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Members, Old and New, Gather Around!!!

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It is story time!!! It is time for the members that have been around her for a while to pass on some knowledge and remember some fun times. Appearently some of you were very good at getting in trouble back in the day. I think it'd be fun to hear about them.


This thread actually has a backstory:


Once upon a time, one of the many times when I was in trouble, I was asked to read the WT rules and say “in a nutshell” what all of the rules that applied to me were. (This resulted in me rewriting all of the rules in “Old English.”) As I was in the midst of this reread, I noticed this quote at the end of the 101 sticky.

Do we expect you to be perfect? Hell no! We ALL slip up. We ALL cross the line at some stage. What matters is how you handle it when that happens. Made an oopsy? Got a slap on the wrist or a penance? Grin and bear it. You'll probably become a member of staff one day tongue.gif

o.O THEY got in trouble too?!?! ...DUMDUMDUUUUM!!!


Well I asked Mother about it and she said that she had gotten in trouble a couple of times, but she didn’t really go into detail. After this things got a little insane around the Tower for a while so I forgot about it.


Then, a few months later... When I was in trouble once more, it came up again...

Aren't we angels??!?!? ;)

Compared to SOME of us when we were aspies? Hell yeah! lol


I think we should have story time.... Have all of the oldies step forward and share stories of the trouble they got into.... This has been lurking in the back of my mind since December (or whenever that was :P )



And I think that's a very good idea, Heart! You might want to draw up some official pardons first before you'll get some of the older members to share ... lol

I don't have the authority to write up those pardons or get them to share their stories :P

... I knew this was going to mean work for me *grumbles*




I'm sure something can be organised ... and if some people ask really nicely, I'm sure the oldsters won't mind sharing

*Grumbles* If I get threatened you have my back right? :P

...Heart, of course I'll have your back! Dipped in batter and deep fried ... errrr I mean I'll protect you *noddity*

If anyone has the time to find out what an official pardon looks like, aaaaand maybe make a pretty picture type thing of it so I can post it for people who "confess" that would be nice. Unfortunately I'm still on LoLa due to financial year end at work, so my time (and energy) is limited...


At this time, I was a bit ill and finals were coming up, so I forgot about it once more.


So today, I’m thinking to myself that here I am a “senior member” now and have been drifting back through all of the fun things I did as an Aspie... And I remembered this!!!


Appearently a lot of you “old” members were trouble makers of some kind in the past. We newbies want to hear the stories!!!


So here’s the Official Pardon that I totally didn’t forge:





Who wants to go first?

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Ooo, this sounds like it'll be fun! *scoots in and sits down to listen to stories*


I've been an example member for my entire time in DM! >.>





Jokes aside, I remember the first time I got into trouble quite vividly. It was when I kept handing brownies to newbies and the browns got miffed xD But this was when I was already a full member and the Ajah Head.... I got raised real quick so I had no time to get into trouble as a Novice/Accepted.






*Sits down and makes herself comfy* ... I look forward to hearing these tales of fu...errr..misadventure.


That signature looks suspiciously neater than my usual drunken chicken scrawl .... must have been done before my first cup of coffee *noddity*


Ok well looks like people are a bit ... hesitant? to be the first (oh come on Nyna - you get into trouble every day! :P) so I'll jump in :P


So this was either right before or right after I was raised to Accepted. We were playing at the aspie quarters (which was then hosted by Lor, the MoN, on her own site) - myself, my Warder/soon-to-be-Warder Damon Devilkin, Veminal and Loranflame (warder aspies). Loran had pet bees, which he WOULD let loose at odd times :rolleyes:

Somehow a fight broke out (probably Loran letting the bees loose near me - I'm allergic), Damon tried to protect me, big fuss and fight, I channelled and pinned Vemy and Loran to the walls with some flows of air. Now when I say fuss and fight, I mean that the boys really got upset with each other. So anyway, I go off to Lor to report myself for Channeling without permission. Lor had probably had 1 too many complaints about my flirting and decided to teach me a REAL lesson (or she thought I was insane for reporting myself and just didn't know what to do with me ... lol), so she sent me off to Mystica (Red Head) for punishment. I had to clean Myst's office.


I get back to the aspie quarters to tell the guys, and what do I find? The 3 of them have bonded over video games and are now the best of friends! Damon hadn't even realised that I'd been gone and was in a crapload of trouble! I lost my temper at that stage :P ... I can't remember exactly what I did, but it ended with me also having to be Vemy and Loran's slave for the month :P


I think my favorite prank was the Pirates painting the Tower. My favorite pranks that I pulled was the time Ithi and I conspired to eliminate Harry Potter from the Blue Ajah Last One Standing game, at which point Dar made us write some good sentence about HP 100 times. I proceeded to write mine in crayon and wrote that I wouldn't pull assorted silly pranks against Harry. Then there was the time that Tyn posted an LoA and told everyone not to teach aspies how to fly while she was gone, and I made a post offering a class on how to fly on


I dont get into trouble. Trouble gets into me.



That's what she said >.>


I never knew he swung that way ... o_O


I was an ideal aspie who never got into (too much) trouble . . . :halo:


I dont get into trouble. Trouble gets into me.

I was an ideal aspie who never got into (too much) trouble . . . :halo:

I remember seeing quotes that stated the contrary... Unfortunately I now cannot find them >.>




Thanks Mother :D


Hehehe.... I remember a couple of those Basel....






Come here DoubleTyn


Look at your Novices gathered around. They want stories! Since you are such a sweet MoN, I'm sure you wouldn't want them to be disappointed. So what do you say? For the children?


(I never said that it had to be your stories that you shared >.> )


I remember when mother joined the tower.





Mattress surfing.




I'll leave you to think about that one.


I was already an Aes Sedai by then! And I was acquitted *loooks*


Also, I refuse to believe you Mother...Chrissy...MoNster... :tongue:

Especially after the display of utter chaos flutterbys and dasies caused by a certain three respectable Aes Sedai when they decided to relive their novice days >.>


:tongue: See how evasive they are!!? This calls for MOAR PRESSURE!



...*pulls Mother,s kaf supply hopelessly out of her reach* :baalzamon: naow talk yer towerlubber an' if I so much as hear teh word parlay...!


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