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Basel Gill

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Would like to hear from Ley on who he gave his power up to and BB on whether she found scum. BB, if you found a townie, please don't reveal who it is until much later in the game.


As I said, I gave it to you. If you haven't recieved it, ask Basil why, he told me (a bit late, but he did do it), that my power-ups were recieved the following day.


Also, as I already said yesterday, I found Des' case on Thorum the strongest, but I changed to Darthe because we needed a lynch and he was the only one that had enough votes to still be a candidate for it. So now vote Thorum.

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Can be the only thing then... In fact, not that unlikely, if the Mafia has a roleblocker. They'll want to have me tell what I gave as power-up, and then they block me, and the one who should've received it (you) will say "no, nothing recieved". Oh well, if they roleblock me, they can't roleblock the Doc and the Cop.

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Another possiblity is that the mafia waited for Ley to state who he was giving the item to and then switched Wombat with one of their members which means that you gave the mafia whatever the power up is. In this game that has seen multiple investigative powers would be expected to have some roles for the mafia to mess with those roles.  

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I don't have a problem with a switching role. After all, the Mafia can't use the Doc power up in any way. However, not all my power-ups are actively used, and gaining one that you just have (http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Category:Passive_roles) can't be switched, I'd say. Which would make it weird if others could. However, it might be that they can switch the thing I give out before it's recieved. Doesn't change they won't have any use of a Doc power though.

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I'm still newish to Mafia, but I enjoy the game and have learned a lot, and D1 lists like Marsh's aren't things I've seen town do much. To really have anything substantial to go on that requires a list seems (to me) something better suited D2-D3 at earliest. 

That's why the list is lame. But I wanted to feel like I was contributing something you all didn't have yet, as opposed to my previous re-hashing of what had already happened. So, yeah. Lame. 


The "role dumping" quote was in response to Wom's BPV comment. I though he was serious. 


Now, my two main suspects today are Ithi and Turin, so I'm gonna vote Ithi for now since there's already somebody on her. 



Well multiquote is being so the other quote isn't showing up, but really marsh? Follow womby's vote. Then yell at him for that very same vote.



Also Thorum is bugging me a bit. I'll try and come back to find out why later.

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Vote count:


Ithi (1): Iron

Len (1): Womby

Iron (1): Ithi

Womby (1): Thorum

Thorum (2): Smiley, Ley


Not voting (15): Turin, RTE, Rand, Random, BG, Maw, Tress, Kaylee, BB, Chuckles, Len, Time, Starry, Snow, Tina


With 21 alive, it takes 11 to lynch. Deadline is Thurs. Dec. 13th at 9 PM EST.



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Hmmm.... Marsh weakly votes Ithi, Ithi goes OMGUS. Womby votes Len, Thorum votes Womby, Smiley and Ley vote Thorum. Not really a single case yet. I haven't seen much from Thorum that makes me think he deserves to have 2 votes already. 


I'd like to hear from the cop before casting my vote, but the patterns so far are... interesting, to say the least.

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Alright, well I guess that says something in and of itself. 


Despo's death this early on reminds me too much of the BT game, in which he was killed N1 and was town. He didn't really tunnel on anyone, so my assumption is that there's an experienced player on the mafia side who wanted him gone: when he's town, he's a very useful asset. 

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In the BT game, Despo was killed N1 by a town vig who thought he was mafia.


Just finished my re-read.  The people who stood out most to me...


* Thorum - Despo's case on him was pretty good.  I don't think the "D1 is useless" thing should be looked at as all that big of a deal, but what stuck out to me most was first his attempt to cast doubt on Wombat, and then multiple attempts to cast doubt on the uncountered cop.  I also found the "will neither confirm nor deny being on a town QT" bit odd and unnecessary. 


* Marsh - The clarification about the "just one lie" and the whole grammar Nazi thing felt forced and self-conscious.  The list at the end of his re-read was... pretty much pointless, except to give us "of course I think BB is town" and "after Wombat's ploy I'm calling him town". Unwilling to commit to any kind of an opinion on most people, including Thorum.  Interesting.


* Ithi - Feels a bit off to me.  She seems to be playing a good bit less confrontational than I've seen her as town.  She got a bit of that "town Ithi" confrontational feel when Darthe was about to be lynched, with being convinced he was mafia... but she was off-base on that one.  Other than that, I'm used to her having a much more strong opinion about at least a couple of people by this point.


* BG - Something's not sitting right with me here.  Could be my natural mistrust of BG :wink:.  I need to go back and look through his posts specifically to try to identify it.  Part of it I think is that last exchange with Wombat reminds me in a way of his early play in the KaeKey GoT game, where he started out as the Mafia silvertongue. 

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Still not sure who to vote for atm, but here are some thoughts:


Thorum is being voted for his D1 comment


Wombat I'm still getting a townie vibe from


Turin was buddying up to Wombat D1, and is now suggestiong a switcher/bus driver over the no power up recieved.


To me it seems the most likely would be a role blocker. It makes sense and I've learned to look at the reason that makes sense. I could see how it could be possible, but role blocker just seems more probable.

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