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What do YOU enjoy about Dragonmount? Share the LOVE!


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Obviously you're here reading this thread, so you're either a member or a visitor of the WT Org, and hopefully have some sort of LOVE for it already.  Now I want to know what else about DM turns you on, flips your switches, etc.  This thread should be where you pimp/plug/recommend what you LOVE about other areas of DM, so those of us who haven't gotten around much can check it out!  If somebody else has already mentioned the same things you LOVE, that's ok, post em anyway!  The more people that LOVE something, the better!



I personally LOVE:


TGS Book Discussion.  I don't post there much, but I LOVE lurking and reading the theories and discussions that have come about because of this book.


Shayol Ghul Org.  These crazy evil people greet you with a stab, which may as well be a hug to them!  I LOVE the silly randomness and the planned games, plus, I'm a Trolloc!  Who wouldn't want to be a Trolloc?


Illuminators Org.  Hooray for creativeness in all it's glorious forms!  I LOVE checking out what everybody is currently working on, and stuff like Illuminator Idol (short story competition) are great!


Seanchan Org.  TV, Movies, and unabashedly making fun of each other.  What more could I possibly ask for?  I LOVE spending time there and harassing my friends, which of course grin and throw my BS right back at me ;)


The Roleplay.  Although I'm only currently active in the White Tower Division, I LOVE the roleplay in all it's forms.  Reading what others come up with on Revolution One (free form RP), or following the story arc of an RP on the Dragon Reborn story line, or even writing myself...it's better than a Soap Opera, and more satisfying!  (Plus, nobody gets possessed by the devil, unlike every Soap Opera out there).








Black Tower: Spamtastic, and i get to make fun of all the brtish people. oh, and I like games.


MAFIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: More addictive than crack. The only place where one can die, and be brought back to life in less than 24 hours.


Fiddlesticks: Just so i can get all my randomness and the stress out.


The Kin Org - It's like one big happy family. No stress, just fun and a place to share our real life worries, joys etc. Plus we get to poke everyone with knitting needles, indulge in mud wrestling and get a pair of socks from Twinnie if we're lucky ...what more could anyone want?



The Wolfkin Org - Madcap crazy fun with the Pack... this was my first Org and is still my home from home. There's a great monthly newsletter, a Torture Tree (can't tell you more, you have to experience it), a Tequila Lake and of course a campfire for roasting marshmallows and cooking our chili on. I really like the Nature theme of this Org as it covers so many interests from herbs and health to photography and mountain climbing.



The Illuminators Org - I like spending time in the Crafters section, sharing our current projects and discussing our hobbies, sharing tips and tools etc. It's cosy and nice to be with like minded people who understand why you have no house space left! I also enjoy keeping up with the Suras World Building project. It'd a huge undertaking and there are some super talented artists and writers working on it.


The WT and my beloved Green Ajah, where something is always going on that you can join in with, be it discussions at the Whites or fun puzzles like the ones we've got in the Red/Green - Get to Know Us week!


The warm welcomes I got when I signed up and also when I posted an introduction here in the White Tower.


The trust shown to me by accepting me as Project Lead so soon after I joined.


Oh, and of course the Illuminators org.


MAFIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: More addictive than crack. The only place where one can die, and be brought back to life in less than 24 hours.


Hellz to the YES ;D


Shayol Ghul Org: I LOVE my Org. I LOVE the fact that people dislike us. I LOVE the fact that we embrace it and don't compromise who we are. I love most of the people there, and I love the fact that those who I dislike know it and still hang out, because they know its a good place to be. I love that when one of my members is being a complete idiot, I can say just that to them, and they listen and we have a conversation about it. Sometimes we come to a compromise, sometimes we don't. But we leave the conversation knowing each other's point of view, and accepting it and move on. I've never had that sort of relationship with another Org. We play lots of games, and we aren't afraid to try out new things. Sometimes it is hard for new people to feel accepted at SG, but once they earn the member's respect, they will have a mob of friends for a lifetime. :D


Ask the Chosen: I love reading about those wily Chosen, and some of the questions that are asked. Hey! Did you know that Dragonmount's Ask the Chosen have a Twitter now? And they looooove to give their followers a hard time! :D


Gossip Ghul: The GG hasn't been updated in awhile, but I love this. It is very tongue in cheek, and the submissions are always anonymous.


Seanchan: Who doesn't like talking about their favorite movies, tv shows and video games? I could spend all day there, sharing favorite episodes, or talking about how badly I wish to have Steve Carrell's babies.


