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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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You might want to start over then CSarmi, or make sure you're catching up on the right thread. Cause that is a god awful assumption to come to. And wrong. :happy:

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I'll be nice and spoiler this one



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Is DM being annoyingly slow for anyone else? Like it's not that the page takes forever to load, it's navigating through it... that wot took WAAAAAY too long to craft. Even typing stuff out is annoying when you try to put in line breaks or something.



Anywho, TL,DR is that RTE is obvscum scrambling and trying to delay his lynch as long as possible, Amega is back to looking like scum for his whyme fryme, and Turin looks stinkier than ever, and Dap is LOCK CLEAR. Also Cloud's bizarro reversal on RTE is troubling (went from hardcore defending him to all of a sudden trying to act like he is pushing him harder than anyone), Wombat is still on my radar, and Csarmi is pretty much safe to put on ignore (he could be town since he falls into OMGUS traps easily as town, but even if he is he's spouting nonsense) for continuing to act confused about everything.


I ran out of time to do any iso's on the lurkers tonight, hopefully tomorrow I'll get more time. And Tommy voted RTE right? If so I still won't be able to hammer, oh well /shrug. If he moves his vote or unvotes I can show yall my hammer vote will be counted and I would LERVE to hammer scummy RTE


I do not act like I'm behind. I am behind.


Omgus traps?

Safe to ignore?

Can be town even if I suspect you?


Are you reading what you type, Despo?


I don't have to


The second I hit post all of my words are sung out loud by an ethereal voice from the heavens.


There's no excuse for being behind if you have the second most posts in the game, period. Oh and don't ever tell me you don't troll... when that's exactly what you're doing and why you even admitted as much all amused after Wombat pointed out how dumb it is for you to act behind when you're one of the top posters.


Omgus traps as in anytime someone fos's you, you start thinking that person could be scum. You do this all the time as town.


You're safe to ignore because nothing you've said the entire game has really been helpful. Just you spouting nonsense and spam.


I wonder who DM pissed off that they've carried a grudge like this for so long. It's obvious that this site has been targeted specifically by hackers, and there's no good motivation for it since so little money flows through this site and I doubt many use it for personal e-mail.


Times like these is when it would be nice to be staff again, so I could /popcorn the banned users forum lol

  On 3/14/2014 at 10:14 AM, Despothera said:

There's no excuse for being behind if you have the second most posts in the game, period. Oh and don't ever tell me you don't troll... when that's exactly what you're doing and why you even admitted as much all amused after Wombat pointed out how dumb it is for you to act behind when you're one of the top posters.

No, I never troll and you know that.

And I do not act behind. I am behind. What does post count have to do with how much you're behind? Exactly nothing. My post count is so high mainly cause I have posted a lot pre-game (and at the start of the game) and because I tend to write several smaller posts instead of a big one. This is a matter of personal style.


Also the underlined: that's not what Wombat said. There was nothing about "acting".


Who needs excuses BTW.


  On 3/14/2014 at 10:14 AM, Despothera said:

Omgus traps as in anytime someone fos's you, you start thinking that person could be scum. You do this all the time as town.

Yea right.




What I'm seeing here is that I've attacked you (completely un-attached to current events, it's based on my read-up and I even said so) and then you're trying your best to dismiss what I'm saying by calling OMGUS (on no idea what grounds... Maybe you FOS'd me recently?).


Worse, you're obviously sure that I'm town (only have to read the last couple of your posts to check that).


  On 3/14/2014 at 10:14 AM, Despothera said:

You're safe to ignore because nothing you've said the entire game has really been helpful. Just you spouting nonsense and spam.

Again, let's pre-empt anything useful Csarmi might say.


If you're havin' forum problems I feel bad for you son,

I got 99 problems but Cloudfare ain't one.


I'm the fun patrol on the scum patrol
Foes that wanna make sure my casket's closed
Scummers that say he's "Town Mysterio"
I'm from the net stupid what type of facts are those
If you came up with votes on a bad FOS
You'd celebrate the minute you caught a gambit yo
I'm like forget cloudfare you can kiss my whole mental
If you don't like my lyrics you can press fast forward
Got beef with meta if I don't play they don't know
Still in tha game and won't change so
Go on ahead and try to ISO
Make a good case, it gets called weak by Despo
I don't know what you take me as
or understand the intelligence that TG has
I'm from nowhere to nowhere but I ain't dumb
I got 99 problems but DM ain't one
Hit me

99 Problems but DM ain't one
If you having Cloudfare problems I feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but DM ain't one
Hit me


Back from the god forsaken mountains of colorado.


  On 3/12/2014 at 2:45 PM, WWWwombat said:


  On 3/12/2014 at 5:19 AM, Andrej said:

Oh and I'm voting Womby cause his tone during Dice's lynch gave me the feel he knew he wasn't mafia. Ie: Womby is mafia.

Plus I thought Amega's case was kinda weak considering Ithi's alignment wasn't revealed although I think most will agree she was likely town. Womby band wagoning like that was gross.

If someone knows Dice's alignment they need to come forward.

If Dice was mafia then my thought on Womby is out the window but i would say either Dom or Turin were his teammate. They both look dirty in relation to him.


Lol is this some kind of joke?  Dice claimed "not town."  Of course he wasn't mafia imo.  I don't know it, but let's just say I'm 95% confident on it, K?  What kind of mafia claims 3rd party?


>.> <.< >.> No idea.


  On 3/12/2014 at 2:58 PM, WWWwombat said:

I'm voting for Cloud.  I'm down with lynching AJ, but I don't want to let Clud of the hook yet given the way he dropped off the radar.


And Len is Len.  I don't try to understand him.


