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Welcome to the "I've finished the entire series just a little while ago and need to say something" thread.


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Literally just finished it. feeling quite sad at the moment. Really wanted to like the book but didn't. Might change my mind later but at the moment feeling really down.


after my first reading i admit to having been underwhelmed.  However i think that was mostly becuase I was just plowing through the book to see what happened.  Once I settled down and did a slower second read I saw all the little flourishes that I had missed on that first "just tell me what freaking happens to Rand' read.  Much better the second time.


I feel sad and happy . The more I think about it the more I find it is not simply the content that make me sad , sad at the death of so many character I have grown to love and admire ,even Gawyn , and joy as other live to rebuild and celebrate the glorious sacrifice of the other .

I Simply don't want the book  to end.  Foolish right ?

Guest Chirea

Done here as well.  I´ve been following the series for 12 years, makes me sad that now it is over. Good ending though. 

Guest Ardanya

Just finished. Good ending.


One question, how did he light his pipe?


I got an early copy but my reaction was and is: I absolutely LOVED it. The action had me nervous, on the edge of my seat and I loved all the battles and who fought who and so many things.


The epilogue did bug me. After hundreds of pages of non-stop action, I kind of needed more of a "calm down" period with the characters.


I mean no disrespect for those who feel utterly let down and disappointed, however I am glad that after this last book, I can close it and re-read the series again with the nothing but positivity and the satisfaction of having an ending that i felt was intense, action packed, exciting and sad.


Its too bad others do not have that satisfaction.


I've read a lot of books - I mean 1000's ('cos I'm old) - and I cried and cheered and laughed more in this one than any other (next nearest Ender's Game / Speaker for the dead).


OMG Moments?


Min as Soe'feia!!!

Olver blowing the horn

Noal saving Olver

Androl using a gateway to redirect weaves

Lan sheathing the sword

Lanfear being Perrin's hawk after all

Mat's immunity

Mat's awesome Generalness


- The Sharans appearing at just the right/wrong time


I've read a lot of books - I mean 1000's ('cos I'm old) - and I cried and cheered and laughed more in this one than any other (next nearest Ender's Game / Speaker for the dead).


OMG Moments?


Min as Soe'feia!!!

Olver blowing the horn

Noal saving Olver

Androl using a gateway to redirect weaves

Lan sheathing the sword

Lanfear being Perrin's hawk after all

Mat's immunity

Mat's awesome Generalness


- The Sharans appearing at just the right/wrong time

Guest Egwene

It's been a long time, hope it's been a good one for all of you.


Just wanted to share my joy with you. I LOVED the book. If you are reading this Brandon... Thank you very, very much for taking on this huge task and for leaving us with a great finish.


... alltough... did you really have to kill Egwene???!


I feelt satestfied .

I reely liked all the Demandread scens wow, not to speak of all the general awesomeness of most at the thing from chapter 39 . The rest ( proluge - chapter 38 good but not awsome) . Sad now beacuse it will be no more books :(


p.s. Rand puffed on his impossible pipe ¿Qué !!!!!

Posted (edited)

I'm satisfied with the plot and how the series ended as a whole. I do wish Rand hadn't survived as I feel it would have been a more fitting sacrifice than Egwene's. After all, Taim? Really? Why couldn't Logain die killing him instead?


I'm disappointed that we didn't get to see more of Moiraine. I looked forward to reading her and Lan's reunion almost as much as I've longed to read her and Siuan's but we got to see neither. Siuan's death was really the final blow and it's something that bugs me to no end. Siuan And Moiraine deserved to have a reunion scene. After all without their meddling and underhanded blue ways, where would Rand have ended up? Very likely on the daaarrk side.

Edited by Therese Sedai

Have just finished, eyes not quite working after reading for two days straight!


Feel generally happy and satisfied, knowing how it ends, looking forward to rereading at a much slower pace!


Really pleased that there were a few more interesting ways of using gateways: not just the step through kind!

Guest Elminjenni

I just finished as well, and, overall, I enjoyed it. I feel that everyone would wish for a scene, or that so and so wouldn't have died, but it is a story, and we are lucky that we got to have completed it.


I loved it, been reading it for a very long time. I loved the pace, loved the fact that it was non stop action(which makes sense since, these final three books were supposed to be one book so this final book is like the final chapters of the whole).. I was going into the book thinking that at least one if not two of the three woman in rands life would die, also cadsuane, Lan, Galad and Rand would also die. So going into it thinking that it was pretty cool he didnt kill them off(dont always have to have the heros die, its nice to see them survive). On another note the ones who did die hit pretty close to my heart(hard not to when I have been reading for 15 years)..


On the othre side, am side it wasnt jordan who finished it(loved how sanderson did it so its not a knock), with it being this good with sanderson, just makes me wonder how good it would have been if jordan could have finished. I also am sad for the excitement of the books coming out, it always sucked waiting two years for each to come up, but thinking back on it, the excitement and happyness i always had when the books did come out will be missed.


