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Wheel of Time Trivial Pursuit at the Black Tower

Ithillian Turambar

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OFFICIAL MOD GAME POST - Includes current Game Points Totals


Red Team: Correct! +5 Points. New Roll - You have rolled a 2 'WoT Quotes' and a 5 'Through the Gateway'. Please chose a category. (80 Points)


Blue Team: Correct! +5 points! New Roll - You rolled a DOUBLE 6 and now have the opportunity to win 'The Taint' Wedge. Question: “I was dreaming of the past and my heart was beating fast” are lyrics from which major hit song? Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (40 Points)


Green Team: Correct! +5 points! New Roll - You have rolled a 6 'The Taint' and a 2 'WoT Quotes'. Please chose a category. (40 Points)


Brown Team: You chose 'WoT Anagrams' solve this anagram - Malaria Ravenous - please provide your final answer when ready. Please chose a category. (55 Points)


Purple Team: You chose 'The Taint' Question: A Full choir is divided into 4 ranges of voices, Tenor, Sopranos and Basses are 3, what is the other? Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (50 Points)


Aqua Team: You chose 'WoT Anagrams' Solve this anagram - Triers Vow- Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (50 points).


***Please do not quote this Post as it will cause confusion to us Mods, and we may miss some of your answers or requests***





Brown Points now corrected.

OFFICIAL MOD GAME POST - Includes current Game Points Totals


Red Team: You chose 'WoT Quotes'Who said this, and in which chapter and book? "Browns seek knowledge, Blues meddle in causes, and Whites consider the questions of truth with implacable logic. We all do some of it all, of course. But to be Green means to stand ready. In the Trolloc Wars, we were often called the Battle Ajah. All Aes Sedai helped where and when they could, but the Green Ajah alone was always with the armies, in almost every battle. We were the counter to the dreadlords. The Battle Ajah. And now we stand ready, for the Trollocs to come south again, for Tarmon Gai'don. the Last Battle. We will be there. That is what it means to be Green." Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (80 Points)


Blue Team: Correct! +5 points! New Roll - You rolled a DOUBLE 6 and now have the opportunity to win 'The Taint' Wedge. Question: “I was dreaming of the past and my heart was beating fast” are lyrics from which major hit song? Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (40 Points)


Green Team: Correct! +5 points! New Roll - You have rolled a 6 'The Taint' and a 2 'WoT Quotes'. Please chose a category. (40 Points)


Brown Team: You chose 'WoT Anagrams' solve this anagram - Malaria Ravenous - please provide your final answer when ready. Please chose a category. (55 Points)


Purple Team: You chose 'The Taint' Question: A Full choir is divided into 4 ranges of voices, Tenor, Sopranos and Basses are 3, what is the other? Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (50 Points)


Aqua Team: You chose 'WoT Anagrams' Solve this anagram - Triers Vow- Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (50 points).


***Please do not quote this Post as it will cause confusion to us Mods, and we may miss some of your answers or requests***




OFFICIAL MOD GAME POST - Includes current Game Points Totals


Red Team: Correct! +5 points! New Roll - You have rolled a 3 'Cryptic WoT' and a 4 'WoT Anagrams'. Please chose a category. (8d Points)


Blue Team: Correct! +5 points! New Roll - You rolled a DOUBLE 6 and now have the opportunity to win 'The Taint' Wedge. Question: “I was dreaming of the past and my heart was beating fast” are lyrics from which major hit song? Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (40 Points)


Green Team: Correct! +5 points! New Roll - You have rolled a 6 'The Taint' and a 2 'WoT Quotes'. Please chose a category. (40 Points)


Brown Team: You chose 'WoT Anagrams' solve this anagram - Malaria Ravenous - please provide your final answer when ready. Please chose a category. (55 Points)


Purple Team: Correct! +5 points! New Roll - You rolled a DOUBLE 4 and now have the opportunity to win 'Anagram' Wedge. Solve this anagram - A Cleanups - Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (55 Points)


Aqua Team: You chose 'WoT Anagrams' Solve this anagram - Triers Vow- Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (50 points).


