will start Toll the Hounds today. Looking forward to completing the Malazan series. Another 300 or so pages to go. Love these books.


Just finished The Way of Kings by Sanderson. Holy hell, if you haven't read this book, pick it up and read it. Read it now. Sanderson's really establishing himself in my eyes as a heavyweight in the literary realm.


Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to start next. I think I need to consult some Top 10 lists.


Van Reid - "Cordelia Underwood: Or, the Marvelous Beginnings of the Moosepath League." I just picked this up at the thrift store this morning. It's a purple prose adventure set in 19th century Maine. The beginning is a little slow and it doesn't have the same punch or zip as, say, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell but it's caught my attention and I'm willing to ride it out to see where Reid takes it.


Finished Final Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie and can't say I'm too happy with the ending. Oh well.. Good trilogy none the less. Reading The First Collected Tales of Bauchelain and Korbal Broach now.

  • 4 weeks later...

Just finished Emperor's Knife by Mazarkis Williams, a solid start to a series.


Now reading The Winds of Khalakovo by Bradley p. Beaulieu and I'm loving it. About a third of the way and its the best debut novel Ive read in a while. Hopefulluy it can sustain the promise and not do a reverse Prince of Thorns - not great to excellent.


Just finished Toll the Hounds, 8th tale of the Malazan book of the Fallen. Now I have choices. As much as i'm loving the Mlazan stuff i'm not sure if I want to jump into the next title, Dust of Dreams, or move on to something else. I just got a copy of The Black Company. Also recieved Inheritance for christmas along with the newest installment of the Shannara series. I picked up a copy of Pillars of the Earth recently as well. Plus, at some point I would like to begin a reread of WOT before the final book is released. I'll have to think about it a bit I guess.

Posted (edited)

Actually reading something non-sci-fi/fantasy for the first time in a little while. I'm going through The Social Animal by David Brooks. It uses the story of a fictional couple to teach some of the intricacies of human interaction and psychology. Pretty educational without being bland. I'd recommend it for anyone interested in that kind of stuff.

Edited by Sleeper

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