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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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Official Vote Count:


Dom (2/10): Cloud, Amega

Cloud (4/10): AJ, Salami, Hally, Wombat

Amega (2/10): Tina, Mish

Dice (3/10): Ithi, Turin

Wombat (1/10): Tess



Not Voting (7/18):

TG, Dice, Len, Ley, RTE, Rag, X


With 18 alive it takes 10 to lynch.


You have 40 hours.

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I see nothing wrong with listing claims, and I don't see how it's anti-town.  You can be sure mafia is keeping a track of it, so if me taking the time to list them helps town in any way, then I'll do it.  I think purposefully not reading people's post is anti-town, however.  




##Vote Amega

  On 3/9/2014 at 12:41 AM, TGlems said:

Stuck in an airport with no internet yesterday.  Can anybody tell me on what page we moved out of D0 phase so I can get my re-read on?


Page 19 iirc

  On 3/8/2014 at 2:28 PM, csarmi said:


  On 3/8/2014 at 1:41 PM, _CLOUD said:

Salami what do you think about Dice?

  On 3/8/2014 at 1:52 PM, Despothera said:


  On 3/7/2014 at 8:36 PM, csarmi said:

No, I can't elaborate more, I can't point you to actual posts.


While your obtuse tone was par for the course for you while Tina questioned you about tone, I def gotta take exception to this.


It really shouldn't be that difficult to fetch quotes and show the tone you speak of Csarmi.

Don't disturb me. I'm busy sunbathing and reading the Words of Radiance.


  On 3/8/2014 at 2:28 PM, csarmi said:

From what I skimmed, Despo > Cloud. No idea about Dice. Must have skipped it.


Not really digging the tone of these posts. I can see where Cloud is coming from when he says you post whatever as town because you aren't afraid of looking scummy but in general these just come off to me as counter-productive and don't help me feel better about you. You may be town, but it's YOUR job to show it. Don't expect us just to assume.


  On 3/8/2014 at 2:59 PM, Turin Turambar said:

So let's lynch Tess and get that flip. Then you can all explain why you defended them.


BTW AJ, you have defended more than just Tess. your play so far has been predominantly that of Mr. Agreeable. Everything is null. The only person that you have done much to go after iirc is me. 


AJ, do you think I am mafia?


So I'm Mr. Agreeable Lawyer now? lol. Do I think you're mafia? You certainly aren't making me feel any better about you. I think most of the things you are saying to be a stretch and have a hard time believing that you are so convinced on Dom/Tess that you able to name their teammates. I personally am town reading them, so your insistence that they are mafia is troubling to me. I would certainly have no issue lynching you today. Is that null enough? :smile:


  On 3/8/2014 at 3:33 PM, Ithillian said:

Turin just blindly copied and then skirted off again.


Just a reminder for you Ithi. You seem pretty determined on taking Turin's side, but you are noticing these trends as well. I'd still like you to answer the question I posed a few posts back regarding Turin and his scum list based on his lock-scum read on Dom/Tess


  On 3/8/2014 at 5:06 PM, Turin Turambar said:

Mod maybe?


Or Lenlo? he was the first to state that someone was a double voter. 


Who better to have that power? 


Poor mafia. At least no one gave her a baseball bat. that we know of.


  On 3/8/2014 at 5:08 PM, csarmi said:

Oh you know Ithi is town?


  On 3/8/2014 at 5:10 PM, Turin Turambar said:

Ithi is always town. It is known.


I liked this exchange. CS gets a few points in his favor despite his attitude in previous posts.


  On 3/8/2014 at 5:19 PM, WWWwombat said:

Because he's still probably mafia, Dice isn't trendy anymore, and Dom rocks.




  On 3/8/2014 at 7:27 PM, Darthe said:

"Here in Cali"


Hate you so much right now.


:wink: Today really was lovely, fwiw.


  On 3/8/2014 at 9:14 PM, Despothera said:

Don't remember anything from TG or Xthrax since game actually started. X posted in another game recently so...


