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Welcome Niel an' Tyomn to the BT

Turin Turambar

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Welcome to the Black Tower Niel!!! I am the M'Hael. I run the Shadow Faction. If you have any questions about stuff just ask here or you can also send me a PM.


Settle back, have some Brownies and tell us about yourself. Have you read all the books? Favorite Characters?


Go ahead and explore the Main boards until you get added to our hidden boards.


Enjoy your descent into madness!!!


Everyone come welcome our newest crazy...



Oh and SPAM away!!!


Total and utter fibs of the biggest size. I mean they are totally thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis big. Never ever trust a Llama either. They coach the nanas outrageously.


Welcome Niel btw




welcome to the BT, few things you need to know, nanas (bananas), llamas, unicorns, llamacorns, and other such assorted things are important here, that and lots and lots of spam. have fun! There are other things to do to if you don't like that though.


Welcome to our Tainty Abode! Spammy, too. Spam everywhere. And Taint.


Anyway, good to meet you. We can always use more victims recruits around here.


Don't worry about Maw, for some reason, he thinks that it is a good idea to tell victims that they are going to be victims scare new recruits.




Hi there! You'll love it here. Welcome to the wonderful world of spam!


*turns around whistling and stops short at all te people here, hurriedly pockets the big key* ohai :shifteh:


:laugh: Welcome, Niel! *helps look under teh piles of llama wool* umm, wheeere aaare yooo?




Welcome to our Tainty Abode! Spammy, too. Spam everywhere. And Taint.


Anyway, good to meet you. We can always use more victims recruits around here.

Don't worry about Maw, for some reason, he thinks that it is a good idea to tell victims that they are going to be victims scare new recruits.


If it was this, then I am sorry.


Sorry i was late, i was ummm talking to assorted fruits sleeping... Thanks for the welcome!!! Uhhh i've read all of the books and (anticipating gasps) my favorite character is Egwene and after her Avi and lastly light Rand and Perrin... SO yeah thats me !!!


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