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Basel Gill

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I apologise for the "experienced players" list. It should have been named "ancient players" list, and should have included Wombat. Which I already corrected before.


The other people you state as "experienced", I do not know, or only from 1 or 2 games.


Like I said: I'll explain my reasoning over the weekend, when I have more time. After that, you can all make of it what you want. Mafia is the perfect democracy.

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Oh, cool! Thanks Darthe. Can someone potentially still use role abilities after/at lynching or is that only with deaths during night phase? For instance, could a doctor (if there is one, given this is advanced I assume there is) save you if he wanted to? Or no because you've been lynched?


For active things working or not working, it isn't about something happening, but about the Mod writing something about it. For example, if you are the DayVig, you can still make the kill, even if the hammer has been put down, as long as the death post (and start of the night) has not been posted yet. Getting ninja'd by the mod is unlucky. At least, that's how I'd mod it. If you're the one killed I'm not sure. And at night, everything happens at the same time. We hear all the things that happened once the Night ends.


You'd think in an advanced game everyone would have a role... :dry:


23 roles would be rather difficult though...


Basic games are normally smaller and have Cop, Doc, and maybe 2-3 more roles, Advanced Games normally have like 20 people (often a bit more, but less is also seen), have normally, at least, as far as I know normally, a total of 6 or 7 power roles and may involve Third Parties like the Cult.


(oh, I still remember that game with two cults, that were wiped out like on D1 and D3...)


Last, you also have Kitchen Sink games. I have no idea what the name is from. Once, it was used for mafia games with unintentionally too many power roles (really hard to balance), now it's meant for mafia games that (normally) have too many roles intentional. Singing up for a Kitchen Sink game means you're most likely signing up for an unbalanced game. That can also be fun though.

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Darthe on the ridiculously low chance you flip town, your linking of people isn't helping at all.


You also call people out for lurking during obvious work or sleep hours for their time zones. It's a scummy move that looks like your trying to make someone look scummy when they can't defend them selves.

This was ironic. Say scummy more :p

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well I'm still working om my reread, and I'll post when I'm done, but sheesh, did stuff get done while I was away


So Darthe's alignment is pretty moot at the moment, we'll find out when Basel gets back, but wow has this game been blown wide open


and now onto other posts




OK, first off, I am town.


Secondly, I still don't trust BB but it seems like the tides of the game have swept everyone's votes elsewhere. That being said, my vote would kind of be wasted almost. I'm kind of stuck between Darthe and Thorum. I really, really haven't fully gotten down to why Darthe is suddenly putting his neck on the block, but I feel like he's almost spun a story he can no longer explain. I feel like he may have stuck his foot in his mouth and caught himself trying too hard. I feel like because he has less and less answers to the questions and accusations that he's resigned that it would be easier to die than to carry through.


Given this is day 1, I still think it is all pretty hit and miss. But at the same time it would be pretty awful for someone to randomly die after so much deliberation. Also, I do agree that if what Darthe has been saying is true, he isn't that much of a help to town anyhow. Obviously I'd much rather lynch a scum than a fellow townie, but at this point I personally have a lot of trouble figuring out who those people are. One thing I do know is Darthe has been a driving force in this first day. I just don't know where he really has been headed. Worse, I'm not sure he has either.


Unvote. Vote Darthe.


Your not half-bad RTE, probably better than me <.<



Well played Darthe. I had suspected that all along though I think your fatal misstep was the "I am not town" part that made it seem much more scummy. The obvious way to test Rubbertongue would be to test a statement everyone knows is true. "This game is set in WWII" or something like it. An inexperienced LD may not have picked up on testing something better plus it gave lots of ammo to continue pushing the lynch.


I think I missed what happened here. Can you elaborate?



