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What's your favourite scene in the entire WoT?


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  On 5/9/2012 at 4:03 AM, blueeys54 said:

Well, this one is very difficult to say. At first, I thought of Lord Ingtar coming back to the light and Rand finishing the scene with " The light shine on you, Lord Ingtar of House Shinowa, and may you shelter in the palm of the creators hand. The last embrace of the mother welcome you home!" This is very moving for me, with the redemption and all. Then I jump to Rand seeing his father in Tear after destroying the access key. That, again, was extremely moving. Yet another redemption. The last thought, came when Lan has raised the Golden Crane and bellows to the dark ones minnions, "I am al'Lan Mandragoran, Lord of the Seven Towers, Defender of the Wall of First Fires, Bearer of the Sword of the Thousand Lakes! I was once named Aan'allein, but I reject that title, for I am alne no more. Fear me, Shadow! Fear me and know. I have returned for what is mine. I may be a king without a land. BUT I AM STILL KING!" Got a lump in my throat just typing. Well, I look forward to seeing this battle unfold.

I have tears in my eyes from reading this.........jan 8th......boo ludy hell!!!
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I would say over all it's probably Dumai's Wells. Just everything about it. Pure awesomeness. I'll list more later, and probably my favorite from each book as well.


I did like all the scenes where Mesaana appeared in moonlight shadows; just the description of her appearance made her chilling and striking. Same of Semirhage's fiery illusion.


My favorite scene is the prologue of Eye of the World. LTT calling for his wife to greet their guests while walking over her's, and their children's dead bodies. And then all of the pain and anguish that he felt when Ishamael healed him and he realized what he had done, and him unleashing his power and creating a mountain for his own tomb.......Great scene..



By the way, does anyone else get the feeling that Dragonmount is supposed to be a type of antithesis to Shayol Ghol? I mean, they are both vocanos. One has the dark one and one is the final resting place of the Dragon, and the birth place of the Dragon Reborn.


One of the ones that sticks with me the most is "The Truth of a Viewing" in The Shadow Rising. When Elaida and company march into Siuan's study and depose her as Amyrlin just really struck me. It was the first time through the three books where I really felt like "this is about to get real" and that terrible things could actually happen to some of the driving characters in the book. The White Tower breaking, the battles throughout with the tower in exile and the absolute chaos that is installed just really struck me hard. Up until then, things had happened but I never really felt like things were about to get really touchy with the concept that Rand and company.


To me it was just one of the great illustrations of how deep the machinations of the Shadow were working and how even things that seemed like petty squabbles over ideals could have dire and long term consequences for our heroes. That and the fact that plans could fall apart and things were starting to really spiral out of control of people who thought things were moving along relatively smoothly.


I also loved the part where Gawyn agrees to help Min, Siuan and Leane escape and it is revealed that Gawyn killed Hammar and Coulin and Siuan demands to know if it is true and he simply says "They were my friends, but they sided with....Siuan Sanche."


Nothing was the same for me anymore after that moment.


So many great scenes and I really look forward to my re-read in preparation for the final book. Most people here have covered my favorites of course, including the battle for the Two Rivers and that at Dumai's Wells ... but some of my top moments are really small in the grand scheme of things too. I loved the courtship between Mat and Tuon (ok, so that isn't that small a moment considering the characters and what that relationship means). My absolute favorite in all the books thus far without question though is Perrin working as a blacksmith in Tear. To me it is a singular moment that shows how all these characters are in situations that they may not wish to be in, how things are so much bigger than the life they had and while they are doing what they must at times they just miss those simple things they enjoyed so much when life was simpler. To me it makes the characters human if you will by showing that softer side of them...


Rand in Rhudien (sp?)


The wise ones telling Rand about his mother and father was very touching


And also after Dumai's wells when the group return to Cairhein and Rand collects his crown back from Colavere. I loved all the nobles' reaction to his return!

  On 1/14/2012 at 2:33 PM, Number13 said:

Simple enough question - what's your favourite moment in the books? The bit you get all happy about when it's coming up in your re-reads?


