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The "I Just Watched..." Thread


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Loved LOVED this movie. Cameron Crowe strikes again with an incredibly delicate touch in this teen coming of age/love story. Cusack played the lead role beautifully and the whole film was just spot on.


So, so good. One of my new favorite movies.


Techinically he didn't strike 'again' as this was his first movie.... :P

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IThe coolest part, though, was that I could see the overarching Sith plot. I could see the genius of Darth Sidious in "Master Sifu Dias" ordering the clones, in forcing Amidala to flee back to Naboo leaving the idiot Jar Jar in control of Naboo's Senate vote (and how easily it was for Palpatine to convince Jar Jar to vote him supreme powers


I think the idea was in the original script that 'Sifo-Dias' was supposed to be just a cover for Sidious himself, but I guess they changed the script and made him a real character.




I saw the Clive Owen King Arthur again last week. It's easily my favorite version of the Arthurian legend, and a really good film to boot.


Also last night I saw Watchmen again. While it's a good film, I find it's one of those films (The Coen Brothers are notorious for this) where the acting is great, the cinematography is great, the effects are great.. but the ending, while not neccessarily bad, is extremely unsatisfying. The kind of endings where you stare at the screen while the credits roll and go, [i[Really?![/i]

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The A Team


Techinically I have not finished it yet. I got up about halfway through and made dinner. This movie was pretty terrible up to the point I turned it off. I am debating even finishing it. It is too bad, if they had gone more real with it and less cornball it would have been great. There is a reason some things work better on the small screen and do not translate to the big screen. There is also a reason some shows work in the 80s and not now.

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This movie is basically two steps up from a SyFy movie special. No it wasn't as bad as Shark vs. Octopus in that they did spend a little in getting somewhat better special effects. I really wonder how good this movie might have been with a polished script and some upgrades in the actor slots... and some polish on the CGI. Scenes with our planes attacking looked REALLY fake. The second ending was very bad as well.



I did applaud the first ending. Having every person we met in the film lose to the aliens is refreshing. Then they ruined it and thus ruined the only part I liked in the movie.



Some people will like this movie. I personally thought it was quite terrible.

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Just watched The King's Speech. It was terrific. While I'm not sure it deserved the Oscar for Best Picture (Social Network deserved it), it definitely was a close second. Colin Firth was fantastic in his role as the Duke of York (he's never not incredible) and Geoffrey Rush is always a pleasure. I can see why the Academy chose it for the Oscar, it has everything they look for. Great acting, great directing, a heartwarming story, and whatever else goes into movies (costumes, music, set pieces, editing, camera angles, etc.). I give it a 5/5. A nicely made, greatly acted movie that had several moments of transcendency.

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A Nightmare on Elm Street (remake)


Basically the first movie with more backstory. This remake does not outdo the original so I do not recommend it.


Source Code


I had very very low expectations for this film. So take me saying this was good with a grain of salt.... it was just better than I expected. Much of the movie did not make sense... not that I didn't understand it... more so that the premise was silly. Great netflix movie if you haven't seen it and have nothing better to do. Save your money for the big screen though.

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The movie has it flaws but overall I thought it was pretty good. I say that going into it with low expectations.. so if you go in with the same mindset you may be surprised.


The Crazies


Take your typical virus movie and combine it with a zombie movie. You now know everything that happens in this movie. Seen this plotline 100 times before and was slightly bored.


How To Train Your Dragon


I don't know what the hype was about. I thought this movie was so so for a cartoon.

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Just watched Scott Pilgrim for the second time and I have to say that it's like a good wine - it only gets better with age. Equal parts comedy, action, flash, and with a dash of drama, this movie is as good as Mary Elizabeth Winstead is beautiful (Knives isn't bad either).

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Rabbit Hole


Not the happiest movie I have ever seen but pretty well acted and better than I originally thought it would be. Not one I would suggest for casual movie goers as it deals with strong content (loss of child) and how a couple reacts to it.


The Tourist


Boring and predictable. I think with a little more action and less dialogue this might have been a bit better.


Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows Part 1


The first Harry Potter movie I have seen where I could not remember what happened in the books... thus I think I enjoyed it more than the others.

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