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Egwene's death?


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Guest PiotrekS

No this isn't turning into a Egween hate thread.


Personally, I disliked Egween in the first several books, but once she faced her toh to the wise ones she completely changed in my mind and she is one of my favorite characters now.


With that said, I wouldn't have a problem her being killed off as it well done and is significant to the plot progress. And if it annoyed the Egween haters in some way, even better.


In what possible universe would an Egwene hater be annoyed with Egwene's death no matter the circumstances?


I'm sure they would find a way.


Her death was "too perfect" or she died before figuring a plan to stop the DO (even though that is Rand's job) or she stole a moment in the book by saving her friends and that caused her death or by dieing she collected even more power for the WT. Or doing any of the other things that the Eggy haters bash her for.


They will find a way. It doesn't have to be rational.


what's irrational about any of that?

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With that said, I wouldn't have a problem her being killed off as it well done and is significant to the plot progress. And if it annoyed the Egween haters in some way, even better.

Most things about Egwene annoy us haters :biggrin:


But I do agree with you. We've slogged through far too many self-righteous monologues to let her fizzle out like a wet firework.


I'm a massive fan of Brandon's style, and Egwene's actions in TGS/ToM were well written enough for me to forget the personality behind them for a while. On the offchance she does die, I'm sure he will manage to make it a fantastic scene. Not that I think she will die in AMoL, she's far too super-duper important to the world to allow that kind of tragedy to happen.


Edit: Almost accidentally slit my throat shaving this morning with this revelation (no pun intended): Egwene is pretty much the same character as the Abrahamic God in the Old Testament.


No this isn't turning into a Egween hate thread.


Personally, I disliked Egween in the first several books, but once she faced her toh to the wise ones she completely changed in my mind and she is one of my favorite characters now.


With that said, I wouldn't have a problem her being killed off as it well done and is significant to the plot progress. And if it annoyed the Egween haters in some way, even better.


i completely dis agree she is a major pain in you no where and if I have it my way she will be dead in a very terminator style complete with dark glasses and a LMG, lol :biggrin:


If Egwene dies, I will be very upset. Egwene has been my far-and-away favorite plot line in this series. I know that it's unlikely that anything further will be written in the Wheel of Time series---if we're luck, maybe we'll get the other two prequels---but these things change over time. I think the Egwene as Amyrlin plot line could be even more interesting than Mr. Jordan's original thoughts to follow Mat and the Seanchan after Tarmon Gaidon.


I got a peak at the manuscript and Bela flies an F-18 into the center of the Bore on a suicide run to save the day.

I have never understood the fan fascination with Bela or where you would get the tanker to refuel the F/A-18 prior to the flight into the Bore. Everyone knows they use up almost all their fuel on takeoff.


Seriously, I don't understand all of the fuss over Bela (the horse or the incredibly boring, bland looking, wanna be vampire!). It is quite annoying.


F-18, forget that trash.



B-2 stealth bomber will have more than enough fuel...carrying a few nukes, the Trolloc armies are annihilated, Chosen become fried food, Shai'tan will be crying to mamma. Easy as eating pie.


Those primitives will not know wtf hit them.


Brandon Sanderson recently posted this. "Just wrote a scene with Bela in it. This scene is one that RJ left instructions for in his notes; it gave me shivers when reading."

Just a thought, a amazing scene with Bela in it that gave me shivers was when Egwene rode Bela across the continent in Tel'aran'rhiod in the middle of the night (to Salidar). It doesn't have to be someone dying.


siuan has been riding bela...

Don't ever suggest anything like that again. :sad:


I've just seen the Siuan comment above. If Mr Sanderson writes anything bad for Siuan, I'll be very, very angry with him. I don't care what's in the notes. :darkone:






siuan has been riding bela...


exactly what I was going to say! Siuan will probably be riding bela at the last battle or there abouts. Maybe she dies or we always see horses going to their owners aide or finding them when they are nearly dead. Maybe Rand gets hurt and Bela finds him and wakes him up from being unconscious or somethings. Eh probably not


I got a peak at the manuscript and Bela flies an F-18 into the center of the Bore on a suicide run to save the day.

I have never understood the fan fascination with Bela or where you would get the tanker to refuel the F/A-18 prior to the flight into the Bore. Everyone knows they use up almost all their fuel on takeoff.


Seriously, I don't understand all of the fuss over Bela (the horse or the incredibly boring, bland looking, wanna be vampire!). It is quite annoying.


Come on you don't have to LIKE the horse but don't put the Taint that is the TWILIGHT SAGA on the poor thing


It would be fantastic if Egwene died a horrible death at the hands of the Great Fade, none other than Shaidar Haran.


