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Whats the one story line you most want to see in this book.


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When RJ ruled it out, time only going forwards was the reason given.


That's some really awkward sentence structure there, Mr Ares.  Try this:


"The only reason RJ gave when he ruled it out was that time only goes forwards."


Ahem. Kivam, I prefer:


"That's a really awkward sentence structure..."

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When RJ ruled it out, time only going forwards was the reason given.


That's some really awkward sentence structure there, Mr Ares.  Try this:


"The only reason RJ gave when he ruled it out was that time only goes forwards."


Ahem. Kivam, I prefer:


"That's a really awkward sentence structure..."

Ahem, I done like it better when Kivam does says it with that "some" instead of that "a". It does sound easier to have done read it.

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When RJ ruled it out, time only going forwards was the reason given.

That's some really awkward sentence structure there, Mr Ares.
Thank you. I do be like striving for that and is well chuffed you noticed innit.
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Ares, the answer is 'you say true, and I say thankya sai!'


I hope you get that joke, or else i'll look like an idiot.

Well, far be it from me to help make someone look like an idiot, but, alas, I don't get the joke.
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Okay, I think it's about time to unsubscribe from this forum. I apologize for offending Mr. Ares. I guess I shouldn't have said Logain literally spanking Taim. I simply meant Logain killing Taim. And Egwene having Elaida pulled down and severed from the Power.

...and spanked by Egwene.

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1.  For Galad to run into Perrin, see his step-mother isnt dead, forgive Rand and...


FINALLY hook up with Berelain!


2.  MORE interaction with Matt and Tuon... that was some of the BEST storyline weve seen.


3.  Matt and crew rescue Moiraine... I do NOT want it to be long and drawn out... UNLESS... one of the agreements to release her is they have to do some sort of task or quest for the fins.


4.  Satelle get healed.


5.  Get the Seanchan agreement out of the way.


The interesting this is... Matt by the end of the trilogy will probably be made general over ALL the seanchan armies... now that Tuon is about to be named Empress, as well as having to command his band, and maybe even the individual armies floating around... ie  Rodel Ituralde.


It will indeed be interesting when there is a MASS group meeting between Bashere, Bryne, Iturade, etc... and the fact that Matt can probably trump them all.

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1. Resolution of the split Tower.


2. Matt and Tuon developing. Tuon accepts that "marath'damane" aren't evil, that she can learn to channel while Matt finally accepts responsibility, matures and adopts his role of Prince of Ravens, and they finally make a peace between Randland and Seanchan.


3. Cadsuane and Sorilea teach Rand laughter and tears again


4. Rand finally figures out that Taim isn't really his greatest ally.  :-\


5. Berelain and Galad have to meet


6. I want to see Lan's POV as he heads into the Blight


7. I want to see whats been happening in the Waste all this time. Where are all the Aiel men who can channel? I find it hard to believe that everyone's forgotten about them, Rhuidean and all the people back in the Waste.


8. Rand to finally make friends with Lews Therin's voice in his head.


Oddly enough, I don't really care at all about Moiraine. I think her revival is a bit cheesy.

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1) I'd like to see Galad run into Perrin and co, (this will be the only perrin storyline, i think he's done until it's time to call the wolves)


2) I'd like to find out who demandred has been masquerading as.


3) The Battle of the Shining walls redux, seanchan attack white tower, egwene takes over.


4) Mat, Thom, and Noal rescue Moiraine, (still unclear on how this will play out, though I think Mat will lose an eye in the bargain)


5) Cadsuane/Semirhage, and the rescue of Semi, (Maybe Moridin adds another shiny cour'souvra to his collection?)


6) Rand has to tie up his alliance with tuon, and early.  He will also learn of Taim's alleigance, though the BT won't be rent in fire and blood till SW.

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Rand is already sure Taim isnt one of his closest chums. You can tell when he and Bashere discuss the attemps to gain the seals, I think its the same scene where Logain voices his suspicions about Taim. Rand says to Bashere "When the enemy offers you two targets..." meaning the seals and Taim, and Bashere replies with "strike a third" which leads Rand to his conclusion that he must meet the Seanchan.


I really want to see what Demandred has been doing all this time! Supposedly watching Rand, but who knows more than that? I'd like to find out that his secret alliance with Semirhage and whoever else has been utilized somehow.

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2. Mat developing. Mat finally accepts responsibility, matures and adopts his role of Prince of Ravens.
Done already.


1) I'd like to see Galad run into Perrin and co, (this will be the only perrin storyline, i think he's done until it's time to call the wolves)

And what about the Prophet?