Only thing I remember from Lenlo is fluff. Obv par for the course for him but still. Rags also needs to finally give some thoughts.


CSarmi has some town tone in his posts, but his effort def could be better. I also have a middling read on AJ, would love to flesh that out more.


Think that's everyone.


Let's flesh bro.


  On 3/8/2014 at 10:26 PM, Turin Turambar said:

"cover my bases" scum read. That sounds like he is the teammate you want to apply light pressure to while never going after for whatever reason sounds plausible at the moment. Like he is a poor info lynch and you aren't going to get reactions from him so just leave him alone. You know what that sounds like a good place to put more pressure. There were a few previously that came out to question why Dice was getting so much heat. 





Your stance on Dice makes me feel worse about him and we can see what his flip says about you. 


Question: Is your scum read on Dice only because of Despo's stance? This is what I was talking about how your assurance that they are mafia is coloring your reads elsewhere... I just don't follow it. You never really commented on the Dice situation in the first place save for sheeping Ithi onto his wagon.

  On 3/9/2014 at 12:50 AM, Andrej said:


  On 3/9/2014 at 12:41 AM, TGlems said:

Stuck in an airport with no internet yesterday.  Can anybody tell me on what page we moved out of D0 phase so I can get my re-read on?


Page 19 iirc


there are a few posts on page 18 as well. 

  On 3/8/2014 at 3:32 AM, Turin Turambar said:

Fortunately for you, Ithi is not ready to have you guys lynched yet apparently as she is still voting Dice and pressing Cloud.

  On 3/8/2014 at 4:14 PM, Turin Turambar said:

Nudging pushing one person while voting another is non-town behavior.


  On 3/8/2014 at 5:10 PM, Turin Turambar said:

Ithi is always town. It is known.



  On 3/7/2014 at 10:01 PM, amegakure said:

Despo actually had some valid points on cloud.. gonna watch that for abit. Might place a vote on him after he responds.


Csarmi is role hinting.. probably some convoluted form of coroner from his statement. Not really relevant tho since the majority have god like roles. 


The tom and des thing does seem like a town role. i dont know tom, but the way des is acting seems very rational compared to when i saw him as scum


Look des i remembered your gender sorta... actually typed it wrong at first, but yea... its progress.


  On 3/8/2014 at 2:10 AM, amegakure said:

##unplug Tommy


  On 3/8/2014 at 8:08 PM, amegakure said:

I think the only thing des can do is pick at the smallest word flaws in someones post and make mountains out of molehills to throw dirt on anything about himself thats scummy. And he goes at it with such an intensity people would rather act like sheep or just get out of the way. Almost as if he has himself sat on the highest pedestal. And i for one think its bogus. Oh it wasnt buddying. i actually cared to remember your gender.. its sooo hard though with your passive aggressive play style sorta reminds me of my Ex.


And tina thats pretty much what i thought..Verb did pretty much the same thing in another game. Figured you could have mentioned that when you did it though. And i said what i said so it wouldnt sound so whyme-fryme. I think as a player i need to shed some of my defensive habits. 


My vote on dom at the time was mearly a joke but Darthe seems to have accepted it and i have no reason to move it as of now. tom's OMGUS vote on turin is interesting as well. 




##vote Turin


Would be happy with Amega as well.


Both have made some pretty bad statements.


Turin comes across like he knows Ithi is town and is trying his damnest to stay on her good side. His linkage of several players, including myself, to his lock-scum read on Despo is also troubling.


Amega starts out by saying that Despo actually appears to be town and that he presented good points on Cloud. Later he backtracks and calls Despo's method of play scummy when it is basically the same thing he was doing N0. He also calls his vote a joke on Tommy (who shares Despo's slot) but decides that he is happy to keep it there cause... why?

  On 3/8/2014 at 10:37 PM, amegakure said:

Des i thought people just skipped over turin's post these days.. why would this make people loose WIM. Nobody pays attention to him.. well at least thats what you want everyone to think. Since he's such a scummy scum scum. And your a crystal clear townie at the top of the world doing nothing but your darnedest to help out town.



