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The 'Called It' Thread


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[*]Mat will give Tuon foxhead medallion, The one that wont allow the wearer to channel. I believe it will be what saves her, because i do think that the fact that suldams can channel will become a common knowledge and it will cause lot of trouble in the Empire. Not sure how, but that medallion will help her to remain as the Empress. And perhaps gives her more reason to trust Mat.


Mats fox head doesn't stop people from channeling. It's only the imperfect copies Elayne made that do that...

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That's weird, I cannot imagine anyone of the main characters dying, except Rand.


- Like someone said, for example, I don't think Lan will die, because it is too obvious.


- Egwene has to become a great amyrlin, she must live and bring change to the White tower. As for Gawyn, maybe he could die


- Nyn will improve her talent at healing, and live with Lan


- Elayne and Aviendha are or will be pregnant and we know that they give birth, so they can't die, or at least not too early.


- Min... Hum that depend on rand. If he dies, maybe will she too.


- Moiraine has already been "dead", so i presume she won't die a second time, but i can be wrong


- Siuan and Gareth are good candidates to die together.


- I really really don't think Mat will die. But i hope he will find a way to show Tuon she's wrong and let her think about the evil they did with the damane. And change the seanchans "customs" for good.


A question : Why do many of you think that Bashere or Darlin are darkfriends ? ( i would be so disapointed if one of them is, but many i'm too naive...)


Well, in fairness, we are only assuming that rando's LightVision is infallible. For the record, I personally believe that it IS, but do we have any in-text evidence of it?





My guess is that Rand can only detect those that are already sworn to the Shadow, not those that evil - but unsworn.


Into the heart he thrusts his sword,

into the heart, to hold their hearts.

who draws it out shall follow after,

What hand can grasp that fearful blade?


Hasn't happened the way Rand thinks it has and will be fulfilled when Rand stabs somebody in the heart (probably Moridin) and the person who retrieves it will 'follow after' either Rand or Moridin (but probably Rand). Likely won't be Narishma, maybe Logain (glory and all that).

I haven't really looked at this at all so if anyone has any supportive evidence then it would be welcome. Same if it's been disproved or if there are any Jordan quotes on it.


If Rand lives Alanna will die - how else can he retire in secret? She can just track him down with the bond.


If the reincarnation theory is true, Rand will die then his soul will be transmigrated into another body - possibly Moridin.


Interesting implication that I just thought of on the transmigration front. would it be possible that the bonds that Rand has on him stay with the body and if so what implications does it have for Rand's women when his soul moves and they are bonded to Moridin


The Stone will provide a refuge for humanity and a "killing field" for shadowspawn during TG.


The "blackberry bush" will prove crucial in the fight for the BT.


Lan lives. 'Cause he's the coolest of them all.


Carlinya was BA.


Fandom will slowly reconcile their infatuation with Dumai's Wells "Kneel or you will be knelt" to Taim's Forsaken status. Buy stock in big pharma, lots of meds will prove necessary to ease this transformation.


Too many people will blame the failure of things going the way they think it should on BrS.


The Atha'an Miere will be one of the main players post-TG.


Faolain will save Nyn.


Loial will live and have his book published, as has been foreshadowed


Nynaeve will live and usher in a new dawn of healing


Lan will live and he and Nynaeve and any survivors from Malkier will resurrect the long dead land


Faile will die and Perrin will take the broken crown


Egwene sorry guys and girls will survive and the WT will become the place for anyone of any age and land to come and be taught


Elayne will die


Gawyn will die


Galad sadly will live, but the Children will be disbanded


Mat we know lives


Aviendha will live and through her the Aiel will start to fall back to their original position


Cadsuane will die. Please.


The Light side will see many deaths and changes - the Sea Folk will learn after that not every action requires a Bargain. The Ogier will fight at TG, after Loial speaks on behalf of the world and Rand, and what it means for the world.


The Dark One's prison will be reconstructed by a Need and Ta'veren (the three-mat, perrin, rand-becoming one).


The Seanchan, with their already somewhat religious overtones, will pick up on this and become evangelists of a new religion. The next Age will be them spreading the idea that touching the one power is blasphemy which will point towards a time when religion and prayer (need) rule and the one power is the stuff of myth and legend (Ancient earth)


Carlinya was BA.

only we know that she wasn't because she reswore the oaths.