Sig Auction: I absolutely love the sig auction. I used to submit lots of signatures, but unfortunately I've become too busy. 


Organized Games: Another thing I wish I had time for. I LOVE playing Mafia, and I'm gooood at it--so long as DSage and Thorum aren't playing--otherwise I die early because those two won't leave me alone. ;)  :-\


Kivam and Emperor: A Discussion Group unto themselves, these are two cool dudes. A Lawyer from New York, and I'm not really sure what Emp does...if you are ever bored, go ahead and send Kivam or Emperor a nice long private message, and they absolutely love to have lengthy conversations and getting to know the members. :D

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I love the White Tower, and all the Ajahs, really, especially the Greenies. We usually stay active and lots of fun. There's usually a PG-13 sign hovering around, especially when I'm home, but it mostly behaves itself.;)


I also love the Ogier org. It's so laid back and welcoming. You can really relax there, not to mention the ale! Second to none.


I've just joined the Shayol Ghul and the Wolfkin. Could I have chosen any two orgs less alike? lol I've been exploring my inner evil lately, and I've always been drawn to nature, so in an odd way, that makes sense, I guess.


And then there's mafia. Sweet, sweet mafia. I crave it as a minion of the Dark Lord craves his attention.


Clearly, I've been exploring my dark side a bit too much, haven't I?




I love the Aiel for the closeness of the org. and the fact that we are all may come from different places, but can find common ground.


I love the White Tower because here I found a home. Not just in my beloved Green Ajah, but in the whole tower. I love my friends here and when life has taken me away I can come back and it is as if I never left. Not to mention when I have a life crisis I can turn to my Green Sisters and Brothers and they are there for me.


I also love the Wolfkin. Where else can you prance around as a wolf and take in all the delights of nature. Not to mention being a cheerleader is a blast. We also are a close group and even if I am not that active I know I am always welcome and posting there is like going home.


I love DM and it has become a big part of my life. When life takes me away I feel as if a part of me is missing till I am able to come back and be with everyone. Simply put DM has enhanced my life and given me some meaningful friends that go beyond just the site.


I have to mention my bonded Sisters. Turns out they are all Green, go figure. However, each one has hidden strengths, wells of knowledge and a true sister to me. Rashi, Jade and Lily I love you all. Lily of course I dragged here as she is my sister of the heart in real life. I am just so happy she has found a home here and loves the place as much as I do. Now I have my niece Wolfie here. Maybe someday I might get my son to join. He is loving the books. He would make a fine warder too. He has already said he would not bond me. Which is fine for me. He is handsome and well a truly thoughtful young man. No fighting over him. Rashi it isn't the son you have been on IM with. It is the one with facial hair.


I love DM, you have brought one of my favorite book series to life for me. No other site built on the WoT can compare in my book. 


Far, you make SG sound very attractive  ;D


Ok what ELSE I love about DM apart from the WT:


The General Wot Discussions: Apart from the great threads, arguments, discussion, "oh DUH!" or "man are we reading the same books??" moments, there are also some fascinating personalities and awe inspiring brains on there. I seldom post, because most of the time I'd just be repeating what Luckers has said better than I could ( :P), but it's where I go to relax. That section is actually why I joined DM in the first place, before I got suckered into the rest of it  ;)


Ask the Chosen: Drum your heels shrieking with laughter moments  ;D  I LOVE a good insult, and a sarcastic response, and my word do those people take full advantage of their anonymity!


The Role Play side: Well, apart from obviously loving the role playing, what I also enjoy is that we are truly one big group who works together and supports each other. Doesn't matter if you're in SG or the WT or the CotL, we're one family.


And something in general: my Bondeds. I love them, and I can't imagine my life without them.


What do I love about DM?


I love the Yellow Ajah, obviously. Not because I run it and I have to say it... but because I love the people in it and the way we choose to interact with ourselves and other people. I like logging in, even for a few moments, to just have a good laugh about a new thread or read back on old ones.


I like the Kin org. I don't love it yet, because I've been bad and haven't posted much. But I will try to improve upon that! I'll keep you posted, though ;)


The Ask the Chosen is relatively amusing. It has a lot of potential to be awesome! Definitely worth a read.


