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Right, even in KOD Galina still didn't know whether the Oath Rod in the Tower would work.


Perhaps the Oath Rod in the Tower could lift that oath from her as well as the nearly identical rod in Therava’s possession, yet she could not be sure. The two were not identical. It was only a difference in marking, yet what if that indicated that an oath sworn on one was particular to that rod? She dared not leave without Therava’s rod.


It never occurred to Therava to make her forswear her Black Ajah Oaths, and apparently she hasn't asked Galina to do anything that violates them, or Galina would likely be dead.


The Black Ajah oaths are much less likely than the 3 oaths to be accidentally violated with an order, since Therava doesn't care about the DO, Darkfriends, etc, so Galina shouldn't have any problem.


Yeah, I forgot that no one ever actually managed it, they teased with doing it for so long some part of me must have thought they did it.


New question - where is the Isle of Madness mentioned in the books? I know very little about it, simply that it's where the Sea Folk put their male channelers. First heard about it in an interview that RJ did with CNN back in 2000, the person who asked the question mentioned that the Isle is discussed in something called the "coffee table book", whatever that is. WOT Wikia doesn't have a page on the Isle, does anyone know anything more about it?

Posted (edited)

New question - where is the Isle of Madness mentioned in the books? I know very little about it, simply that it's where the Sea Folk put their male channelers. First heard about it in an interview that RJ did with CNN back in 2000, the person who asked the question mentioned that the Isle is discussed in something called the "coffee table book", whatever that is. WOT Wikia doesn't have a page on the Isle, does anyone know anything more about it?


It has not been mentioned in the text. We know about it from "The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time" aka the "BWB".



Land of the Madmen


Approximately equidistant from Seanchan's borders and roughly south of our land across the Sea of Storms is the third continent. Nameless, except to its inhabitants, it was discovered by the Sea Folk, who call it "the Land of the Madmen" and do their best to avoid it. Until this publication, they were the only ones even aware of its existence. The Sea Folk have not even tried to chart its shoreline, though they do state that the continent is approximately seven hundred and fifty leagues across and five hundred leagues from north to south, with its southern coast extending to within five hundred miles of the southern icecap.

Many active volcanoes are located along the coastline, easily visible from the sea. Earthquakes and large storms are common in these seas, and icebergs are a constant danger to any ships that travel far south of the northern edge of the continent, possibly owing to the numerous earthquakes cracking the edge of the icecap.



The Sea Folk tell fearsome tales of those who chanced to go ashore on the Land of the Madmen and made it back to their ships. The natives apparently never recovered from the Breaking, and never managed to reestablish order of any kind. The people are reported to live in wretched hovels in small, primitive villages. Any foreigner runs the risk of encountering channelers of either sex. The male channelers are frequently insane, of course, due to the taint, but the women are just as dangerous and unpredictable. If the stranger meets no channelers, he is simply overwhelmed by a mob of villagers who attempt to kill on sight anyone unknown to them. There seems no possibility of peaceful contact.


In addition it is not where Aiel drop off their channelers. You can check out the WoT Wiki entry which has a map showing the location.



Edited by Suttree
Posted (edited)

Simple question: Forkroot and men. Same effect as with women?



Gimme a few and I'll find the source.


Edit: KoD 4 and then again in KoD 11


KoD 4:

"The Daughter of the Nine Moons can rest easy. I told you I had this planned out. Tallanvor told me you have some kind of tea that makes women who can channel go wobbly in the knees."

After a moment, Tylee lowered the banner back to her saddle and sat studying him. "A woman or a man," she drawled at last. "I've heard of several men being caught that way. But just how do you propose feeding it to these four hundred women when they're surrounded by a hundred thousand Aiel?"

Edited by Finnssss
Posted (edited)

Simple question: Forkroot and men. Same effect as with women?


We are told in KoD that the Seanchan have discovered it does...


Edit: Finnssss got me.

Edited by Suttree

On that topic, does anyone know when the old tongue went out of fashion? Mat knows it from his memories, but they are mostly generals so their education would presumably be better than most and it is hard for me to believe that the whole world would change to the same language after the fall of Hawkwing, Aiel and the Seanchan included.


I don't think so. The language spoken in Randland has its roots on the Old Tongue, which hardly resembles english.


Yeah thought so, but i was rereading SR the other day, and a comment by Faile about Loial being loyal by name and nature got me thinking(sorry).

Plus i have noted other english play on words in the series.


Was 'Let the Lord of Chaos Rule' a command to lay low, and let the Fool inhabitants of the Wetlands rule and destroy themselves with wars while the Forsaken assumed mid-level roles in the ruling bodies to manipulate events from within?

Posted (edited)

Was 'Let the Lord of Chaos Rule' a command to lay low, and let the Fool inhabitants of the Wetlands rule and destroy themselves with wars while the Forsaken assumed mid-level roles in the ruling bodies to manipulate events from within?


