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Prayers needed


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We just found out my sister Alison has breast cancer.  I don't know details like what stage she is or anything yet but I'd like to ask those of you who pray to please include her and those that don't please keep her in your thoughts!  She has two babies.  Abby is 5 and Lily is 2.  Thank you so much!!


I've been through it Nae. It's tough. But she's very fortunate to have someone like you! You will both be in my prayers! *hugs*

Guest nephitess

I'm praying for you guys! *huggles*


Naeann remember there have been many advances in treatments options and what not. She is in my prayers as well as her sweet babies and the rest of the family.

I love you girl! Please keep us updated.


My thoughts are with you, Nae.  I know exactly how you feel as my oldest sister just had a double masectomy two months ago and my third oldest sister had breast cancer a few years ago.  They can do so much now as a few have mentioned already, so I'm sure all will go well...  *hugs*


I am sorry to here about this Nae. I will be sure to include her & the family in my prayers.


Absolutely, Nae.  Your sister is in my prayers, as are all her family members as you go through this together.


Thanks!  She had an mri scan done to see how progressed it is and if they can easily get it all so when I hear the result of that I will let you know.  I'm so thankful to have good friends ready with hugs and prayers.  You all really help me cope with this and Alison says to say thank you as well.  It means alot to her to hear about so many people keeping her in their prayers and thoughts when you only know of her thru me.  Keep your fingers crossed that the scan will say it will be easy to get rid of!

Guest nephitess

I know it will ;) *hugs and prayers*


I only just read this! I am so sorry Naeann, but my thoughts are with you and your family also. *hugs & positive vibes your way*


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