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Official Remaining Summer Plans Thread (Unofficially declared official)


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So, for those of you who live in the Northern Hemisphere, we are well into the summer. Some of you may have had eventful summers already, no doubt.


Others (like me) will have last minute shotgun plans to whittle away the last days of recreation before the spectre of work rears it's ugly head once more.


So what are your remaining summer plans?


I've just booked a week away in Sweden. Roll over the IKEA furniture, I'm pining for the fjords :cool:


What about you?

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Well I just got back from Florida and for the rest of the summer I'm getting all my stuff together and ready to move into university and then for the last two weeks I'm going to be in Greece. Taking a language course starting next week though.

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I have no summer left. *sad face*

I go back to university next Tuesday to begin training. I'm running around trying to pack, pick up some things that I need, and trying to enjoy the comfort of home while they last. Because once I'm back, training goes all day every day until classes start after Labor Day.

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Pining for the fjords, what sort of talk is that? - Cleese



Not much here, Eastern Washington State camping trip around my birthday later this month, should be good times. That's about it!


Never been to America here, would love to visit Mt. St. Helens at some point if I am ever in Washington!

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I have off a very long weekend around Labor Day. Was going to go to D*Con, but events always seem to prevent that from happening for me. So I'll be home greeting a new roommate! (and hopefully relaxing and destressing - I'm thinking maybe a spa day)

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So, for those of you who live in the Northern Hemisphere, we are well into the summer. Some of you may have had eventful summers already, no doubt.


Others (like me) will have last minute shotgun plans to whittle away the last days of recreation before the spectre of work rears it's ugly head once more.


So what are your remaining summer plans?


I've just booked a week away in Sweden. Roll over the IKEA furniture, I'm pining for the fjords :cool:


What about you?


Where are you going? You should come visit me. *nods*



Well I just got back from Florida and for the rest of the summer I'm getting all my stuff together and ready to move into university and then for the last two weeks I'm going to be in Greece. Taking a language course starting next week though.

I have no summer left. *sad face*

I go back to university next Tuesday to begin training. I'm running around trying to pack, pick up some things that I need, and trying to enjoy the comfort of home while they last. Because once I'm back, training goes all day every day until classes start after Labor Day.


Good luck both of you.



I start working tomorrow. *cries*

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Well, I haven't got any serious plans, although I believe Kaylee and I are kicking around the possibility of going camping for Labor Day weekend.


Otherwise, I'm working, playing mafia, hanging out here, and whatever else.


And certainly not trying to overthrow Despo as spam king. Too much effort.

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Where are you going? You should come visit me. *nods*


Lidingo, Stockholm, going to a youth convention! You don't live near there do you?


I live in a city about 100 kilometres south of Stockholm. It takes about an hour by train or car.

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