I love the RP side as whole. I'm a bit lacking in reading other people's RPs... but I do enjoy a good read, under my own picky criteria. I love RPing my Wolfkin the most. Both Lorelai and Winifred (who is Wolfkin NSW). I like RPing my CotL, though she still needs to grow on me cause she's my newest PC. I also love RPing the various CotL NSWs. They have very specific ways of responding that makes it fun to role play them. I love SG div as well, though I need to RP there more  (*whistles*). Aiel will hopefully be restored to its former glory... Sullynn might make a return after all ;)


And I love calling the FL division the FLee division  *grins at Myst*


I love a lot of people on DM (including Ex-DMers) and consider them really close friends. I won't go naming names, but they know who they are :)






*stands up* hi, my names red, and i'm addicted to DM


okay, jokign aside


its hard to really explain why i love DM.  i think its the complexe little universe that is so neatly put together here.  it's really unlike anything i've ever come across on the net; anyone can find a home and a place to fit in here.  infact many places; and no matter how long you are away you still get a warm welcome whe you return.


the Mods, and Org leaders are all really nice understanding people; especially when your prone to making really big mistakes like me *blushes*  i find myself at being lost for words in thinking on how they stay sane while trying to keep such a big board organized and running.  especailly when new books get released.


ask the choosen is awesome :) 


i've recently tried getting into mafia, to learn what all the craze is.  sadly the games have not started yet  ;D


the WT is a great Org, one of the more complexe and diversed that i've signed up with.  i love the discussions that each one has and try my best to join.  and the lecture hall is relaly cool :)  i look forward in helping to teach a class in the future.  i have no idea where i feel at home most here in the tower, as i'm trying to get to know each ajah to see which is the best fit and all have awesome people and are great in their own ways :)


the Aiel org is the other Org i spend most of my time in.  when i was here about a year ago, that was the first org i joined and i remember the crazy warm welcome i got and all the fun antics that were happening.  sadly, upone my return, i've seen that most of the people i hung out with there aren't here anymore and the org isn't as active  :-[


i've recently joined Wolfkin and the Illuminators.  both are great orgs, with alot of nice people.  i love that i can show off my works in the illuminators, and when i finally get around to posting the chapters i've written on my "book" i know i can count on an honest reveiw and help with improving it :) 


with the wolfkin, i felt pulled to it because i love nature.  theres nothing like taking a good book outside to sit under a tree and read.  i'm hoping to get to know people here alot more :)


The Mafia games.... I don't think there has been very much time in the last 2 years that I HAVEN'T been playing it.  It's that bad.


The community side as a whole.. there is a place for everyone and each and every person that joins DM has one thing in common... a love for WOT.  I have found so many great friends here.  First and foremost being Barmacral and my warder, Vemy.  These two have been with me thru alot of tough times and also good times.  I consider both of them my best friends... and that is for more than just here.


The admin really are good people.  I agree with Far that you should try to get to know Emp and Kivam but I'll include her in that.  I have the pleasure of at least slightly knowing all three.  Kivam and I have shared many a pm over Mafia and he has helped give me pointers and improve my game.  Emp makes fun of EVERYONE.... He is who put Chanman in my description thing under my name.  He cannot spell my name even though it is only 6 letters long but deep down hes a good guy.  Far is an awesome Org leader and really funny.  Especially when she's drunk. ;)


I'm sort of in several of the Orgs but this one is mostly home for me.  Kathana was a wonderful Amyrlin and Claire is awesome as well.  It says alot that she embraced my nickname of "motherducker" and wore it proudly.  Yes, I'm the goofball behind that nickname.  Elgee will do good as keeper in upping the activity of this org... something the Red's in general are very good at.  Verbal is the best Ewok warder in the galaxy and everyone should get to know him.  Barm is a pain in the asmodean but a good guy. :P  Be warned though... all the ajah heads... are crazy!  I less than three this org and all the members.


The Aiel Org is the other Org I belong to (where I actually participate :P). We love new people, but it's also kind of quiet, close-knit group, which I love. There isn't pressure to be around all the time or post often, which is great. And everyone's really different, but we all get along, It's a very laidback place.


General WoT Discussion and TGS Board: I also don't post here much, although before I joined any Orgs I posted here a lot. But I love to read everyone else's theories and opinions. I second that it can be hilarious to read some people's theories and you're just like, what?! Where did you get that from?! And some people come up with super cool stuff.


Seanchan TV Discussion" I'm glad they separated this from the rest of the Org, because it's all I ever read/posted ;D Great place to keep up with the ratings and to squeal/rant about all the shows I watch (and I watch a lot).


Mafia: Just recently started playing and now I'm addicted!


DM in general is such a great place; everyone is pretty friendly and welcoming. At least that's been my experience.


I love the RP all that writing gets my creative juices flowing!


But really I love the shenanigans everyone gets up to. It's so much fun to watch and to participate in! ^_^


I'm going to join a Mafia game, it looks like alotta fun!


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