  On 3/9/2014 at 12:18 AM, Turin Turambar said:

Did Amega say he wasn't reading people's posts? 


Just trying to ascertain your reason for voting him.

Yep, yours.


UGH, same as I told Despo. Please just put the things you want one person to address in a separate post.

  On 3/9/2014 at 1:08 AM, Andrej said:


  On 3/8/2014 at 2:28 PM, csarmi said:


  On 3/8/2014 at 1:41 PM, _CLOUD said:

Salami what do you think about Dice?

  On 3/8/2014 at 1:52 PM, Despothera said:


  On 3/7/2014 at 8:36 PM, csarmi said:

No, I can't elaborate more, I can't point you to actual posts.

While your obtuse tone was par for the course for you while Tina questioned you about tone, I def gotta take exception to this.
It really shouldn't be that difficult to fetch quotes and show the tone you speak of Csarmi.

Don't disturb me. I'm busy sunbathing and reading the Words of Radiance.


  On 3/8/2014 at 2:28 PM, csarmi said:

From what I skimmed, Despo > Cloud. No idea about Dice. Must have skipped it.


Not really digging the tone of these posts. I can see where Cloud is coming from when he says you post whatever as town because you aren't afraid of looking scummy but in general these just come off to me as counter-productive and don't help me feel better about you. You may be town, but it's YOUR job to show it. Don't expect us just to assume.


  On 3/8/2014 at 2:59 PM, Turin Turambar said:

So let's lynch Tess and get that flip. Then you can all explain why you defended them.


BTW AJ, you have defended more than just Tess. your play so far has been predominantly that of Mr. Agreeable. Everything is null. The only person that you have done much to go after iirc is me. 


AJ, do you think I am mafia?


So I'm Mr. Agreeable Lawyer now? lol. Do I think you're mafia? You certainly aren't making me feel any better about you. I think most of the things you are saying to be a stretch and have a hard time believing that you are so convinced on Dom/Tess that you able to name their teammates. I personally am town reading them, so your insistence that they are mafia is troubling to me. I would certainly have no issue lynching you today. Is that null enough? :smile:


  On 3/8/2014 at 3:33 PM, Ithillian said:

Turin just blindly copied and then skirted off again.


Just a reminder for you Ithi. You seem pretty determined on taking Turin's side, but you are noticing these trends as well. I'd still like you to answer the question I posed a few posts back regarding Turin and his scum list based on his lock-scum read on Dom/Tess


  On 3/8/2014 at 5:06 PM, Turin Turambar said:

Mod maybe?


Or Lenlo? he was the first to state that someone was a double voter. 


Who better to have that power? 


Poor mafia. At least no one gave her a baseball bat. that we know of.


  On 3/8/2014 at 5:08 PM, csarmi said:

Oh you know Ithi is town?


  On 3/8/2014 at 5:10 PM, Turin Turambar said:

Ithi is always town. It is known.


I liked this exchange. CS gets a few points in his favor despite his attitude in previous posts.


  On 3/8/2014 at 5:19 PM, WWWwombat said:

Because he's still probably mafia, Dice isn't trendy anymore, and Dom rocks.




  On 3/8/2014 at 7:27 PM, Darthe said:

"Here in Cali"


Hate you so much right now.


:wink: Today really was lovely, fwiw.


  On 3/8/2014 at 9:14 PM, Despothera said:

Don't remember anything from TG or Xthrax since game actually started. X posted in another game recently so...

Only thing I remember from Lenlo is fluff. Obv par for the course for him but still. Rags also needs to finally give some thoughts.

CSarmi has some town tone in his posts, but his effort def could be better. I also have a middling read on AJ, would love to flesh that out more.

Think that's everyone.


Let's flesh bro.


  On 3/8/2014 at 10:26 PM, Turin Turambar said:

"cover my bases" scum read. That sounds like he is the teammate you want to apply light pressure to while never going after for whatever reason sounds plausible at the moment. Like he is a poor info lynch and you aren't going to get reactions from him so just leave him alone. You know what that sounds like a good place to put more pressure. There were a few previously that came out to question why Dice was getting so much heat. 