Mine is the Quarterstaff v Swords fight with Mat, Gawain and Galad. I loved the way he, a weak and far from hearty farmboy, gave the two smug kids an absolute spanking.


I loved that scene, as you can tell from my sig Mat is by far my most favorite character, ever since the first book. I think it's because I relate to him really well. There can't be just one favorite scene so here is my top 5:


1. Mat and the Tower of Ghenji

2. Rand cleansing the source

3. Mat visiting the Aelfin

4. Mat visiting the Eelfin

5. Nyn healing Stilling (For some reason this scene gets me every time. It's such an emotional moment for Suian and Leanne, and the way RJ writes this scene I really feel that emotion.)


There are so many other great scenes as well, Dumais Wells anyone?? Perrin fighting Luke in ToM while Egwiene is fighting Messana??? That's why this series is sooo great, there's just so much cool shiat happening and it doesn't even have to do with the main plot neccessarily.


The final battle for emonds field in shadow rising, the women stepping up at the last and perrin seeing off the whitecloaks in particular. I reread that sequence a ton.


Breaking it down by book now:


The Eye of the World: The escape from Shaidar Logoth, with Mashadar consuming Trollocs and making the escape difficult, causing the company to break up

Runner up: Winternight (Rand's first encounter with Trollocs ever!)


The Great Hunt: Rand, Loial, and Hurin in the Portal World, especially when they run into Selene (Lanfear) for the first time

Runner up: Rand catching up with Thom; such a great character moment.


The Dragon Reborn: Pretty much any of the Tear scenes, but I guess overall: Rand versus Ishamael in the Heart of the Stone

Runner up: Perrin being a blacksmith's apprentice in Tear and forging a hammer


The Shadow Rising: Rand chasing Asmodean and fighting him in Rhuidean; one of the best Forsaken fights in the series

Runner up: Rand walking through the ter-angreal at Rhuidean and learning of the Aiel's true past

Honorable Mention: Bran al'Vere telling Perrin the fate of his family. Sad moment.


The Fires of Heaven: Lanfear's showdown at the docks of Cairhien

Runner up: Rand versus Rahvin


Lord of Chaos: Dumai's Wells

Runner up: Nynaeve healing severing

Honorable Mention: both of Demandred's scenes


A Crown of Swords: Might change when I re-read it; for now I guess Rand versus Sammael.


The Path of Daggers: Also needs a re-read. Possible Rand going mad with Callandor as the Seanchan are approaching. Cursing bloody Shaiton himself.


Winter's Heart: The whole cleansing scene, in particular the various PoVs we get (like Cyndane's)


Crossroads of Twilight: Eh...


Knife of Dreams: The random Trolloc attack early on, and Rand/Lews Therin using Deathgates

Runner up: Capturing Semirhage


The Gathering Storm: Verin's dark secret and big reveal

Runner up: Rand almost killing Tam

Honorable mention: Veins of Gold

Honorable mention: Semirhage breaking free and pushing Rand too far


The Towers of Midnight: Pretty much the whole battle in TAR, plus Egwene v. Mesaana

Runner up: Mat's trip into Finland!


The Eye: Rand swaggering to the Whitecloaks and Rand climbing the mast of Domon's ship.


The Hunt: Flicker. Flicker. Flickerflickerflickerflickerflickerflicker... I mean, who doesn't love that scene. So many insights into the whole series with those Portal Stones. Also, the entire chapter of "Five will ride forth".


The Dragon: The first time we get to see Matt, fireworks, and Thom interact. Seriously, every time we get a scene where Thom really freaks out about how Mat plays with and handles fireworks I lose it. Priceless. It doesn't matter what book, but especially in this, the first time it happens, I can never stop laughing for minutes at a time. Mat is so oblivious to the TERROR he is causing Thom. Plus getting to see Thom, the unshakable, unflappable Thom completely lose it around Mat and fireworks (granted, if I were Thom in some of those situations, I would be terrified too) is great. Also Perrin working the forge. I don't know exactly why, but I've found RJ's description of forge work truly interesting. The same could be said of Perrin's forging of the hammer (I scene I wonder if was a direct transcription scene of RJ's in ToM). One of the few places where RJ's love of exacting detail does not ever begin to bore me, even after countless re-reads.



