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Movies That've Made You Cry


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Only two movies I can recall that have made me cry was Bridge To Terabithia and Homeward Bound


What about you guys? Any movie ever get to you or not really?

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...but I don't blame you, I cry in almost every drama or sad movie I watch nowadays :P


THE LION KING, dammit!! When Mufasa dies!!! :sad:

Gladiator. Ohhhh that was sad, a few times..

Harry Potter series, especially at deaths near the ending...


Oh God, Dobby and Tonks and Fred... :sad: :sad: :sad:


The first non-kids movie I REALLY cried at that I remember was The War (starring Elijah Wood and Kevin Costner) Oh jeez... :sad:


Ohhhhh thanks for reminding me Nya

I did cry during one of the HP movies

I think it was Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 where Harry is about to go face Voldemort in the forest and he's telling Ron and Hermione and she's like "We'll go with you!"


Dunno WHY it hits me that way but it's happened both times I've seen the movie so I guess it's just one of those scenes


M*A*S*H Goodbye, Farewell.


This. Also Radar's final episode and Col. Blake's final episode. Best television series of all time.


Also Field of Dreams, Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan, E.T., Casablanca.


The first transformers was pretty cool

After that it just got old and...kind of sad

I dunno I can see myself crying if I have to watch another Transformers movie by Michael Bay


I hate ET


Whaaa?!?! Awww, you're just sayin that cause we disagree on 99.9% of social and political issues. ; ]

Nah man I wouldn't do that

I just never liked it

To be fair I never finished it but to me it was just really boring

Also apparently my mom wanted to name me after the alien so I hold a grudge :dry:


I'm just messin with ya.

I think I saw it when I was about 6 or 7, and at one point the government shows up and hooks E.T. and Elliot up to all these machines and testing apparatus and E.T. is all sickly and dying and that's where I cried lol.


It's towards the very end so it makes sense you would have seen that part.

I think I may have cried on Titanic too. I'm a sap though, I get teary eyed at all sorts of RomComs and tv shows. House made me cry multiple times lol.


What are these things you call tears?


...only crocodiles have them :P


OMG and this reeeeaaaally sad movie...I believe it translates to As It Is In Heaven but I've read a different book called that too..and I watched it in German, and it's a Swedish film. So yeah...but the ending especially was so waaaaah!!! :(((


I'm way too empathetic to make it through most sad movies without crying. I'm sure I don't remember them all, but some of the movies I've cried in were:


Up (yes, that starting sequence got me too)



Big Fish

The Notebook

Forrest Gump

Harry Potter 5, 6, and 7

Black Beauty

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Homeward Bound



I know there have been others, but they aren't coming to mind at the moment.


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