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Cliché Mafia - Game Thread (GAME OVER - MAFIA WIN)


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@ LZM thanks for chatting with me.  I'll go back to the popcorn couch.


@ LZM I recognize that town in a tunnel can go blind irt everyone else.  Please continue to explore the rest of the field.  (If you're correct on Turin, he should still have at least one partner.)


@ the field please don't focus exclusively on this topic all phase.  Don't ignore it, but you know, easy to burn an entire phase on an argument between two people.  There are seven alive.

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It stands to reason. At least my reasoning. I think your scum. Scum wants to frame an innocent. Kill the guy who voted for the one you want to set up,


I can't dumb it down for you anymore Turin. you are scum and you will have to kill me to stop coming for you. You can't negotiate, weasel or worm your way out of this.


Either you or I will die today.

Translator says...


"Because I know it was on my QT. err it fits the narrative I just made up."


I hope the codes on this came out right.

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But back to the original question... There were 2 kills last night. You are not merely assuming that mafia killed Shad. You are stating it as FACT. Only mafia know who they killed. You could be confident but even that is not what you are pushing. This is a case of TMI IMHO.


So, how do you know mafia killed Shad? Or is this all "fake news"?

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it is what I believe to be fact. I had my thought process in one big post. It was stolen from

Me by the tech gods. I'm going to re do it. I'll be busy for the next hour or so. Be patient, it's coming.

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Watcher doesn't get to see alignment.


If I had chosen you last night, yes, it would have proved useful.


Say dice hadn't died, and he had protected Turin last night. I would have seen dice target him, and then I would have pushed like hell to find out why.


Watcher is ok, but it's there's a lot of wiggle room since I don't get to see alignment. It's not near so useful imo as cop or doc or even vig.

If someone targeted me and I didn't die you would have gone after them? Why? Law of averages would indicate the person was checking me or protecting me in some way. That kind of information should be held onto to help town later. You merely would have forced a claim for no good reason.


As far as useful, my first big game a watcher saw 5-6 people visit someone and it broke the game open.

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So, in retrospect, I have been pinged by Turin since beginning of D1, I am 70/30 on Killa/Marsh being scum mates, my role revealed nobody targeted Turin, and I have to poop.


I'll be back

Do you have posts that show you were concerned about me? I think you had me town in your list.


Bold: good you are admitting you are full of internally processed foodstuffs. :rolleyes:

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Can some of the silent peoples come and talk some.





Any word on Nyn's replacement?


No reply from Oscar yet, so I'll probably ask Nini to replace Nyn, and don't worry, she does not have any information from being a cop.


As for Darthe and Dawn, I've poked them.

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So I get tossed together with Zep as scum team? Lololol


It was more a joke directed at Dice than I defense of Zep. Mainly because I am much more familiar with Dice than I am Zep. Zep was only a background to a really lame teasing of Dice.


*scratches head*


Thats some very interesting mental gymnastics there Turin.


Of course like Niniel said it could be fishing for reactions. Ill put a pin in that for later consideration.


Turin Shad was my mentor for my second mafia game and has played two other DM games with me so far. I dont know how comfortable he is about reading me though, guess he will have to answer that part.

Killa comes in with her 1st real post, and is dismissive of Turin. I called attn. to it earlier. This now feels like the beginnings of distancing. Especially with a Turins response.


Killa, what do you make of Zep's stance about your posts?



So I get tossed together with Zep as scum team? Lololol


It was more a joke directed at Dice than I defense of Zep. Mainly because I am much more familiar with Dice than I am Zep. Zep was only a background to a really lame teasing of Dice.


*scratches head*


Thats some very interesting mental gymnastics there Turin.


Of course like Niniel said it could be fishing for reactions. Ill put a pin in that for later consideration.


Turin Shad was my mentor for my second mafia game and has played two other DM games with me so far. I dont know how comfortable he is about reading me though, guess he will have to answer that part.



[b[You can make the claim that the green was your intention but the rest of it is imho bogus. You are attempting to nullify.[\b]


to call my opinion mental gymnastics like I was trying to convince you that trickle down economics really will help the little guy is false. Shad was pretty clear in his statement about how it can be seen the way I've seen it. He is giving you a bfod for his own reasons. I have no reason to. That Zep hasn't really unpinged me either makes it worth my time to pursue.


You said that you have some history with Shad. What do you think of his take about the situation?


Something weird in that post is that you at no time seem to be thinking that I am just mafia trying to get a mislynch on a reasonable target. Are you reading me as town at this time?


vote: Killa


The bolded part reeks of premeditated response to me. This is where I start to see the distancing taking off.

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I am not reading you as anything yet. Other than a very aggressive player. Which, if thats your style ok cool. Usually those are good players overall.


You seemed to have really latched on to me pretty fast, over pretty much nothing but I suppose it starts somewhere. I will tell you I am town but I can see your pretty tunneled. Later on that might not look good for you.

More distancing banter.


I'm hardly "tunnelled". I do see you still looking to nullify my read tho.


You say that my pushing you as mafia will look bad on me later. Guess what? I don't care. My job is to try to find the mafia and remove them from the game.


What do you think of Zep?


Now that he's distanced enough from Killa, insert subtle direction change. At first I thought this was nothing, until I realized Turin did this all day 1.

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Sorry. I am packing our whole place up for storage and we leave the country for the summer on the 26th. So things are getting a little tight on time for a couple days.


I almost feel like Zep is voting me to distance himself from attention since turin assumed I was defending him.


Explain to me how I am deflecting questions? This feels like BS word salad without pointing out how I deflected anything. I am not seeing it. Maybe I can clarify better if you can be a little clearer on this.

You nailed it. I was distancing. I didn't want to be connected with you, and I was still on the fence about Turin.


Do you think Zep would be more likely to do that as mafia or town?

If you flip town do you think he will look better or worse for his treatment of you? You said earlier that I would look bad for pushing you. Where do you think mafia is more likely to be; pushing and leading lynches or standing one step behind and going "yeah. what he said."?


One problem I am having with your game to this point is that there doesn't seem to be any drive to solve. you have thrown out some thoughts but they don't seem to take you anywhere. It is like you don't want to push because you don't believe what your selling because you KNOW it isn't true. I would like to see Zep come up with an original thought before I go thru all your posts and show my #werk.


The first bold- right off the bat puts me in the mix. Like he's trying to put it front and center in everyone's brains. Think about Led.


Second bold- You never once show your #werk. Ever. Shortly later you jump off Killas wagon straight on to Dices.

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My POV is mafia is most likely amongst Killa, LZM, and Ironeyes. I backed off Killa some due to suspicion she might be revealed as IC but that hasn't happened so I'm back to suspecting her. LZM slipped about KNOWING that mafia killed Shad although 2 townies died last night and no one has claimed anything. Ironeyes for me is a soft read that frankly I will need my computer to piece together. That ain't happening until at earliest Sunday.


Darthe, Dawn and your slot have been under posting IMO.


People are questioning me because I led the lynch on what turned out to be the doc. And possibly for being aggressive.


Again welcome to the game.

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