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Most tainted band of all time?


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I listened to a LOT of Linkin Park a few years ago, then moved onto Rise Against, I still really enjoy Rise Against but I usually don't have time to listen to music


Lp was Ok a loooong long time ago. I think their minutes to midnight album was the first bad decision in a long string of bad decisions.


their latest album was terrible for the most part


Linkin Park, Led zeppelin, Metallica, AC/DC, Beatles, Escala, ronald Jenkees (person), Glitch Mob, David Garrett (person), and Hans Zimmer (composer)


Styx, all the way. Classic, at any rate. I don't know what they sound like nowadays, but Mr. Roboto is amazah.


you sir, are winning.


I like a bit of everything but my favorites are Metallica, White Zombie (Rob Zombie), Nine Inch Nails, and The Doors.


I like a lot of bands mentioned especially Rise Against and Nine Inch Nails. I listen to mostly Hardcore music though lol. Some favorites of mine are Like Moths To Flames, In Dying Arms, Catalesy, Crown The Empire, Dead By April, and many more.


I also love Nightwish, Gary Moore, 30 Seconds To Mars, System of a Down, Mew, and others.


I like a lot of Classic Rock too though.


Well some of us are OLD. I am not sure how some of the others have found this great stuff.


Another older group I like is The Eagles.



I thank goodness for my mp3 player everyday.


Well some of us are OLD. I am not sure how some of the others have found this great stuff.


Another older group I like is The Eagles.



I thank goodness for my mp3 player everyday.


The Eagles as in, "My Mazerati does 185" and "Welcome to the Hotel California?" Rock on!


I am 16 and like mostly bands that are more than 20 years old. I must be a BT nerd.


Lol I dunno if Dire Straits are exactly teh most awesomest, all that I could think of what hasn't been mentioned before. But I love some of their music!!! Local Hero/Wild theme, Brothers In Arms, Sultans of Swing, etcetc...


Metallica's ballads are awesome. I <3 Nothing Else Matters and The Unforgiven especially.


Umm umm...I quite liked Clannad for a while. Lol it's amazing how when I think about it, most stuff I listen to isn't from a band >.<


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