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Not Even 3 Years


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everybody knows that I love my cats to distraction.... Sophie, Phoebe, Nyx, and Ares... the last two were rescues from the base in the first week of June 2011. I got Nyx from a car engine, and my mom got her brother Ares from under the house across the street... both were skinny with bones showing, and while neither are very cuddly they are loved so much... all of the cats are. Ares is called 'Man' because he is the only guy, and he is an Aspie cat who cannot stand to be touched, picked up or cuddled with... When he got fixed, he stayed in my room for a little over a week, and he was so docile and loving that he waited for me to get home, he slept with me, and purred... moving to Pennsylvania scared him so much that he hid in the basement for 3 weeks, not coming up unless it was in the middle of the night for food and water, and even then he lost quite a bit of weight... and now to the point of this, he hasn't eaten for 2 days, nor has he drunk... when he was taken to the vet yesterday, they said his liver is failing. My man is dying, and I want to scream with the pain... my tears haven't stopped since I started hours ago, and while he sleeps between my legs often, I know that it won't be too long... my cats are second to my books for my reasons to live and are my world, they keep me calm and I love them so much that since I got them, I knew my heart would be broken when they died. I just didn't expect to have not even 3 years with my boy... he is 3 years old!!! I feel desperate to do anything to keep him alive... even sell quite a few of my books, if not all of them... he needs to live!!!

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I lost my big white boy Georgie to liver failure too - he lost a huge amount of weight... they ran a lot of tests and gave me pills to give him, and he got better for a while, but the vet bills were too expensive for me to afford and my credit card was maxed out, so after he ran out of pills, he got worse again.


*great big snuggly hugs*


I'm so sorry you're losing your kitty-love.  

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Oh, Time, I'm so sorry!  Do they know what's caused the liver failure?  For only being three years old, that seems quite strange.  Are there options for surgery? 


no surgery, and if it isn't cancer, then it is some form of infection that he was exposed to as a kitten out in the wild, and because he is a boy, the infection mutated and is always fatal...


*hugs everyone* thank you

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I'm so bloody sad for you right now... I have been lucky(?) in that I have never had to watch a loved pet go slow...

This is me at my most awkward...spam and snarky comments can't help this. 

So Sorry this is happening.

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at around 12:34 this morning, my Ares' heart stopped... his last minute or so was agonizing to watch and im afraid that he was scared and hurting... I want to fall asleep to escape the way he looked... like he was in so much pain, trying to breathe.... and my own heart stopped for a moment the moment my had could not feel his beating.... I hurt so much, but im so glad he doesn't hurt anymore. and as much as I want to sleep to escape the memory, I can't seem to fall asleep..

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a part of me is still in shock because of how fast it happened... it was only Friday night that we found out he was sick... and even then he hadn't eaten for almost 2 days....


it's scary how fast any virus can progress...

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What Turin said.  Animals are able to sense emotions, they say, and I'm sure Ares knew you were there, even though it was hard for you, solely to give him comfort.  I'm so sorry this happened, but I'm glad he's not suffering anymore.  And I'm glad you were able to stay with him all night.  It's so hard to watch our loved ones struggle, but that selfless sacrifice you gave made his last moments more peaceful. 


*lots of hugs*

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