Something like that.

I always took it to let the "fools" believe they are running things and in charge.

If you look up any of the big theories on the subject you will find a recurring mention to the feast day where people assume opposite roles in their town. The town fool becomes mayor for a day and vice versa down the ladder.

Edited by Finnssss

I don't think so. The language spoken in Randland has its roots on the Old Tongue, which hardly resembles english.


Yeah thought so, but i was rereading SR the other day, and a comment by Faile about Loial being loyal by name and nature got me thinking(sorry).

Plus i have noted other english play on words in the series.


Toh/toes is another one (I just read that one). But RJ did claim to have 'translated' the story into English for us.


Was 'Let the Lord of Chaos Rule' a command to lay low, and let the Fool inhabitants of the Wetlands rule and destroy themselves with wars while the Forsaken assumed mid-level roles in the ruling bodies to manipulate events from within?


Something like that.

I always took it to let the "fools" believe they are running things and in charge.

If you look up any of the big theories on the subject you will find a recurring mention to the feast day where people assume opposite roles in their town. The town fool becomes mayor for a day and vice versa down the ladder.


And there is the unnatural weather, failing of crops, famine, uprooting of people from their homes, civil wars, constant wars, falling of world order, the Seanchan invasion and destruction of kingdoms, etc... It was the Lord of Chaos, not just chaos.


I don't think so. The language spoken in Randland has its roots on the Old Tongue, which hardly resembles english.


Yeah thought so, but i was rereading SR the other day, and a comment by Faile about Loial being loyal by name and nature got me thinking(sorry).

Plus i have noted other english play on words in the series.


Toh/toes is another one (I just read that one). But RJ did claim to have 'translated' the story into English for us.



Thanks Terez. I guess that answers my question :rolleyes: That does make the word play a bit baffling though :huh:


I'm looking for foreshadowing that has come to pass that isn't foretelling so I can judge for myself how much I want to believe the three days dead thing that keeps popping up. Does Theoryland or some such have quick tags to these, I looked but I find the site very confusing for some reason.


Is there any actual, official announcement or proof about a WoT movie/ t.v. series(like Game of Thrones) or is just speculation and lots of hoping at this point? I have looked it up but I can't seem to find anything, but I just want to be sure.


Universal has the rights for a feature film, and they won't expire for a few more years from what I understand (RJ signed for 7 years before he died). Likely that won't go anywhere, since Jason saw their script and he thinks it's horrible...and no one wants a feature film anyway. Though I personally think theater serials would be an even better format than a TV series; it might provide the budget necessary to do it right. People act like theater serials are a thing of the past, but I don't see why.


I'm a bit ashamed to ask this, being a huge fan of the series, but I guess this is something I haven't quite caught on to yet:


How does anyone in the Wheel of Time know there is a creator or other ages at all, besides the Age of Legends? I thought it was made clear in the books that there were little to no records from other ages besides the Third Age and the age of legends (which, while I'm asking - Is the Age of Legends the 2nd Age, or is it still part of the Third Age? That hasn't stuck with me, either, I'm afraid.)


On this same line of thought, how is the Pattern itself even known of? It's true that the Heroes of the Horn would know in Tel'aran'rhiod of their pasts, but even then, how did they connect that with a literal "pattern"? Furthermore, how did the original Aes Sedai know where to look for what is now refered to as the Bore? Did they sense the power emnating from there with Saidin/Saidar, or was it something else?


Thanks ~


Ishamael and Lanfear can 'read the Pattern' in some way, and apparently the other Forsaken can too, though they can't read it as well. That suggests that it's a Talent related to Dreaming. Ishamael was both a Dreamer and a renowned philosopher, and he probably had a great deal to do with the fact that some of these things were common knowledge in the Age of Legends, not that he was necessarily the first Dreamer/philosopher. He wrote some books during the period of time after he'd sworn to the dark but before he declared so publicly, which was a period of almost a century, when he was in the prime of his life and career just as Lews Therin and Barid Bel were, but his ideas about the Dark One wouldn't have been included in that because historians only knew of those ideas from letters, and most of those were lost except to secondary sources. And many have pointed out that Lanfear's Dreaming ability might have been an important part of the team she was working on.


That being said, there are definitely some widespread misconceptions floating around, as you see in the catechism:


The Dark One and all the Forsaken are bound in Shayol Ghul, Lan recited the catechism in his head, bound by the Creator at the moment of creation. May we shelter safe beneath the Light, in the Creator's hand.

The Forsaken weren't there at the moment of creation; they were only there at the Strike on Shayol Ghul when the Bore was imperfectly sealed.


The idea of the Creator probably predates the drilling of the Bore, but the Dark One had been completely forgotten at that point and no one knew of his existence until the beginning of the War of Power, aside from Darkfriends who were laying low until then. Of course, there are some contradictions in the text on that point. Coumin is 16 on the day of the Strike, and he says the War was old when he was born.

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