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Revenge of the Sith Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!

Ithillian Turambar

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Oke, Here it comes.


I'm a lie detector. Every other night I can quote a post and have everything written in that post either confirmed or denied as a lie.


I have use my powers on Mynd and I used them on Nya..


And as I said before, I'm C3PO.


I'm hope this information was worth it. But as I said before, this might be an advantage. We can press people to say what we want, and I'll lie detect their post.

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I'm hoping that you've checked every page to see that Turin has not written ANYTHING I could use to Lie detect with any succes.


But If Turin Perhaps writes "I am scum and I know Lenlo is scum" aswell I could virtually hit two stones with one bird..


Could be as nasty as to tell him to write "I am scum and I know [insert every persons name] is scum"

Technically, if I lie detected it, and he was scum, we would get every single scum name there is out there. But I'm guessing my power is going to be modified to not allow that. It would really destroy the game..

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Maybe maybe not. A problem with getting him to say I am scum and I know Lenlo is scum is that he could be town. Then we wouldnt know I am if I was. I would suggest the basic "I am town" from him. Here ill say it to for later use if needed.


I am town.

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Deceased Players:

1. Basel - Agen Kolar - Town Jedi: Lynched Day 3

3. BG - Stass Allie - Town Jedi: Killed Day 1

5. Songstress - R2D2 - Town Odd Night Tracker: Killed Night 3

6. Maw - Obi-Wan Kenobi - Town Jedi Mason: Killed Day 2

13. Kae - Luminara Unduli - Town Jedi: Killed Night 1

16. Nolder- Kit Fitso - Town Jedi: Killed Night 1

18. Nyanna - Padme Amidala - Town Guardian Angel: Killed Night 4


14. Kate - Count Dooku - Mafia Sith Lord and Watcher: Lynched Day 2

17. Ironeyes - Agent Cody - Mafia Goon: Killed Night 4


Claimed Players:

Myndrunner - claims Ki Adi Mundi - Jedi

Ishy - claims Anakin Skywalker - Jedi

EP - claims Saesee Tiin - Jedi

Pale Merlot Kae2 (from Day 3] - claims Mace Windu - Jedi Finder

Roo - claims Barriss Offee - Jedi

Dice - claims Aayla Secura - Jedi

Lenlo - claims Chewbacca - wookie

Rhea Arez Al'Loke (from N2] - claims C-3p0 - Droid


WWWombat - claims Jar Jar - annoying alien (I don't buy this claim) - Sakaea got Mafia read on him!


Unclaimed Players:






First, please take a look at the claims and unclaims above.


Wombat is obviously scum, and at least one of the Unclaimed Players is with him.


Kae, I'd say go with Turin if you like, but we may want to properly vet Anakin Skywalker's alignment at this point.


Razen, Darth, Turin, and Key should confirm their characters.


Ishy, can you post "I win when the threats to the town are eliminated" in a solo post? Arez can truth check you.

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Can we be sure his win condition cant change though? Still thinkin the whole Anakin Darth Vader thing on that. Ive never seen a win condition change but maybe one of you have.

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My character is Plo Koon, and yes, I am a Jedi.


Thank you for filling in that missing Jedi from my list.


Turin, who is your character?


Lenlo, we can't be sure his win condition can't change, this is why i am asking that we check him now. I fear it has already

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Since there are so few of us unclaimed left I am Cin Drallig. Jedi lightsaber instructor and battlemaster. I have not used any of my Jedi abilities. Again I am Town.


I think it might be prudent to have another look at Annakin with the deaths of Dooku and Padme.


There are instances when a player's win conditions change. It is usually matched with a change in alignment.

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I'm pretty sure it would hurt for darthe to reveal at this point


Not at this point, we've pretty much outed everyone. By your post it makes him a possible target, yet there are other players who are bigger targets at this point. Besides, he should just reveal as Bail Organa to complete our list.

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