Basically a whole lot of people got caught in the fact that Darthe's statement for the LD was "untestable", instead he should have used something that would have obviously shown he was a rubbertongue if it came back false, so if This is a game set in WWII came back false you would know that he would have to be a rubber tongue because the statement is false, similarly he could have used the sky is blue, or I am a male etc. verifiable facts that don't depend on your alignment


You'd think in an advanced game everyone would have a role... :dry:


23 roles would be rather difficult though...



Locke ran a Mistborn game like that didn't he?

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The Mistborn game was weird. Everyone had roles that they could gift to other people, roles that required charge ups and a lot of role steals. Near the end mafia had like... 18-20 of all the powers in the game.

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OK then, this is my first post of this kind so please hold your hate. I've made notes for only some of the players,basically those who have contributed most, those not on the list haven't posted enough game info for me to really look at, that may change with lenlo's renewed activity, but I haven't found much use there just banter. So yeah, left out peoples (Starrik, WOT, Bard Babe, Tress etc.) could be mafia just trying to slide through, or mafia with connection problems, but moving on.


Darthe - (Well he was the reason I started this reread, and with his given near-dead position this look may not offer much but I've included it for completeness and because I'd hate for my work to go to waste.) He's been going straight off the bat, he never mentioned the two things he knew to help town but I suppose it was the presence of a LD or Silvertongue). Says that his role information would hurt Town if revealed at some point, but would help after his death (I suppose he's right about that)


If it's not obcious I think he's Town, his actions don't add up for mafia to me


Des - FoS' Ley and Thorum for the Day 1 = useless posts, which I think is a pretty weak reason to spot mafia, they gain little from just asserting the statement. He's been running a lot of cases, as may be expected by the fact that he's a well-known and good mafia player, but his opinions may just be given too much weight, but nevertheless I think he makes sense much of the time and he's Town in my opinion.


Wombat - Recent even confuse me a little about him, his reveal that the whole schevenginem thing was a ploy is pretty impressive, and I think it vets him pretty well, I just don't think mafia would go through that much effort and possible FoS'ing, not to mention Darthe binded pretty well with him and I think that extends my Town thinking of Darthe to Wombat as well.


Ley - He gets a lot of attention quickly for his day is pretty useless post and then not saying schvenimwhatever, both of which I think are soft reasons to vote him and even worse reasons to keep on FoS'ing him later. The train on him seemed a little contrived and silly to me, probably because the reasons don't really make too much sense to me and that seemed to be instigated by Turin and Des (possibly useful as a note later)


Rand - Don't know too much bout him, just that he's been a slow starter and he may have been a little role directing earlier on, I've got my eye on him but I'm not too worried.


Turin - he pushes schevingen quite hard, but retrospectively going through the thread I saw his point and realised I was being quite a stubborn mule (sorry guys) about it really, since the he's been pretty quiet so nothing more on him


Thorum - As Des points out he does some weird switching back on schevingen arguing, I don't agree with everything Des posted but it does pique my interest that such an "experienced" "ancient" player seems to be making so many slips that Des keeps pouncing on


And then lastly Ithi and Tina, I remember looking at their posts, round page 14 where Tina posted a post where she looked at Ithi for a bit said that ithi was suspicious of anyone that agrees with her and then dismissing Ithi as a possible case. It just stood out to me as two mafiosos covering each other's backs, I don't know if anyone has gotten the same read from the same place, but I can't get rid of the feeling that both those two are mafia



TL;DR version: I suspect Ithi and TIna of being Mafia, other actives check out

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To the LD, I am glad that I could assist you and push people to say these things without you having to reveal.


As a request, I ask only that you check Ithi, Tina, Turin, and those others that I have mentioned at some point.

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Thanks for all the info Smiley. Appreciated.


I said it rather early on but in case anyone missed it:


I am town.


I also made a pretty obvious reference to the fact that I don't have a role. But I guess that just means I'll be able to learn a lot from my first game.

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Yeah, you did. I remember I saw it. Don't remember why I didn't point it out though. And it's a nice subtile play to just do that. You'll get less attention from the mafia. Vanillias are the last ones you kill as mafia, as they can only stop you through lynches.

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