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Farewell Dragonmount


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Well people I've loved it here, but lately haven't been on much, the reason is, that I was totally addicted before, and had to get away to do anything. I will still be at the Band, that's probably the only forum I'm gonna be on, believe me, this is the last one I'm signing off. Well, I am gonna stay on one MMORPG, but it don't take up so much time not nearly so much. I will return at times for maybe a day or two, but not for a long while, if ever, will I return for more than that. I'm sorry guys, soon I'm gonna be just another name, lost in the mists of time, forgotten, like Oos, like Shauna, you don't remember these names? That's what I mean, in a few months perhaps someone else will leave, and they will say this, only use my name instead of Oos or Shauna, and everyone will say "Who's Goldeneys?"


I've realized that there is more to life than fun, that I need to do something that will count, and that Real Life is not just something to joke over. When I'm like...a Grandpa (whoah, that's gonna be like...forever...right?) will I look back and regret that I spent so much time spamming? Some of you may not know, but I am writing a book, I am only in the begining stages, and Dragonmount and other such sites is one of the reasons, well, it's not the site that is the reason, it's my addiction to the site.


There are a few reasons I'm leaving this forum, and all others except the Band, and I'll list them here:


1. My spiritual life has been suffering, for lack of time. As a Christian, I take my spiritual lif very seriously, and anything that get's in the way has got to go.

2. I want to be able to write my book.

3. I'm probably going to have a job soon.

4. My grades have sorta been suffering due to lack of time.

5. I need more time for my Guitar.

6. I'm planning on learning another instrument, most likely the flute (I think flute's cool...think Thom).

7. Just have a better RL in general.


Now it's completely my fault I'm so addicted, and it's your fault if you are, for a while I didn't care, but now I'm realizing that I can do better things with my time than try to outpost Danya (which is rather immpossible). When I started on Dragonmount, I had all the time in the world, now I'm pressed for time all the time.


I love all you guys, and I will come back from time to time, but this is too addicting for now.


Goodbye, Walk in the Light.

Hans - aka, Goldy, Sei'Cair, Cheeky, Bigfoot Sasquatch, Barf.


P.S. Feel free to add me to your MSN lists, I'm hanzerelli@hotmail.com


Sorry to see you go Sei'Cair. RL always comes first though, no matter what. Good luck with your book, I'm sure it'll turn out great. Maybe we'll see you around in the future, but for now take care of yourself. *huggles bunches*


Take care Goldy...Hope it all works out well....and do we get signed copies of your book when it comes out :D .


Chin up and enjoy your life while you can, we're always here if you a shoulder but you're right there's a big world out there....and you don't get to see much of it on a keyboard.


Take care



Guest Winespring Brother

Goldy! Come back! We need you! You will leave a hole in the lives of those of us unable to kick the habbit, but we will console ourselves with the thought you've gone on to a better place :cry:


I'm sorry to see you go, Hans, but I completely respect it. Especially the part about your spiritual life. I went through something similar a few years ago (sounds like forever, but when you've been here almost six years it's not :P) so I can very much relate.


I hope catch you on msn, and if not then I really wish you all the best. And don't worry, you can never be completely forgotten around here. There is always someone who will remember. That's the good thing about DM.








Bye bye Goldy!

We'll miss you in the Archers.



Oh and if you're reading this, *TWAP*, you're supposed to be gone! ^_^


Anyway, I'm sure I'll see you on MSN at somepoint. ^_^

Guest TheDemigod

bye mate, twas fun


have a nice life! :)


Goldy, respect where it is due. To recognise that something you enjoy doing is a problem and do something about it... that takes a man.


I look forward to seeing you on MSN occasionally... maybe once you get RL set to a different routine, you'll come by for the odd werewolf game... and I promise I won't vote to have you lynched just because you proclaim yourself Mayor :wink:


Good luck with your book and your other projects... we'll miss you.


*feels the love*


oooo, should have done this more often while I was staying...feels kinda good... :wink:


Tessa, if I ever get it published, I'll send you a free autographed copy...not promising anything to 1000 other members though...


WB, yeah, I was like that...like, forever it seems, one time I almost left, but that was just cuz Dad said it too much time...this is completely a decision of my own, and...yeah. I hope that hole is sufficiently big, and never ever gets filled with anyone else, perhaps one day, there will be a monument in Fiddlesticks, or...*gasp* here in GD, a stickied thread that forever proclaims the majesty and power of the Golden One, The President of the ASA. The Founder of the Pink Ajah, The Watcher of the Spam, The Flame of Fiddleton, The Fiddler of the Sticks. The Werewolf Mayor, The only non-poker DM will ever see.


Maria...you've been here six years??? All hail the Ancient one...I felt old when I saw all these newbs, and I've been here 11 months. Hmmm, someone will always remember me...I like that.


Odds, let me quote something from above...


I will still be at the Band


*is twapped*


hey, I can at least come to my own Farewell thread...can't I??


Demi...remember that one Prank? The one with Nyn and Chae and the others? that one was awesome, wish we'd done more...


Egwene, actually I don't think it really takes a man, a woman could do it too...I think. I may come bye once in a while for the Werewolf game, just so I'm not forgotten completely, and you'll stop voting just cuz I'm in complete and total authority? oh I should have done this sooner...hmm...


Anyways, thanks everyone, as I said, I'll miss you all, there are some ppl here I've never seen before today...who is this Danya who acts like she knows me? but I'll miss you too, all of you.


I remember Oos! And Shauna! And I'll remember you too!


*hugs* I'm very sorry to see you go, but if that's your decision, I'm sure it's the right one for you. And I hope that some day you can come back and say hello to us. :D


aww dude *man glomps goldy* and if i do catch you some time again on msn i'll try not to to make it like our first conversation :oops: :oops: :oops: . im almost feeling a bit weepy, you were up there with the spam greats like bluebell(twinnie) and jasonr, and i sure as hell wont forget you *salutes*


*wriggles out of loki's arms...*


now I really feel the love...


Woah, I feel honored to be mentioned in the same sentence as those two...Loki...that was a one time thing...that first chat...


Alarwyn...few people remember those two, but they'll live on forever in my mind, especially Oos, the best spammer I ever did know.


Odds...suuuure you did...


Thanks Rae *hugs*


Min...hun, luv you too, sorry, but this is the way it's gotta be, I'll always remember you, and everyone.


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