The Shadow: Really difficult to choose. Mat when he's travelling through any of the doorways is always great. But so it Rand's Rhuidean visions. But Perrin's Two River's arc is also laced with many great scenes (Arguably Perrin's highest point, and why so many people grew to dislike him so much, for he never really fulfills the promise he shows in this book until ToM.)


The Fires: The scene we never get to see first hand. Mat vs. Couladin. One of the smarter techniques RJ ever uses, and one of the few times he uses it (although he does tend to do it most with Mat).


The Lord: The kidnapping. It gets me every time. While you knew there was something sinister about the Tower AS from the beginning, the execute the kidnapping as flawlessly as one could hope for. Rand never stands a chance. Is probably one of the best blind sides in the series during the first read. Dumai's Wells is great, as others mentioned, but wanted to mention the other as well.


The Crown: Nynaeve's learning to finally surrender to saidar. A close second is when Mat explains to Elayne what exactly going on between him and Tylin. Priceless.


The Path: Rand. Callandor. Nuff Said.


Winter's Heart:


Let go,” Lan said quietly. He looked up at Rand, his eyes cold and hard, no expression on his face. “Let go.”

When the sun turns green,” Rand told him. If he could just pull the other man up a little, enough to catch the eave. . . .


One of the few scenes in the latter half before the epiphany where I think we get to see Old Rand peeking through.


Crossroads: Perrin's interrogation of the captured Shaido. Truly hair-raising for me.


Knife: Tuon's realization that Mat is really more than he appears. The whole "Lion on the high plains" or something like that.


The Gathering: Dark Rand. While Sanderson missed pretty badly with finding Mat's Voice in this book, he made Dark Rand scary for the first time. Before this book, no matter how crazy Rand got, I always had a certain amount of internal rationalization going on in my head, and I felt he was still a likable guy. This books doesn't allow that. Rand has finally Lost IT, and for the first time in the series, I began to wonder if this was going to have any sort of happy ending. Of course, on the flip side, while I loved VoG, I think it happened at least one book too early. The most interesting conflict of the story has been resolved, and I feel like if Rand can get past that, he's got the rest of this in the bag.


The Towers:

"I caught a badger," a familiar voice said. "Want to let it go on the village green?"



Close second is Rand's OP win at Maradon. Who doesn't love a little overkill now and then? I suppose in a world where miracles are common place, it takes a little bump up in your "miracle" in order be recognized as Savior, lol. And of course Perrin's forging of the Hammer.

  • 1 month later...

from The Great Hunt - portal stone that took them to Toman Head making them live out alt. lives. It was just so powerful, and all kinds of terrible, I get just about as emotionally distraught as the characters involved.

  On 6/11/2012 at 3:10 PM, BenevolentCow said:

I loved Egwene telling off the AS after Nynaeve's shawl test. It really drove home how awesome Nynaeve is.

  On 6/11/2012 at 3:10 PM, BenevolentCow said:

I loved Egwene telling off the AS after Nynaeve's shawl test. It really drove home how awesome Nynaeve is.

lol BC what Eggy dearest did was not telling off rather simpering to distance herself from nynaeve and in a round about way requestiong don't do it

As much as I dislike Perrin, the Perrin going wolf scenes always get to me. Especially the one in The Dragon Reborn, when the wolves battled the Trollocs and he was one with them, that howl at the end really touched my soul. I really envy people who can just unleash and totally let themselves go and be free.


Dumai Wells, of course,


Tam calling Cads a bully!!!!! Easily top 3.


Rand calling out the Darkfriends. Damned epic.


And oddly enough another Perrin scene, When he puts Eggy in her place in TR, Balefire? Pshhh, I'm Perrin Biotch (is how I read it in my head).


Like I've said in a few other threads, I'm just rereading it for the first time in some time. That said, the scenes leading up to Rand's rescue from the Red Ajah and when he's finally released always stick in my mind.


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