Your stance on Dice makes me feel worse about him and we can see what his flip says about you. 


Question: Is your scum read on Dice only because of Despo's stance? This is what I was talking about how your assurance that they are mafia is coloring your reads elsewhere... I just don't follow it. You never really commented on the Dice situation in the first place save for sheeping Ithi onto his wagon.


First mention of me:

Yes. Agreeable lawyer. talking around both sides of an issue. Willing to take either side in an arguement. Evading direct questions. I asked you if you think I am mafia. You replied that you have no issue with lynching me today. That implies that you do think I am mafia, so why are you afraid to say so. This is carefully worded responses that lawyers make. And mafia. Your town reading them based on their actual game actions is amazing to me. It looks like you just want to take their side while not being too obvious about it. hence the hedgespeak or lawyerese.


CS questions me so he gets points in your book. So if he votes me does that make him more town in your book? Looking like you are letting a read influence your opinions of others. beware you might have to case yourself.


Please spoiler the moving gifs for those using mobile.


Ironical that you feel good about Tommy because in your opinion he isn't buddying, then you buddy up to Despo. I wonder what he will say about that?


Answer: No. You assume it was. It is a contributing factor. I vote how I choose. When I choose. I do agree with Ithi's comments about Dice's post. I just happened to prefer to vote Tess since I saw Tommy come out with that feigned confusion regarding Cloud's posting. It seems to be a go to move for mafia Tommy. I am back to Dice because as Despo was so kind to point out it is very unlikely that I will convince enough sheep to vote him today. So I will go for the person I think might lead more people back to him. That is Dice based on Despo's listing him as a mafia read but not his top read. I see that as a place that mafia like to insert their teammates. Ironically he did the same with me. However I know I am town  so I can surmise that Dice fits the bill for a teammate in this situation. Therefore if Dice ends up being mafia then I say it leads to Tess. You are free to disagree all you want of course. 

  On 3/9/2014 at 1:20 AM, Andrej said:


  On 3/8/2014 at 3:32 AM, Turin Turambar said:

Fortunately for you, Ithi is not ready to have you guys lynched yet apparently as she is still voting Dice and pressing Cloud.

  On 3/8/2014 at 4:14 PM, Turin Turambar said:

Nudging pushing one person while voting another is non-town behavior.


  On 3/8/2014 at 5:10 PM, Turin Turambar said:

Ithi is always town. It is known.



*gif deleted*


Ithi is still well within her meta as she was voting cloud and moved when she saw something pingy from Dice. That she hasn't let Cloud off the hook is also classic Ithi. You believe in Despo and his style. I believe in Ithi and her style. Feel free to take her on if you wish. You might as well just give up your team(if you have one) as it will end up bad for them. 


And yes. Ithi is always town. Maybe you should go ask someone :smile:


Again, please with the animated gifs. It doesn't bother me but there has been lengthy discussion about what a help spoilering them is.

  On 3/9/2014 at 1:36 AM, Hallia said:


  On 3/8/2014 at 10:37 PM, amegakure said:

Des i thought people just skipped over turin's post these days.. why would this make people loose WIM. Nobody pays attention to him.. well at least thats what you want everyone to think. Since he's such a scummy scum scum. And your a crystal clear townie at the top of the world doing nothing but your darnedest to help out town.



  On 3/9/2014 at 12:18 AM, Turin Turambar said:

Did Amega say he wasn't reading people's posts? 


Just trying to ascertain your reason for voting him.

Yep, yours.


Amega, Can you clarify what you meant in your quote above. I did not read that the same way Hallia did apparently. 

  On 3/9/2014 at 1:28 AM, Andrej said:

##vote Turin


Would be happy with Amega as well.


Both have made some pretty bad statements.


Turin comes across like he knows Ithi is town and is trying his damnest to stay on her good side. His linkage of several players, including myself, to his lock-scum read on Despo is also troubling.


