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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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I work from 8.30 till 8 today with a half hour lunch. It's a long hard day with no lightproofing or cold water. If it gets bad I'll put my sunglasses on and get called Roy Orbison or Will Smith all day.




I managed to get free parking this morning so it's not all bad.

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You have a point in that I'm not very successful in reading you in particular. Only nailed you on the Stargate game and I was very confused in the Reboot / Greek games.


Very sure this time (I'm seldom this sure about anyone and when I am I tend to be right) - but I'll reconsider on my next read by.

  On 3/19/2014 at 7:23 AM, Ithillian said:





Crappy work and a 12 hour day.


Darthe let me stay dead - I feel awful.

  On 3/19/2014 at 7:24 AM, Despothera said:



  On 3/19/2014 at 7:31 AM, csarmi said:

Ithi, do you think I should reveal my revive timer or would that help scum more than mafz?

It depends if you think your gonna die. Would you have revealed it if you were about to be lynched.


Then again, if there's nothing we can do about it and you do die, you'll pop back up at some point maybe - if you really do revive.


Personally I think you more of a FF type role.


What is an FF?


My problem with revealing the timer is that it helps scum plan. Helps town plan too but we're more in the dark.


It's a couple of game phases.


It doesn't depend whether on whether I'd be lynched or killed. It depends on where we are at the game cause the later, the bigger problem the time lapse can cause.


You asked Darthe if your role activates from any death right? It won't be different because you're being sacrificed instead of killed?


(In MTG sometimes the only way to kill certain creatures is by forcing the owner to sacrifice them if you can't kill them directly- I always loved that mechanic hehe)

  On 3/19/2014 at 7:40 AM, Despothera said:

You asked Darthe if your role activates from any death right? It won't be different because you're being sacrificed instead of killed?


(In MTG sometimes the only way to kill certain creatures is by forcing the owner to sacrifice them if you can't kill them directly- I always loved that mechanic hehe)

It doesn't specify way of dying.


I just get reborn after death. When I die I'm supposed to get a coroner and that's where people should know I'm an innocent child upon return.


Five altars lay before them.  Five tributes lay on the altars.  They rested uncomfortably, some with arms crossed and eyes closed and others fidgeting anxiously. It came without warning.


The stone shifted to the right faster than stone shoquld have been able and move, as if the whole thing was on a spring system.  Five blades shot up out of the chests of the people laying on the altars and they were no more.  The blood from each slowly drained down the recessions in the sides of the pillars they rested on to pool in the middle.  Light began to coalesce below, turning the blood a bright red before shifting slowly to a black darker than the night, so dark it seemed as if it would drain the light from life itself.  Out of this light stepped five fallen allies.


Dom/Tess have been sacrificed.

Dap has been sacrificed.

Len has been sacrificed.

Rag has been sacrificed.

Salami has been sacrificed.  


Hally has returned from the grave.

Laya has returned from the grave.

Dice has returned from the grave.

Turin has returned from the grave.

X has returned from the grave.



Salami was the Phenox, town phoenix.  He will return shortly.




In a mod decision I have decided to give Rag the final death here.  Thus you all gain his coroner.

Rag was Emma Bell, town 2x reviver.


It is now day!  With 11 alive it takes 6 to lynch.  


You all have 72 hours.  


A mysterious old man has appeared.  He does not interact with any of you and seems to want to be left to his own devices, however he has proven to be quite nice thus far.  It would probably be best to let him alone for now. 


opens eyes and looks around, slightly bewildered......Im alive again?? but i was dead sooooo long!


Right lets get going. As i said i would i have come back as Town. Have been following the thread and could not for the life of me people allowed turin to live so long. I dont believe he will be ressurected as town. I believe mafia would have to get one person back from the dead and my money is on turin.


ok so this is the updated OP.

  On 3/5/2014 at 5:13 PM, Darthe said:

Thread loading...



Select entries for registration...


1. Hally - Killed Night 1, Revived Night 3

2. Des - Sacrificed Night 3

2.5. Tom - Sacrificed Night 3

3. TG

4. Laya - Killed Night 0Revived Night 3

5. Dice - Killed Day 1Revived Night 3

6. Cloud

7. Turin - Killed Day 3Revived Night 3

8. Mish

9. Amegakure - Killed Night 2

10. Lenlo - Sacrificed Night 3

11. TinaHel

12. Ley Dap - Killed Night 2, Revived Day 3Sacrificed Night 3

13. AJ

14. RTE - George Castanza, Third Party Sycophant Killed Day 2

15. Salami - Fawkes, Town Phoenix Sacrificed Night 3

16. Rag - Emma Bell, Town 2x Reviver Sacrificed Night 3

17. Xthrax - Killed Night 1Revived Night 3

18. Ithillian - Killed Night 1

19. Wombat




We have hally  TG cloud turin mish tina aj xthrax ithi and wombat


Ithi are you still a treestump?


## vote Turin

  On 3/19/2014 at 7:21 AM, Darthe said:

Nah, Nicole had galbladder surgery today so I am taking care of her.  Thankfully I think it is time to get this scene done!


I hope she will feel well soon. 


  On 3/19/2014 at 7:23 AM, Ithillian said:





Crappy work and a 12 hour day.


Darthe let me stay dead - I feel awful.


Take care, Ithi. 


  On 3/19/2014 at 7:46 AM, Darthe said:

Five altars lay before them.  Five tributes lay on the altars.  They rested uncomfortably, some with arms crossed and eyes closed and others fidgeting anxiously. It came without warning.


