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Frozen Mafia Game Thread--GAME OVER--MAFIA WIN

Aiel Heart

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Sooh no offense but AtE is a part of the game and if I'm not sold that it's sincere I'm going to call it out.  Sili's behavior is game-related, not like, someone getting defensive because they were personally insulted.  There I can agree with you.


And fwiw I'm not calling it scummy, but Sili knows how he's been appearing in this game and I have to think he has some sort of agenda with it.  That's null.


It was a joke.


I think Sili is sort of strong willed and stubborn by nature but that's not a knock against him. It's part of the game and considering the humanistic value of Mafia personalities play a big role in that.


i'm sorta here.


As for Shad's post about me: you're right. I might not play like you've seen me before. But every game is diffirent and i'm highly annoyed with certain in game and RL work related factors. I try not to let it bleed into the game, but i can not manage. Sorry about that. 


At this point i'll just see what happens and re-evaluate from there.

  On 9/16/2015 at 5:41 AM, Sili Quirrels said:


  On 9/16/2015 at 5:39 AM, Shad_ said:


I believe that Thane would not want to push for Pral tomorrow under the circumstances regardless of Thane's alignment.



sounds right.

To me too. I won't be available for part of today and tomorrow. I'll online tonight. Tomorrow I should be on either afternoon or evening.

  On 9/16/2015 at 11:21 AM, Shad_ said:

Sili's excessive emo in this game is kind of distracting me from reading him, which makes me wonder if it's intentional, which makes me less willing to give him a pass. It's a downward spiral.


I just haven't seen him act like this before. /shrug

I have and it's null for me. We'll see how things progress. Sili getting frustrated makes me think he's likely town.

  On 9/16/2015 at 5:28 PM, Andrej said:

I think Despo is actually a range on the emo chart :tongue:


Who are we lunching D2?


wolves imo.


This would be easier if I was on a computer.


There are a few notable interactions I think. Razen was pretty concerned with the "linking" Dice did with him to Sili.

There was the part where he tries to sus Kaylee for her Sooh/Thane trap observation. I'm not sure what to make of that one but it seems to me he's trying to insinuate that Kaylee should be scum reading Thane/Sooh but isn't and therefore she could be partners with one or both? Idk - someone check it out. Not sure if he was just pushing garbage or has TMI on one of Sooh/Thane and was trying to link Kaylee to them.


Grand Pabbie sighed as snow took the land. Elsa's fear of herself had grown too strong, and now all the land was in danger. Grand Pabbie knew that the king and queen were probably out looking for Elsa, but he didn't know that they would be able to reach her heart. The princess Anna, perhaps, could, but would that be strong enough?
For the good of all, Grand Pabbie left his family behind to search for Elsa, and show her that her life need not be ruled by fear any longer. Before he could even reach her, though, a pile of snow came to life in the shape of a terrifying snow monster, which knocked him to the side. Grand Pabbie tumbled down a cliffside. 
Pral--Grand Pabbie, town doc, was killed.
Meanwhile, far away, up in the mountains, a man walked with a reindeer. 
“Just as well I’m not trying to sell ice in this weather.” Kristoff didn’t sound thrilled “Grand Pappie needs his herbs!”
Sven nudged him.
Kristoff smiled. “Don’t worry, I’ll get your carrots somewhere.” 
“Carrots are a nice color. I love orange. I bet they taste good.”
Kristoff turned quickly. Standing in front of him was a snowman—a live snowman.
“Hi I’m Olaf, and I like warm hugs!” It was so cute and adorable that there was no way he was evil.
Olaf walked up to them and looked curiously at Sven. “Who’s the funny looking donkey?”
Olaf smiled up at Kristoff “oh ok.” He turned back to Sven “and what’s your name?”
“That’s… Sven.” 
“Oh you’re both—that makes it easier for me.”
Kristoff chuckled “Ok, if you’re going to call me Sven, I’m going to call you Thane”
It is now Day 2.
With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch
Verbal has asked to be replaced


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