***Please do not quote this Post as it will cause confusion to us Mods, and we may miss some of your answers or requests***





Mighty Cthulhu arose from his dreamless slumber in haunted R'yleh. As he shook his gargantuan head to remove the cobwebs from his eons-long sleep cycle, he felt a quick irritation. "Bloody English-woman," he thought. "Here I am, poised on the cusp of complete universal domination, and I'm expected to peruse the tomes of a deceased American author who can never feel my mighty wrath. What a bum-rap." Quickly taking two strides and crossing a half-mile, he reached his immense loo. "Now I have to spend my 'private, personal Cthulhu time' reading through books that I have no hope whatsoever of even seeing. I mean, would you look at how tiny human books are?! To the abyss with this. Now that I have been thouroughly angered by this mad British lass, my destruction shall be that much greater!! Take this utter and complete guess and prepare to face the wrath of a ticked off Great Old One!!




Forgot to do this last night. +5 BT points to Ishy for Posting with Style. :biggrin:


Shame the answer was wrong mind.

OFFICIAL MOD GAME POST - Includes current Game Points Totals


Red Team: You chose 'WoT Anagrams' please solve this anagram - Caesarian Plat - Please provide your final answer when ready. (85 Points)


Blue Team: Correct! You won a Wedge! +10 Points! New Roll - You rolled a 2 'WoT Quotes' and a 5 'Through the Gateway' Please choose a category. (50 Points)


Green Team: You chose 'WoT Quotes'. Who said this and in what book? "The One Power comes from the True Source, the driving force of creation, the force the Creator made to turn the Wheel of Time. Saidin, the male half of the true source, and saidar, the female half, work against each other, and at the same time together to provide that force. Saidin is fouled by the touch of the Dark One, like water with a thin slick of rancid oil floating on top. The water is till pure, but it cannot be touched without touching the foulness. Only saidar is still safe to be used... "The True Source cannot be used up, any more than the river can be used up by the wheel of the mill. The Source is the river; the Aes Sedai, the waterwheel."Please provide your Final Answer when ready . (40 Points)


Brown Team: You chose 'WoT Anagrams' solve this anagram - Malaria Ravenous - please provide your final answer when ready. Please chose a category. (55 Points)


Purple Team: Correct! +5 points! New Roll - You rolled a DOUBLE 4 and now have the opportunity to win 'Anagram' Wedge. Solve this anagram - A Cleanups - Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (55 Points)


Aqua Team: Correct! +5 Points! New Roll - You rolled a 3 'Cryptic WoT' and a 2 'WoT Quotes' Please choose a category.

(55 points).


***Please do not quote this Post as it will cause confusion to us Mods, and we may miss some of your answers or requests***





**Blue Taint Wedge needs updating**

OFFICIAL MOD GAME POST - Includes current Game Points Totals


Red Team: You chose 'WoT Anagrams' please solve this anagram - Caesarian Plat - Please provide your final answer when ready. (85 Points)


Blue Team: You chose 'WoT Quotes' Where was Matt headed in this passage? "He rode down the ancient stone rodeway, no longer followed by the Band. He was, however, accompanied by the three Aes Sedai, two Warders, five soldiers, Talmanes, a pack animal and Thom. At least Aludra, Amathera and Eaganin hadn't insisted on coming. This group was too big as it was." Please provide your final answer when ready. (50 Points)


Green Team: Correct! +5 Points! New Roll - You rolled a 4 'WoT Anagrams' and a 6 'The Taint' Please choose a category. (45 Points)


Brown Team: You chose 'WoT Anagrams' solve this anagram - Malaria Ravenous - please provide your final answer when ready. Please chose a category. (55 Points)


Purple Team: Correct! +5 points! New Roll - You rolled a DOUBLE 4 and now have the opportunity to win 'Anagram' Wedge. Solve this anagram - A Cleanups - Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (55 Points)


Aqua Team: Correct! +5 Points! New Roll - You rolled a 3 'Cryptic WoT' and a 2 'WoT Quotes' Please choose a category.

(55 points).


***Please do not quote this Post as it will cause confusion to us Mods, and we may miss some of your answers or requests***





**Blue Taint Wedge needs updating**


Lolz... only thing I could find is Lunascape. o.0 Whatcha think Rey? You are the unofficial pack leader of purple.


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