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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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  On 7/21/2012 at 1:55 AM, LilyElizabeth said:

Thanks, Nol. I appreciate you saving me the time.

Sorry if that came off as snappish

Like I said I didn't really have time to catch up (I'm doing that right now) and I was just a little annoyed that I had already explained what I had been doing and got the same question at least twice after I did so

It's like I might as well not have even bothered


Also I woke up with a headache /irl excuses


But yeah I'm sorry for being terse

  On 7/20/2012 at 7:16 PM, Myndrunner said:
  On 7/20/2012 at 6:12 PM, Nolder said:
  On 7/20/2012 at 6:03 PM, Myndrunner said:
  On 7/20/2012 at 5:34 PM, Nolder said:
  On 7/20/2012 at 5:17 PM, Myndrunner said:

I'm curious about why Nolder is voting himself. Is he faking a vote control or is he trying to earn some kind of power? Either way, he's bringing a lot of attention on himself.

Skimming huh?

I didn't expect that from you


No need to be coy, how about a blanket statement about it?

I already made my statement as I'm sure you're aware.


Care to clarify that statement?

  On 7/20/2012 at 1:49 PM, Nolder said:
  On 7/20/2012 at 1:08 PM, bgrishinko said:

Everyone has checked in!


You now have (approx.) 72 hours for the remainder of Day 1.


Deadline is Monday @ Noon CST.




Game on.

  On 7/20/2012 at 2:03 PM, Nolder said:

Ok obviously all my self voting was to draw attention and reactions. I got some but they were mostly spammy and jokey and I didn't get much of a read off of them. This was the only thing that really stood out to me.

  On 7/20/2012 at 3:05 AM, Niel an said:

Sorry checking in now (just got home :P) and .... whom should I vote for ... maybe Nolder and see if I'm right this time ....

  On 7/20/2012 at 3:14 AM, Niel an said:

JUST kidding I wouldn't do that twice ...anyway unvote vote ET

It seems to me like he was hoping I'd draw too much negative attention early and that I would end up burying myself for an easy lynch. This happened recently in another game we were in together so perhaps that is where he got the idea. The second post looks like he thought better of that and didn't want to be linked to me. This guy is scum. Fry'em.


Vote: Niel

  On 7/21/2012 at 12:22 AM, Niel an said:

So I vote Arez .... what was I thinking?!

More scummy behavior. Add this post to my case.

The game has entered serious mode due to the deadline and Niel is still joke voting...or is he?

I think he's going for what he thinks is an easy target again. Arez caught flack for misspelling sharpen and maybe Niel thought he could ride that momentum to a bandwagon. At the very least he could have explained himself but instead he just left it cryptic and vague. I mean he could come back after being questioned and claim he was being vote controlled or something. I don't like it and I think we need to remove this WIFOM right now.


Also I'd like to take this opportunity throw a FoS at Mynd. He seems very subdued so far and that feels off. Not a big deal and I'm not gonna harp on it but we all know Mynd is a wild card and so far he hasn't really come out guns blazing like usual. I'm watching you buddy.

  On 7/21/2012 at 12:40 AM, bgrishinko said:

I'm at a drive in so I should be fine.

I'm sure those poor people in Colorado thought the same thing about seeing a movie at their local theater.

  On 7/20/2012 at 9:46 AM, Nolder said:

I'll have to go with the City Chicken since I hate seafood.

Also have you seen that South Park documentary? I had no idea they make each episode only 6 days before it airs on tv that's insane


No, haven't seen it. Makes sense tho, the show is pretty much always topical


  On 7/20/2012 at 2:03 PM, Nolder said:

Ok obviously all my self voting was to draw attention and reactions. I got some but they were mostly spammy and jokey and I didn't get much of a read off of them. This was the only thing that really stood out to me.

  On 7/20/2012 at 3:05 AM, Niel an said:

Sorry checking in now (just got home :P) and .... whom should I vote for ... maybe Nolder and see if I'm right this time ....

  On 7/20/2012 at 3:14 AM, Niel an said:

JUST kidding I wouldn't do that twice ...anyway unvote vote ET

It seems to me like he was hoping I'd draw too much negative attention early and that I would end up burying myself for an easy lynch. This happened recently in another game we were in together so perhaps that is where he got the idea. The second post looks like he thought better of that and didn't want to be linked to me. This guy is scum. Fry'em.


Vote: Niel


I agree. Plus, why would he vote Arez after being called out for his mispelling of EP (seriously, how do you mispell a two letter acronym? :blink:).


Unvote, Vote Niel


  On 7/20/2012 at 2:03 PM, Nolder said:
  On 7/20/2012 at 1:58 PM, Ithillian said:

Gotta be a BT member to Mod a game at the BT :) Easily fixed though ...

No thanks




  On 7/20/2012 at 2:42 PM, bgrishinko said:

Hence --> :flamingsword:




  On 7/20/2012 at 3:35 PM, Nolder said:



*invents rec button*


*recs the crap out of this. So much out of this*


  On 7/20/2012 at 8:02 PM, John Snow said:
  On 7/20/2012 at 7:44 PM, Myndrunner said:

John Snow knows nothing.....it is known!


It is known.






  On 7/20/2012 at 9:40 PM, Myndrunner said:
  On 7/20/2012 at 9:30 PM, Niel an said:

Ithi I voted for ET too a few pages back but for a quicker look go to page ten where Nol voted for me and it shows a quote...


