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The "I Just Watched..." Thread


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just saw mib3 and no greater glory.


mib3, was definatly better then the second, and may have been better then the first, although the 3d effects somtimes left something to be desierd. tommy lee jones face dosent look good in 3d for inctance.


i relly liked no greater glory. if you are either religios or freedom loving you will find this movie particulary good. i have friends from mexico who say that this story is not only true but was untill verry recently repressed by the government, to the extent that if you wrote about it or were caught talking about it you might dissapear.

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Just watched "The Hangover: Part II" last night. After it getting bashed from nearly all of my friends my expectations were low enough that I did end up enjoying the movie. Nowhere near as entertaining as the first and it did seem very practiced. To the point where the stars' characters (Helms, Cooper, Galifianakis) even felt like they new they were making the same movie.


I must say though, that monkey was awesome.

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The Avengers, The Dictator, Prometheus and God Bless America in the last month-ish.


Avengers was fantastic, The Dictator was pretty funny, Prometheus was mindbogglingly disappointing and God Bless America might be my favourite film in a long time.

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Jeff Who Lives At Home.


I thought it was good. Not exactly what I was expecting from a jason segel/ed helms movie but it wasn't bad.


Saw it to, and similar sentimate, not what I thought it was, but I didn't think it was 'good' I thought it was Great. :wink:


Saw Prometheus, same sentiment as Hallow.

Avengerse was Okay. Not saying Great, or good, I think it was Okay. The hype train tends to lead to disapointment. I was mildly hyped for Avengers, and some scenes made it worth it (first movie I saw in 3d, great execution in some areas, lazy in others)


And Yes, I saw God Bless America, and it was Epic. :D

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Jeff Who Lives At Home.


I thought it was good. Not exactly what I was expecting from a jason segel/ed helms movie but it wasn't bad.


Saw it to, and similar sentimate, not what I thought it was, but I didn't think it was 'good' I thought it was Great. :wink:



Only thing I didn't care for, story wise, with Jeff is

the way his brother and wife magically got back together because he told her he "wanted to be in love with her again."

That part just didn't really fly with me. Everything else, yeah, better than good. I made an understatement.

Edited by Ashaman Kovan
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Underworld Awaking


This felt like a highlight real of action scenes from the past few movies brought together. I would encourage all of you to skip this film so the producers stop making new ones!


You know those crappy direct to dvd sequels of popular movies past there prime that are made somewhere in the Ukraine? Or somewhere else in the former Soviet Block? Kinda like the LAST Highlander film? Or... In the name of the king 2?(well, not that, that was 'popular').


Yea, this is that kinda movie...

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In the name of the king 2?(well, not that, that was 'popular').


You're kidding me. They made a 2nd one? That first one was shit!



On another note, just saw Cabin in the Woods and my mind was blown. Best horror movie I've ever seen. 9.5/10

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some parts were entertaining enough, but the story seemed a little thin. still not sure how i feel about the post-credits scene.



Its not actually a xenomorph its something related. One of the.. interviews? I guess. with the guy that made it. Basically said that

1) its not the same planet as the one that we saw in Alien. (which sucks, cause that was the only reason I saw the movie, was based on that thought!! bah) I ttakes place like. 30 years prior to Alien. and

2) Everything we see on that planet, is kind of like a proto Xenomorph.)

For one thing, the way it 'leaves' its victim is completely different from the 'normal' method. Besides, we have never seen a xenomorgh based on an Engineers DNA.... (Which as it turns out... is Human? Course, I think the DNA part is.. It might be a match but some genes are turned on, And others are turned off. So eventhough we share

similarities. (like we still have DNA for a tail, its just turned off, Other things are turned on in the engineers, that isn't on humans.)


Though, I tshould be noted. One off the theroies out there.

Is that the engineer that crash landed on the planet that Ripley went to, in Alien, came from the site, that Prometheus landed on. And it crashed, because of a chest burster. Infact, Its entirely possible, that the Queen in Aliens, was infact.. possibly the same Alien that burst from the Engineers chest. Afterall. What laid all the Eggs in Alien? course, that queen could have been long dead..



That aside, I had seen it a day after it released. And was.. simply disapointed with it.

It be like If I were Catholic, Expecting the second coming, and I get this guy


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We Need To Talk About Kevin


I am enjoying subjecting my pregnant wife to movies concerning odd fetuses, disturbed youth or aliens busting through your ribcage (yeah she had never seen Alien until this year). This time I opted to show her a movie on many reviewers tops of 2011 list. The movie was very good. It basically follows the birth of a child that isn't loved enough as a baby and what unfolds as it grows up. It is a dark and disturbing film... and I loved it.

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I just came back from seeing Snow White and the Huntsman


It was impossible for me to take the movie seriously

At one, completely inappropriate, point I burst into laughter and had to rush out of the theater so I wouldn't ruin the movie for others

I stepped on some guys foot on my way out

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Just watched The Amazing Spiderman.


There are things that are better about this one (Garfield as Parker and Stone as Stacy), and things that aren't as good (the tone is too 'light' and the Lizard isn't as good as the Green Goblin), but overall I think that both versions have their merit and I'm happy to let both of them exist within the same decade.


8/10 for an entertaining movie (also, Denis Leary).

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Okay, I saw

1) Contraband.

Predictable movie plot, (kinda like oceans, but less twisty) though it does have some good aspects to it.


2) Albert Nobbs.

Movie about a woman, that is posing as a male 'Butler' sometime around the 1800s in britan. Its actually a fairly decent movie. Got some big name actors in it to.


3) A Thousand Words

This movie.. Was the most suprising out of the bunch.

First off.


This is NOT A KIDS MOVIE! Seriously, I'd be questioning your parenting if you let your 9 year old watch this movie alone! Maybe, mid-to-late teenagery, its definately at the higher end of PG-13,but not quite R. (Its got Eddie Murphy being his older, more vulgar self, but on the other side, they also have a bit of sexy time that might be a bit difficult to explain to the younger crowd.)


Anyways, that aside, considering I was expecitng another LAME eddie murphy kiddy movie on par with the 'klumps', what I got, was actually a far better movie then I had ever expected to watch. Its nothing Oscar worthy for sure, but If you thought it was going to be an abslutely craptastic movie, Be Prepared to be suprised. And for an eddie murphey movie, that looked to be aimed at the younger crowd? It had some very real adult and deep things going on for an Eddie Murphy movie.

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