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Characters you want to survive LB and those you don't


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Characters I want to live


Bashere:- Loyal general followed the prophecies at personal risk so I hope he lives


Ituralde:- Same as above


Tuon:- Need a balance to the power of the channelers


Avi:- To prevent the destruction of the Aiel


Mat:- He deserves a book of his own


King Darlin:- Loyal and strong..will make a great king.


Nynaeve:- The world would need her healing


Moraine and Thom:- Moraine sacrificed a lot so she lives a long life with her husband.


Characters I want dead


Rand:- We have been promised his death from the start plus once the LB is fought and won,his thread in the pattern has no purpose so it should be cut.


Egwene:- I just hate her


Elayne:- Another useless monarch


Cads:- Like Rand she is there only to finish the LB. So she goes out in a blaze of glory.


Perrin:- For being the second most annoying character in the book after Egwene

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Perrin needs to die for his whiny...I don't care about the world as long as Faile lives nonsense.


One more person on the hopefully dead list


Gawyn:- How could I forget him.


Characters I want to live:


Egwene - She's the best Amyrlin ever, and my favourite character


Rand - After all what he has done, he may live in peace with his three women.


Nynaeve - As XXX47 said, for her healing.


And I don't know if I want anyone (on the Light side) to die. I don't really dislike anyone. I have come to dislike Perrin a bit after ToM, but that's just because there was too much of his (not so interesting) storyline in the book. Overall, I like him.

Guest Emu on the Loose

Characters I would like to survive the LB:















Dramatic story deaths:








Shaidar Haran





Rand (yeah, I'll have it either way)


I want Alanna to die, and Id like the effect on Rand to be like... hello Dark Rand! And hello Moiraine.


I want Perrin dead, and I want Egwene dead.


I want Rand to die and survive it. Also I want Moridin to somehow be alive at the end. If they both died, Rand would no doubt be in T'A'R, maybe Moridin would be as well... so if Nynaeve were to do the Birgitte thing to Rand, it might do it to Moridin as well by default.


Galad to survive, Gawyn to not.


Demandred to die by Moridins hand!


Obviously the rest of the Forsaken and Fain also. But the main ones are above. If any Forsaken survives, Id like it to be Moridin. Graendal could get away with surviving too I think.


I don't want to see Rand die, but it needs to be that way.

Mat is the man and should be king of the world, lol... not really I just wanted to say that

Perrin I am indifferent about, I like him at times, but he is to whinny for me


Most of the others I can go either way with, as long is the deaths are worth the position that they hold.


I want everyone to die, except Rand and Moridin. Then, the two old foes (friends?) will meet in Golden Gate Park, and play chess. Rand will win, demonstrating the final triumph of Good, and roll stride away. But then, Moridin will hold his hand over a metal chess piece, and it will move! And I'll be all like, "Wooooaahhh!" And you'll be all like, "Did you see that?" And I'll be all like, "That's intense, Man!" And you'll be all like, "Brett Ratner is GENIUS!" even though he's not...


If Perrin or Faile dies, I hope they both die at the same time. If not, imagine going through five chapters in the middle of TG with Perrin of in a forest reflecting over his loss of Faile!



If we are to discount prohecies, these are my hopes:


Rand dies, Moridin lives and saves the Light.


Egwene is turned to the shadow or atleast goes to war against Rand because of the seals. Rand, or Nynaeve, ends up killing her. (Nynaeve pretending to be Egwene's friend, then killing her with a knife, a short time after Lan dies, knowing Lan would want her to do the right thing.)


Lan, sadly. As with Rand, as someone mentioned above, we have been promised his death for quite some time now. Let the man rest in peace!


Elayne!Don't care how, don't care why!


Moiraine? Maybe. Can't make up my mind. Siuan, at least. They offered their lives to prepare the world for Tarmoin Gai'don? At least one of them should die then!


Gawyn. Hopefully he and Elayne somehow destroyes each other, with Morgase in the middle. Put an end to the whole Trakand-house!¨


Cadsuanne, somehow saving Rand and teaching him and the Asha'man an important lesson.


Amys and Rhuarc. Some of the highest aiel must die!


Demandred. Whoever said he should died by Moridins hand really got the right idea!



The only two I'm really desperate to keep alive are Mat and Nynaeve! Mat is to cool to die, and if Nynaeve died I would never stop crying :p


To live:









To die:







Rand dies, Moridin lives and saves the Light.