Amega starts out by saying that Despo actually appears to be town and that he presented good points on Cloud. Later he backtracks and calls Despo's method of play scummy when it is basically the same thing he was doing N0. He also calls his vote a joke on Tommy (who shares Despo's slot) but decides that he is happy to keep it there cause... why?

So AJ. Do you think that I am mafia? 


Just say "I think Turin is mafia" if that is the case. Heck you can even say "I think Amega is mafia" if you want.


Why don't you want to be linked to Tess?(it is actually Tommy that I had the near certainty about actually but w/e) You are reading "it" as town. BTW, do you believe they do not have a side chat? Also, why do you have a town read on Tess?


I always want to stay on Ithi's good side. I read Ithi pretty well thank you very much. The buddy talk is a bit of shtick but I can gauge her pretty well. 


yea sure. Des said that people dont take you seriously and by extension Ignore your post because your always have a hard on for des. Then she contradicts himself by saying that getting in another heated discussion would make people loose WIM. This seems silly for my cause regardless of eithers alignment wether it be scum vs town or town on town, or better yet a gambit these are crucial reads for the majority to look back at. Seeing where people take there stance and with whom. Ahd i cant see people ignoring them. 


Let me find the qoute 





Second, the manner in which he tunnels me destroys absolutely any credibility or clout he ever once had in mafia. If he's scum and I'm town, he can mask meta by tunneling but as soon as I prove myself town or flip town, he has to go "Whoops! Guess I was wrong and hafta start all over!" and ends up looking useless and gives town zero reason to not lynch him. If he's town and I'm town, he lets his scumhunting talents go to waste by letting confirmation bias own his face hard, and potentially derails the scumhunt. One of the worst positions is when he's town and I'm scum- everyone just ignores his points against me most the time and I and my team laugh their way to victory. The only time this tactic is ever really effective is when we're both scum together.

post 721 for context. and he does actually directly say ignore you.


As for hallia she is following the leader which suits her meta just fine. Let her park her vote where ever she pleases. 


Also im happy to keep my vote where it is because i feel it is warranted now. Despo has picked at almost everyone to get the attention off of him and tommy. Something that has been bothering me about this whole hydra thing is that you all think that its a regular role. If i have learned anything about darthe is he is not a regular mod and since i we can assume the majority of peoples roles have been modified whats to say darthe didnt do the same and make them a scum town team or 3d party. I am happy to have a lynch on either one of them.. If the flip goes bad feel free to kill me.. ill pay back town in full cross my heart and hope to die. 




What reason do I have to push on you atm? You aren't my highest scum read, and youre tunneling on me yet again. Getting into another protracted back and forth with you would likely sap the WIM (Want It More for Ithi's sake- basically motivation) out of other townies.


I actually find it informative and while i would like to lynch DOM and they want to lynch me or turin. The majority are going after cloud and dice. So this argument isnt even impeding day one activities but purely leaving bounties of information to go through along with the flip of todays lynch.


Ahem.  I am voting you for different reasons from the other two who are on you.  I follow no one good madame.

  On 3/9/2014 at 1:28 AM, Andrej said:

##vote Turin


Would be happy with Amega as well.


Both have made some pretty bad statements.


Turin comes across like he knows Ithi is town and is trying his damnest to stay on her good side. His linkage of several players, including myself, to his lock-scum read on Despo is also troubling.


Amega starts out by saying that Despo actually appears to be town and that he presented good points on Cloud. Later he backtracks and calls Despo's method of play scummy when it is basically the same thing he was doing N0. He also calls his vote a joke on Tommy (who shares Despo's slot) but decides that he is happy to keep it there cause... why?


I'm "buddying" you because I agree


Turin is pushing the limits of my suspended disbelief 


##Fire Bomb Turin


Amega, let me be more blunt. did you say that

A. you would not read my posts or

B. were you suggesting in your debate with Despo( you did call him a girl again I think) that you were saying that he was saying that people would not read my posts.


BTW Hallia, did Despo suggest to you that you should call amega a madame on the QT? (he is a guy too)  


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