SH can have some nice action with Tuon before offing her as well, fantastic.


Brandon, make it happen.


I'm picturing Egwene/Bela as Gandalf/Shadowfax at the breaking of the siege of Minas Tirith, tbh.


Egwene, at a point where hope looks lost, grabbing her sa'angrael wand (can't remember the name of it off-hand) and riding Bela into the frey in what should be nothing more than a suicide mission, but is actually a turning point and breaks the opposition army.


And then she'll sniff and smooth her skirt before blaming it all on men. The end.

Guest MichaelMcintosh

I really doubt that Egwene will die.


Her death was "too perfect" or she died before figuring a plan to stop the DO (even though that is Rand's job) or she stole a moment in the book by saving her friends and that caused her death or by dieing she collected even more power for the WT. Or doing any of the other things that the Eggy haters bash her for.


They will find a way. It doesn't have to be rational.

I'm not an Egwene hater or anything but those reasons you just mentioned seem like pretty valid ones to me. I mean they are very Mary Sue'ish. Egwene's whole battle against Mesaana was this you know? The whole part about the tower being stronger than Mesaana's mind? What a load of convenient crap.


But since I don't really care one way or another about Egwene I can think of yet another way her death would piss of people. That is... if her death was trying to garner a sympathy moment and trying to play her off as a hero while downplaying the importance of another characters death.


It's like when Nicola Treehill was killed off. I mean that girl had so much talent (even more so for being mostly a background character) and her whole blackmail personality and all that... it made her really interesting... and then she just goes and dies? She didn't even achieve ANYTHING.


So imagine Egwene fighting a somebody cool like Demandred. Now even if he was an antagonist, we all really want to see a Rand vs Demandred... or possibly a even a "Demandred vs Matt"... Egwene simply has no place in it. She is just there to lead the tower, that is her important job! Why let her hog important fights as well? So say she kills him... but she dies as well. Now most people would be pissed that they were robbed of the real fight they wanted to see... with this fresh in mind, having paragraphs telling us how depressing this is while ignoring that she has just killed Demandred?


Well, something like that... you don't even need to be an Egwene hater to hate something like that. I mean, a scene like that would just be pure crap wouldn't it?




It's like when Nicola Treehill was killed off. I mean that girl had so much talent (even more so for being mostly a background character) and her whole blackmail personality and all that... it made her really interesting... and then she just goes and dies? She didn't even achieve ANYTHING.




Heh, that is in a sense the reason why her death is one of my favourite so far. She is one of few who have had a realistic death. One thing I actually hate about fantasy is the idea that every character we care about must go down in a blaze of glory. Something that in my eyes is completely absurd. We are talking about war here. And in a war, most people die like Nicola, not like Verin or Ingtar.

And if you allow that bit of realism, the impact when someone does die as a hero is so much more powerful.


Egwene need some glue to repair some of the damages to the Tower. ...Enter Bela...





Bela is the glue that holds the series together. Off-hand I can't think of a single book where she doesn't get at least a mention. Even Mat missed one whole book because he was doing nothing but waiting for his broken leg to heal.


No this isn't turning into a Egween hate thread.


Personally, I disliked Egween in the first several books, but once she faced her toh to the wise ones she completely changed in my mind and she is one of my favorite characters now.


With that said, I wouldn't have a problem her being killed off as it well done and is significant to the plot progress. And if it annoyed the Egween haters in some way, even better.


In what possible universe would an Egwene hater be annoyed with Egwene's death no matter the circumstances?



If Egwene's death occured after 900 years of uninterrupted rule over all of the

post-Tarmon Gaidan world. Even worse if that rule was because all the world

idolized her because everyone thought that SHE had defeated the Dark One,

cleansed the taint, sealed the Bore, discovered how to heal stilling and invented sliced bread.


That would annoy the hell out of me and I am not a 'hater'.


So , Egwene haters: Wouldn't that long delayed death annoy the hell out of you?


Brandon Sanderson recently posted this. "Just wrote a scene with Bela in it. This scene is one that RJ left instructions for in his notes; it gave me shivers when reading." My opinion is Egwene gets killed and Bela makes some weeping cry over it. I say this because we know from Brandon's statements in the past that RJ left specific notes on the fate of all important characters and if this one gave shivers to him and it pertained to Bela, I'd say Egwene was involved. And I say this because he's also confirmed in the past that Bela lives so we know it's not Belas death.


Bela could die, and nt Bela......The horses in WOT are made into supporting characters in themselves.


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