Thanks, I had forgotten she was in the WT for the reswearing.


Elayne will die


But we know she will live to have her babies. And she is not close to term yet. Unless the LB lasts for a month...


Maybe you mean she will die in childbirth?


I can't say I know any better than you guys about the fate of the world, but these are my guesses. No, scrap that, hopes.


Dead (forever, or bound to TAR) by the end:

Rand, Birgitte, either all or none of Elayne/Avi/Min, Nyn, Lan, Moirane, Thom (wild guess), Moridin, Lanfear, Taim, Cadsuane (she's pretty old), Alivia, probably forgetting some obvious ones but oh well...



Mat, Tuon, Logain, Egwene (sadly), Gawyn (again, sadly), Perrin (alright this is getting depressing), Faile (*crying*), Galad... well pretty much every main character not previously mentioned.


The Aiel will form an alliance with the Seafolk and the WT as started by Egwene, thus forming a coalition against the Seanchan, who will get used to channelers with help from Mat and maybe Leilwin.


Bela will either die or have some comical role in the ending. The Fandom has built up Bela/Narg too much to not get a should out.


I'll post more as i think of it


Long time reader - first time poster. Be gentle


1. Rand will live but will be irreversibly stilled (this is death to a male channeler in my opinion).


2. Logain will lead the black tower after Rand has been stilled


3. The flaw in collander will be the cause of Rand's stilling. He will have to use it to defeat the DO but the price will be stilling.


4. The T of G is actually a prison and the A's and E's are prisoners. Their only escape is (was) if someone on the outside wins a game of snakes and foxes. This has occurred. They will fight with the light.


5. Avi will be able to change the future - the crystal tower will be proven to be flawed after what Rand has done tin Rhui.


Haven't thought in too much detail, but some basic ones...


-All the original crew who left Emond's Field survive.


-Logain leads the remnants of the black tower after the last battle. His glory is tied to that and helping lead the reunification of male and female Aes Sedai, though this probably occurs (mostly) after the novels end but is hinted at.


-Cadsuane dies. Bashere dies. The only characters who die and stay dead are on their 'level' of significance to the story or lower.


-The Seanchan get decimated. Not that I actually think this will happen, but I've been hoping since TGH that they get nuked to the nth degree.


4. The T of G is actually a prison and the A's and E's are prisoners. Their only escape is (was) if someone on the outside wins a game of snakes and foxes. This has occurred. They will fight with the light.


Now there's an interesting thought! Yes, recall the 'light barrier' that Mat and the others pass through, the 'finns don't like it at all, do they?


Loial will live and have his book published, as has been foreshadowed


Foreshadowed? We see an actual excerpt from the book...


Yes, at the start of Towers of Midnight.


Right so how is that possibly foreshadowing? We already know it exists for certain...


4. The T of G is actually a prison and the A's and E's are prisoners. Their only escape is (was) if someone on the outside wins a game of snakes and foxes. This has occurred. They will fight with the light.


Except we know from RJ that their realm is a parallel world much like where the Ogier come from. We see glimpses of the world outside the tower many times.




1. Arthur Hawkwing will have a meaningful encounter with the seanchan as he is called back by the horn, who after thousands of years in company of the other heroes has revised his views on channeling. this in combination with the seemingly (plotwise) convinient collaring of toun might just pervent the evil empire as seen in aviendas vision.


2. The bore won't be sealed, either rand will destroy it (unlikely), or bind it in another way. my guess would be that he merges with the dark one and by this either destroys both or more likely will create a balanced higher power but this will of course kill him and maybe the DO. (if I remember correctly in aviendas vision there is a black statue of rand...)


3. Moridin will confront Rand but either spare him, after defeating him or withdraw from the fight. Moridin as a creature of logic will either be convinced that Rand can win or that the only way to an end is the confontation between DO and Rand.


excuse my writing I'm german...(-:


Oo some interesting theories. Particularly like the idea that Cadsuane will buy the farm after the LB (not because I hate her, but because she is very old and she did sort of 'hang on' to be a part of the LB). It would be a fitting end for the ultimate Green. And the idea that Hawkwing will appear and give out to the Seanchan; really hope that happens now. That would be great.


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