Maybe he phoned home?




  On 7/20/2012 at 11:29 PM, Myndrunner said:
  On 7/20/2012 at 11:22 PM, bgrishinko said:

Gonna go see batman tonight. You folks play rough while I'm gone.


Wear body armor.... :dry:


Dude... not cool. Too soon. Someone tell the Aristocrats joke, quick!


This guy walks into a talent agent's office, and says he has the perfect idea for a hit show...


  On 7/21/2012 at 12:22 AM, Niel an said:

So I vote Arez .... what was I thinking?!


You prob weren't. Also, good job not unvoting before your vote, since you know, unvoting hasn't been discussed in the game at all




  On 7/21/2012 at 12:40 AM, bgrishinko said:

I'm at a drive in so I should be fine.


They still have those?!




Morning. I will try and make some kind of sense of the bold red stuff that occurred since last we spoke - but first.


My siggy? What you talkin' bout Niel? If you want to use the WoTOPOLY one to advertise the gam of course, but Rhea made it - not me :smile:

  On 7/21/2012 at 10:14 AM, Eternal Phoenix said:

Despo, he didn't have an official vote at that point he unvoted before voting ET, and Ithi discounted that vote because there is no ET in the game.


Eh good point. Still, something tells me he wasn't considering that when he voted. He didn't even acknowledge that others had pointed out that he voted for ET instead of you, instead trying to correct Ithi's VC.


Vote Count:


Arez(3): Mynd, Nyanna, Niel

Dice(1): Rand

Kat(1): Tiinker

EP(1): AJ

Mynd(1): David

Niel(2): Nolder, Despo


*John also voted and unvoted Mynd since the last vote count.



Not Voting(15): Arez, Basel Gill, Darthe, Kathleen, Lessa, Peace, Dice, John Snow, Lily, Songstress, Turin, Razen, Lenlo, AndrewLee, EP


With 24 alive, it takes 13 to Lynch



Deadline is Monday @ Noon CST.




I've been holding off on my vote due to my just about total unfamiliarity with the source material. But Niel is starting to ping for me.


  On 7/21/2012 at 12:22 AM, Niel an said:

So I vote Arez .... what was I thinking?!

  On 7/21/2012 at 3:26 AM, Niel an said:

Jus' for bandywagon ... We really don't have any clues yet...


The original vote was ping #1. That's not much casing there. In fact, there is no casing. Then, when Niel is pressed for an explanation, he says he is just bandwagoning. Dude... bandwagoning is about the worst reason to vote someone. Niel, are you saying that you haven't bothered to do any serious examining of who might be mafia and you are just voting whoever everyone else is voting? The clues are in what people have posted, and how they are voting. Vote Niel.


I approve of the movement on this train but we of course have to remain wary of scum bussing their teammate. Therefore I'm going to throw a light FoS on Arez. It could be that Niel's vote on Arez was a poor attempt at distancing and now Arez has been forced into bussing him. Or maybe not. It's something worth keeping in mind though.


I really don't like what Neil's doing here (namely ignoring the case building around him, voting someone but spelling the name wrong, coming back and changing the vote with out explaining why he was voting the original guy, and why he changed it now instead of just spelling it right, and giving his reason for the new vote as a convenient bandwagon vote) but at the same time, I don't think that someone who is mafia would be so foolish, unless they are brand spanking new to the game. I don't know how new Neil is, but people say he's been in other games so he should know.


Given that, there are only two things that make his actions make sense to me. I'm not sure I should say them here though and give him outs to use to cover his butt if he had slipped. I want to see him address the case.


Given the amount of votes piling on him after this, I wonder if the mafia see it as an easy town lynch and jump on it (why I'm not voting without giving him a chance to see the votes piling and 'splain himself), or if he is mafia and did mess up and his team is prepared to drop him (seems too early in game and in the circumstance), or if people are just seeing this as the closest thing to a real lynch worthy offence (which aside from the piling votes I do).


My major concern is that he had time to see the case forming, chose to dismiss it, chose to change vote and give a non detailed poor reasoning for it.


Last time he posted he had two votes on him. Nothing to get your back up over on day one. It seems to be snowballing now, and I'd like to see his thoughts on it now.


Vote Count:


Arez(3): Mynd, Nyanna, Niel

Dice(1): Rand

Kat(1): Tiinker

EP(1): AJ

Niel(5): Nolder, Despo, David, Arez, Basel




Not Voting(13): Darthe, Kathleen, Lessa, Peace, Dice, John Snow, Lily, Songstress, Turin, Razen, Lenlo, AndrewLee, EP


With 24 alive, it takes 13 to Lynch



Deadline is Monday @ Noon CST.




Kat, that is a very reasonable sounding statement. It also seems to be a means to try to slow down the Niel train. This leaves me a bit torn. Yesterday I was all set to vote him for the strange behavior regarding Nolder. Then there seemed to be a mafia pile on this morning, and now an attempt to hit the brakes...


vote niel


He will give best information IMO.


I agree with Kathleen, from what I have seen, this is pretty scummy behavior and I think Niel knows that by now.


vote niel


I agree with Kathleen, from what I have seen, this is pretty scummy behavior and I think Niel knows that by now.


vote niel


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