So, this series will be missed, (of course ill probably still re-read it every year lol). 


I tell you guys, I feel like I have lost a brother. I havent been able to think straight at work. For some reason, my world feels more...lonely?...today.


A day of joyful sorrow indeed


things i'm not comfortable with - like it seemed it was wrote to satisfy the fans...


1.  we got to see who the baddest with the sword is/was.  as Big D went through Gawyn, Galad, and Lan.

2.  tam able to still kick ass with the sword one handed.  

3.  all the generals getting wiped

4.  birgitte going back to the horn...

5.  having to explain why olver can use the horn (mentioning mat's hanging and the rahvin strike)

6.  I will say when the Shara people joined the fight - that was awesome.    


ending was weird, maybe i gotta read it again...                                                                                                                                                         


things i'm not comfortable with - like it seemed it was wrote to satisfy the fans...


1.  we got to see who the baddest with the sword is/was.  as Big D went through Gawyn, Galad, and Lan.

2.  tam able to still kick ass with the sword one handed.  

3.  all the generals getting wiped

4.  birgitte going back to the horn...

5.  having to explain why olver can use the horn (mentioning mat's hanging and the rahvin strike)

6.  I will say when the Shara people joined the fight - that was awesome.    


ending was weird, maybe i gotta read it again...                                                                                                                                                         


Bummed about Egwene's death and Rand becoming a wanderer.  I wanted a "happy" ending for our main 5 out of Emond's field.  I expected Lan to die, and I would have been bummed, but I would have been OK.  I really had a picture in my head of the three main males busting each others' chops like the old friends they are, with Nyn and Egwene leading the main women in a similiarly themed epilogue. 


Wow.  Just, wow.  Finished last night (well, early this morning :wink: ) after reading for twenty hours straight.  There's so much that happened absolutely beautifully, either as I has expected or even better.  There's also a lot that seemed as though it would be awesome with the proper build up, but we didn't get that (the Wyld, the Wild Hunt, Lanfear, Moridin, Shaisam...)  I'm not certain what to make of this book.  So much wonder, so many answers and incredible moments, but also some things coming out of utter left field, or not being explained at all.  I've barely posted at all during the build up to AMOL-I was more interested in just finding out as much as I could.  But now that the Wheel of Time is well and truly over, well, it's great to have a place to discuss.


The actual duel with the Dark One was epicness and confusion mixed together.  I was under the impression that the Dark One would leave absolute nothingness if he won-RJ implied it pretty strongly, as well as the idea that the "breaking the Wheel and remaking it in his image" was a misconception.  In the place that was not, though, it seemed that this was a low priority for the Dark One, and he really would rather keep the world going-just without love or Light.  Not sure if this is a Sandersonism or I just misunderstood RJ's intent.  That said though, the scene was amazing.  The obvious threat (though I'd always imagined a truly Shadow-controlled world to be far more oppressive), the obvious hope.  The world without Light, the world without Shadow.  The Nothing.  The final reality. 


However, WTF on the True Power being used to seal the Bore?  I know it's been a popular fan theory, but it's never made sense to me.  The whole time, the True Power is portrayed as pure evil, vile as the Taint.  Using the Dark One's own evil against him seems strange.  I can imagine a build up and foreshadowing that would make that a wonderful ending, but the build up we actually got seemed to dismiss the possibility.  "Cast it away!  That is death we hold, death and betrayal.  It is HIM."  Doesn't sound like something one would want to use in the Sealing, and didn't RJ say that using True Power at Shayol Ghul would fry you instantly?  Of course, having a TP sa'angreal might change that.  How did they discover that about Callandor anyway?  It just gets mentioned, as though it's suddenly obvious.  For that matter, how did the Light end up with a TP sa'angreal anyway?  I always had the impression that there was nothing special about Callandor other than accidental defects until prophecy pointed out that it would be needed.  Can one attune an angreal to the Dark One by mistake?  Were there Darkfriends working in the factory that day?


I loved the part about nobility, not strength, being the key.  It answers so many questions!  Why did the Dark One not simply go all out to kill the Dragon and anyone else important?  How can the Light keep winning if the Last Battle is endlessly repeated with a real danger each time?  If there isn't a real danger, how does the story not lose its poignancy and suspence?  So much that I'd longed to see answered, all answered beautifully at one stroke.  I'd guessed it might turn out that way, but the way it was written was glorious.


The Dark Prophecies still don't seem to make sense.  Who "served [Lanfear] and died, yet served still"?  Perrin worked with her for a while, but he never died.  The Shining Walls never knelt.  The Broken Wolf seems to be Ituralde (the Little Wolf), but how has he known Death? 


Really wish we knew more about the Sharans.  Bringing them in almost out of nowhere was an awesome effect, but the impact was dimished to a degree by question overload.  What is a Wyld?  Why is an entire nation perfectly alright with fighting alongside Shadowspawn?  It seems like a little more information would have increased the impact a lot.

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