The stone shifted to the right faster than stone shoquld have been able and move, as if the whole thing was on a spring system.  Five blades shot up out of the chests of the people laying on the altars and they were no more.  The blood from each slowly drained down the recessions in the sides of the pillars they rested on to pool in the middle.  Light began to coalesce below, turning the blood a bright red before shifting slowly to a black darker than the night, so dark it seemed as if it would drain the light from life itself.  Out of this light stepped five fallen allies.


Dom/Tess have been sacrificed.

Dap has been sacrificed.

Len has been sacrificed.

Rag has been sacrificed.

Salami has been sacrificed.  


Hally has returned from the grave.

Laya has returned from the grave.

Dice has returned from the grave.

Turin has returned from the grave.

X has returned from the grave.



Salami was the Phenox, town phoenix.  He will return shortly.




In a mod decision I have decided to give Rag the final death here.  Thus you all gain his coroner.

Rag was Emma Bell, town 2x reviver.


OMG! I don´t even know what to do now. I´ll the previous dead talk first. 

  On 3/19/2014 at 8:03 AM, Darthe said:

It is now day!  With 11 alive it takes 6 to lynch.  


You all have 72 hours.  


A mysterious old man has appeared.  He does not interact with any of you and seems to want to be left to his own devices, however he has proven to be quite nice thus far.  It would probably be best to let him alone for now. 


Santa? I have been a good girl. Can I get a gift? 




Just a thought. If we have a mafia and they can change their alignment then they could just out the mafia team. That would not be fair to them. That leads me to three suggestions:

1. There is no mafia, only third party people

2. They can´t change alignment.

3. There is some mechanic that forbids them to out their team. 

  On 3/19/2014 at 8:34 AM, dicetosser1 said:

opens eyes and looks around, slightly bewildered......Im alive again?? but i was dead sooooo long!


Right lets get going. As i said i would i have come back as Town. Have been following the thread and could not for the life of me people allowed turin to live so long. I dont believe he will be ressurected as town. I believe mafia would have to get one person back from the dead and my money is on turin.


ok so this is the updated OP.

  On 3/5/2014 at 5:13 PM, Darthe said:


Thread loading...



Select entries for registration...


1. Hally - Killed Night 1, Revived Night 3

2. Des - Sacrificed Night 3

2.5. Tom - Sacrificed Night 3

3. TG

4. Laya - Killed Night 0, Revived Night 3

5. Dice - Killed Day 1, Revived Night 3

6. Cloud

7. Turin - Killed Day 3, Revived Night 3

8. Mish

9. Amegakure - Killed Night 2

10. Lenlo - Sacrificed Night 3

11. TinaHel

12. Ley Dap - Killed Night 2, Revived Day 3, Sacrificed Night 3

13. AJ

14. RTE - George Castanza, Third Party Sycophant Killed Day 2

15. Salami - Fawkes, Town Phoenix Sacrificed Night 3

16. Rag - Emma Bell, Town 2x Reviver Sacrificed Night 3

17. Xthrax - Killed Night 1, Revived Night 3

18. Ithillian - Killed Night 1

19. Wombat



We have hally TG cloud turin mish tina aj xthrax ithi and wombat


Ithi are you still a treestump?


## vote Turin

No. I'm not a treestump. I'm totally breaking all the rules and getting away with it.




Also you said you would have, not you did. You did well in trying to set that up but it's an obvious fake. You and Turin will be Lynched. Maybe you first actually as you are confirmed Not Town.


And Turin I just know is Mafia.


Darthe's scene had a number of cursive letters. If you put them together you get "five wards sequential". I just went back to read both the OP of the sign-up thread and the game thread to see if I could find anything that hints at the nature of these five wards and sadly I haven't found anything. Darthe didn't say anything about the meaning behind the wards, and the messages that we got about them could have been both a positive or a negative thing depending on your allignment I guess as he says that we were granted the five wards to aid in our endeavour and that we should ward against them. The only thing that I know right now is that Hally, Pral, Dice, Turin and X are the five.


I think we should just ignore this for now and just focus on our scumhunting. Dice's post looked almost as fake as Turin's buddying of Ithi in this game and it pretty much confirms to me that he is mafia.

  On 3/19/2014 at 8:46 AM, TinaHel said:


  On 3/19/2014 at 8:03 AM, Darthe said:

It is now day!  With 11 alive it takes 6 to lynch.  


You all have 72 hours.  


A mysterious old man has appeared.  He does not interact with any of you and seems to want to be left to his own devices, however he has proven to be quite nice thus far.  It would probably be best to let him alone for now. 


Santa? I have been a good girl. Can I get a gift? 




Just a thought. If we have a mafia and they can change their alignment then they could just out the mafia team. That would not be fair to them. That leads me to three suggestions:

1. There is no mafia, only third party people

2. They can´t change alignment.

3. There is some mechanic that forbids them to out their team. 



4. Or maybe there is a mafia boss that talks with the rest of the mafia one and one so that he/she is the only one that knows all mafia. 


ure going to lynch me cause of a 2 word typo?  thats weak ithi.


I am town now. its that simple. 


so if you arnt treestump any longer, that means ure alignment may have changed again then i guess


Tina, if your first suggestion was true then this wouldn't be a mafia game because there wouldn't be an informed minority vs an uninformed majority unless the five ressurected players right now are all mafia which I highly doubt is true. Your second suggestion is most likely true and it would go along well with the fact that we don't receive any coroner reports. Your third idea wouldn't work because the turned players would either consciously or subconsciously hint at the ones they know they are mafia. It just wouldn't work. I think your fourth idea is reaching a bit because we haven't gotten any hint about the existence of a master mind.


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