Thats for the best really.


  On 3/12/2014 at 2:57 PM, Ithillian said:


I wonder if Len really is Not Town and is having a quiet giggle that everyone thinks that he's just joking.


I would never do that.


  On 3/12/2014 at 6:12 PM, ReleaseTheEvil said:

Stumpthi: Probably town (See what I did there?)




Salami - Doing his town thang

Turin - Not as active as usual but nothing stands out

Tina - Town Lean

Mish - Typical Mish thus far

Andrej - No real issue with his play thus far, good activity

Wombat - Typical play. Don't know what Scum Wombat looks like but he looks fine so far




Des/Tom - Suspicious Hydra is suspicious

Amega - Don't know much, what I do know this game isn't great, want to hear more

Cloud - Play so far looks town to me but the absence is suspicious


No read:


Dap - New

TG - No substantial posts to make anything of, random votes

Lenlo - Quiet. A bit suspicious but mostly not sure what to make out of him, too few posts.

Rag - Where is he?


## Vote Amega - Show yourself.


This list is crap. Almost as bad as some of the ones I make when I dont want to give any real views. Town leans, saying people are their typical selves when they arnt and his scum list isnt even a scum list, its a suspicion list without much of anything going for it.


Then he jokes off Mishes vote. I do that alot as scum, actually in general but you know, to. Not looking good for RTE.

  On 3/12/2014 at 10:55 PM, Ithillian said:


  On 3/12/2014 at 10:52 PM, _CLOUD said:

It is said that he has no pants.

Is he Scottish?


Yaaaay scottish!


  On 3/13/2014 at 8:30 AM, Ithillian said:

CSarmi is still not posting any real content.

He's asking others for their thoughts and pointing out things that have happened, but he's not actually saying anything about what he thinks. It's all very fluff.

Another to be wary of I think.


He better cool it with that, thats my job.


  On 3/13/2014 at 12:18 PM, ReleaseTheEvil said:

Well, claim now or forever hold my peace.


I get info when a certain trigger is hit. I don't choose the info and I'm not allowed to divulge the trigger or that would break my role and I'd get mod-killed. 


I know that Dice was honest about his role. Not sure if that makes him worth reviving and we don't know info about the other people we lost but that's another debate. 


Town PR, Anti-Towns come at me bro. 


No guarantee this is a town role. Both town and scum would love more info with this setup. Its also to unreliable to be depended upon. This is also most likely a kitchen sink kinda game so EVERYONE has a role.


  On 3/13/2014 at 12:23 PM, dapianoplay3r said:


  On 3/8/2014 at 12:29 AM, Lenlo said:


  On 3/8/2014 at 12:28 AM, Tommyrod said:

AJ are you dumb
Lenlo are you scum

If I say yes will you believe me?
This is the first direct hint I've seen of yours that says your are mafia
What are you up to?


Having a good time. Seeing how ive done it twice im not sure why im alive right now though.


  On 3/13/2014 at 9:03 PM, dapianoplay3r said:

There were 8 pages posted between n0 and dawn
We got 72 hours

9hours per page?



No way. If it was this then the next phase is going to be like half a month.


  On 3/13/2014 at 10:15 PM, Tommyrod said:

I'll play this weekend! I'm hosting a complex game and work has been destroying me on top of that.


This isnt like the Tommy ive seen before. But ive also only played 2 games with him soooooo... makin a note of it.


  On 3/13/2014 at 11:04 PM, ReleaseTheEvil said:

You know what's the funniest thing about this game?


No one is trying to find the supposed SK or Mafia team.


Not sure what is suspicious about my role. If I can get info if my trigger is hit, why the hell would Darthe let me tell you all what the trigger is?


The idea that anyone is vanilla town is preposterous. Csarmi might be the reviver who can revive himself because he apparently could not care less if he dies.


Despo or Tommy is scum. One of them. Lenlo or TG is another scum pick. Rags might be the last one, or a really really really lazy town. He's not replaced though so there is that.  the whole scum team might be some combination of these fine folks.


##Vote Lenlo


Wanna elaborate on those picks? Cause your just stating people is scum without any real justification.


  On 3/13/2014 at 11:38 PM, Misheru said:

RTE, if you're gonna use meta, learn people's meta first.

Boooo meta.


Here Wombat makes one big jokey/fluffy WoT. Thats not something ive seen him do much of. Thats actually something I would do. Feelin bad about Womby.


In the end Womby and RTE my scum votes. Gonna go with ##Vote RTE


Also I kinda wanna vote Darthe and see if that would do anything. Win the game by lynching the mod, destroy the matrix!


Final Vote Count:


Cloud (1/8): Amega

AJ (2/8): Tina, Turin

RTE (8/8): TG, Mish, AJ, Salami, Cloud, Tess, Womby, Dap

Len (1/8): RTE


Not Voting (2/14):

Len, Rag


When the group selected RTE he saw it in their eyes.  Confusion.  Fear.  Hatred.  He felt their need for death and so went willingly to his fate.  


RTE has been lynched.


Above, the shallow moon began to wane in the sky.  It would not be long before a fae sky revealed the truest darkness.


It is now Night.  You have 18 hours.


You're back to life? Goodie.




I think this is my first true (so far) no coroner game. My only other experience was Verb's Machine of souls, and then we got roles at least. This is very frustrating.


Oh hi Mish :smile:


Yes back to life.


I've never played in a game where there was no coroner.


I've mostly been playing by getting emails and stuff ... and I've just had a thought. Has anyone else been coloured in red so far in their death scene? I think Pral was but I don't remember anyone else being coloured in.


I might be totally wrong about that though. I need to find a way to get back to the beginning and check.


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