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Revenge of the Sith Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!

Ithillian Turambar

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Vote Wombat.


My view came back as mafia. Lenlo and Turin are my choices for my next view, tho I have the feeling I may not survive another night with our Guardian Angel dead...great job, by the way, Nya!!! Hope you'll come play with us crazy people again.


Vote Wombat.


My view came back as mafia. Lenlo and Turin are my choices for my next view, tho I have the feeling I may not survive another night with our Guardian Angel dead...great job, by the way, Nya!!! Hope you'll come play with us crazy people again.




Vote Wombat


Also, Turin the reason is that she was playing oddly though we now know that it was just new player jitters. =( Miss u already Padme. Interesting that you are trying to throw blame on people so quickly this last little bit.


Wow.. Sorry for having such a low post count.. Felt out of phase when replacing someone.. Oh well, there's alot of time until this is over. Kae, could you please tell me your investigate candidates. I have a good reason.


Vote: Arez Al'Loke






Give me a bit of time. I'll be as quick as I can but I just took the tip of my thumb off with my little sharp knife.


I need to find a plaster.


Yes, stop bleeding first, please.


Mynd, suggestions on targets for tonight? I shall try to get it sent in today, but if not, I will send it in first thing in the morning.


Kae, you can view me if you want to see a Jedi. I am a lightsbare instructor. My lightsabre was originally supposed to be yellow but Lucas decided to change it to green cause he didn't want it to be different.


You should be able to discern my name from that..


Vote Wombat


Kae, Do you wish me to explain my powers more?


I can "Vet" people. If I say what the.. Conditions are, my job is going to get alot harder. Although.. Now when I think about it, revealing would probably even be to our advantage..

Anyone, right now Kae is the only one I trust. Mynd is pinging me, although Kae has already said you're Jedi. So I guess I'm going to have to adjust my ping detector abit..


Her eyes looked a little troubled now, as she recalled the death of the Senator. She didn't look at you as she spoke, preferring to look towards the ground instead, like she was avoiding something.


'I was not happy with the death of Amidala. She was pregnant at the time, and although we were not certain who the father was we had a reasonably good idea. It was likely her child would have been strong in the force too. I thought it a waste. After her death I began to hear rumours that the child may have survived. I have my sources looking into it, but there is nothing definite as yet.'


She looked up at you then, a clear calm gaze that seemed to see right into your soul.


'You can leave that part out when you write your story. No-one else needs to know about that.'


She continued to look, unblinking until you finally nodded. An agreement reached then. Now you were her confidant it seemed. Perhaps she actually had begun to trust you, or she didn't even consider that you were any kind of threat.


'A lot of people were very upset at the death of Amidala. They gathered together in the room next to the medical facility, not even pausing for a moment. Someone would pay for this atrocity. Once spoke up. 'I know who was responsible,' they said, and pointed their finger. 'All in favour say 'Aye'', and their voices were raised in a chorus of agreement. 'No,' said their chosen vicitm. 'You are wrong! Search your feelings, it's a trick. The majority ignored his pleas. It took just seconds for them to condemn him.'


Final Vote Count:


Wombat - 6 (Kae, EP, Darthe, Roo, Mynd, Razen, Ishy, Len ... Loke)



'They approached him, the now familiar device in their hands. Death would come swiftly it seemed.


'No!', but this time another voice that came from amongst them. 'I can't let you do this.' Weapon drawn, the one who had decided to speak stood in front of the mob, barring their way.'



Day was ended before the Hammer fell. There was No Lynch. It is now Night ... again :rolleyes:




Night 5 deadline: Monday 7th May at 10PM BST. Day will come early if all Actions are either received or Holstered before the end of Deadline.


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