2) I'd like to find out who, if anyone, Demandred has been masquerading as.


6) Rand has to tie up his alliance with tuon, and early. He will also learn of Taim's alleigance, though the BT won't be rent in fire and blood till SW.
Given that Book 13 will focus on the PoVs neglected by this book, and Rand is not one of them, and Taim and Logain seem to be most closely connected to Rand, the BT seems more likely in TGS to me.
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When RJ ruled it out, time only going forwards was the reason given.

That's some really awkward sentence structure there, Mr Ares.
Thank you. I do be like striving for that and is well chuffed you noticed innit.


Your welcome.  For the record, the word is "isn't it", not "innit"

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When RJ ruled it out, time only going forwards was the reason given.

That's some really awkward sentence structure there, Mr Ares.
Thank you. I do be like striving for that and is well chuffed you noticed innit.
Your welcome. For the record, the word is "isn't it", not "innit"
A lesser man would take the opportunity to point out that that should be "you're welcome", and there should be a full stop after "innit", but I would never do something like that.
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When RJ ruled it out, time only going forwards was the reason given.

That's some really awkward sentence structure there, Mr Ares.
Thank you. I do be like striving for that and is well chuffed you noticed innit.
Your welcome. For the record, the word is "isn't it", not "innit"
A lesser man would take the opportunity to point out that that should be "you're welcome", and there should be a full stop after "innit", but I would never do something like that.


Not necessarily a lesser man. Grammar nazis deserve to have their eyes poked out with their own grammar errors.

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pretty much what everyone else said, but i really want to see Morgase meet Rand/Elayne.  also loial at the great stump.  What rand does, when he finds out Mat is married to Tuon.  Finally what will happen when Rand has to deal with the conflicting profecies from Randland and Seanchan. 

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2) I'd like to find out who, if anyone, Demandred has been masquerading as.


Fixed? Explain! Has Demandred been masquerading as someone? If so who?
You could try reading the original statement closely and comparing it with my corrected version. Apparantly, you're too lazy, so here it is:

Original: "I'd like to find out who demandred has been masquerading as."

Fixed: "I'd like to find out who, if anyone, Demandred has been masquerading as."

Fixed, with the difference made bold so even you can see it: "I'd like to find out who, if anyone, Demandred has been masquerading as."

Because we do not know if Demandred has been masquerading as anyone.

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It will indeed be interesting when there is a MASS group meeting between Bashere, Bryne, Iturade, etc... and the fact that Matt can probably trump them all.

I can't help but agree.  A meeting of the great generals under Mat would be amazing.  I wonder though, how would take it if they were to become subordinate to a 20 something gambler.  Tarmon Gaidon will definately be interesting.  I hope Sanderson is up to it.

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2. Mat developing. Mat finally accepts responsibility, matures and adopts his role of Prince of Ravens.
Done already.


1) I'd like to see Galad run into Perrin and co, (this will be the only perrin storyline, i think he's done until it's time to call the wolves)

And what about the Prophet?


2) I'd like to find out who, if anyone, Demandred has been masquerading as.


6) Rand has to tie up his alliance with tuon, and early. He will also learn of Taim's alleigance, though the BT won't be rent in fire and blood till SW.
Given that Book 13 will focus on the PoVs neglected by this book, and Rand is not one of them, and Taim and Logain seem to be most closely connected to Rand, the BT seems more likely in TGS to me.


I forgot about the prophet, though from my eyes all perrin needs to do is is bring masema to rand, (could be difficult as he won't know where rand is)


My personal view on Demandred is that he's not like most other chosen holed up in one area.  Reading his POV's he seems to just be travelling around stirring up as much S*** as possible.  I wouldn't be surprised if several events, (such as the borderland's moving south or the peddler telling gawyn rand killed his family) are at the hands of demandred. 


Demandred is the greatest irony of the books.  His original reason for turning was playing second fiddle to Lews Therin in AoL, now, even though he's been one of the most, (if not the most) successful chosen, yet he's still playing second fiddle to moridin.  He's far and away my fave forsaken and i can't wait to see him step up in AMoL


As to the BT rent in fire, there is going to be so much going on in #12, i doubt sanderson will fit this scene in.  Before Rand can do something about the BT he has to get used to his new disabilities, not to mention learn fully of Taim's betrayal.  Rand's storyline will be more about gathering the remaining nations to him, and finalizing the truce with the seanchan, basically getting all of the regular soldiers marching for TG.  This could take all of Gathering Storm, which is why BT is left till #13, it's too huge of a plot to be fit into tGS.

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