I love it.


The characters I want to live are:


- Rand (I think it would be fitting if his "death" was metaphorical. Just because the prophecy says his blood will spill at SG doesn't mean he will die. He deserves some happiness.)

- Nynaeve (The only AS worth anything, AFAIAC.)

- Lan (There are too many portents pointing toward his death, so his death would be too predictable and boring. He should live and, more importantly LEARN how to live instead of being the embodiment of walking death.)

- Mat

- Min (She's the only one of Rand's ladies that loves him.)

- Perrin and Faile (Yes, both of them. I like Faile, and Perrin, given his willingness to support Rand, seems to have found a bit of sense in that large, empty skull of his. However, I still want him to declare independence for the Two Rivers. The hell with Darth Elayne.)

- Logain (The only man with a spine. He needs to survive and make the Asha'man thrive. They should be a huge thorn in the AS's sides.)

- Almost all of the non-bonded, non-DF Asha'man (It's time we had some men around who recognized their own self worth outside of being a woman's slave.)

- Elaida, but only if she remains collared. It's a fitting life for her.



The characters I want to die are:

- Gawyn (I think it would be fitting if the road to his early, painful death was brought about by Egwene bonding him.)

- Elayne (I hope she dies two seconds after giving birth, and knows she's dying. Or, better yet, I hope she dies before that and someone has to carry her babies to term for her. Wench.)

- Cadsuane (I don't hate her as much as I used to, but she still grates so she has to go, and I don't want a heroic death for her. I want her to die in some mundane way, and to realize that her awful personality has ensured no one gives a damn about it. Even better, I'd love to see her die while realizing she has misplaced her trust in someone - like Sorilea - so she is slapped in the face with the knowledge that she isn't as smart as she thinks she is and sucks at judging people.)

- Merise (I loathe this awful woman and how she treats men.)

- Narishma (I loathe this spineless excuse for a man. He doesn't deserve the dragon pin and Logain should take it away from him. He should make a rule that no man who is bonded by an Aes Sedai can remain an Asha'man. The man's loyalty is to his owner first, not Rand and not the BT. Screw them.)

- All of the bonded Asha'man, minus Rand (It would be fitting if these men died because they are unable to act on their own and have to obey their owners.)

- Gareth Bryne (I've wanted him dead ever since he swore fealty to Egwene.)

- Half to three-fourths of the Aes Sedai. Time to cull the heard a bit.


The "special" cases are:

- Egwene. There is only one scenario where I would love to see her live, and that is if she gets completely stripped of power and gets slapped down hard by everyone. Either the WT can lose all of its influence or she could be removed as Amyrlin, I don't really care. Unless one of those things happen, I want her to die a painful, horrible death, and I don't want it to be due to her being "heroic". I want her to die due to her own arrogance, instead. Not that she'd recognize it...she'd blame Rand or someone else, I'm certain.

- Aviendha. If Elayne lives, I want her dead. If Elayne dies, I want her to live. She makes me ill when she's around Elayne and behaves like a schizophrenic on crack ("Elayne is so brilliant and honorable! And brave! I wish I could be like her!"). If both live, I wish they'd go marry and forget about Rand so he can be with Min and have some happiness. With those two, he'd just be a miserable piece of ass for them to use when they wanted him and to abuse when they were done.


I want Rand and Lan dead. And Gawyn of course. And a decent amount of others, but their identities are not so important.


Survive...Don't really care, as long as good characters get good deaths. Though, it would be hilarious if Demandred survived, as a gentled prisonerbiggrin.gif


Well... I'm not expecting a bloodbath, but I think there will be a couple of major deaths...


Most of the characters, I don't mind. I'd like to see Perrin and Faile make it through, and Mat. Nynaeve, of course, I would love to survive. I've seen some people say in other threads that she doesn't have as much of a role after the Last Battle, but with her healing skills, she could prove immensely useful in the immediate aftermath of TG, not to mention, I see her as possibly being a "future- Cadsuane"- a bit of a rebel AS, who doesn't spend much time in the Tower. On the subject of Cadsuane, her main goal since her introduction has been to see Rand to the Last Battle, I suspect she may be one of the deaths, and I hope she goes out in a blaze of glory- she is, after all, part of the Battle Ajah, and one of the most powerful living AS. I'd like to see her deliver some sort of verbal smackdown to some of the current AS and then have her going out doing something badass :P


Lan really deserves to die for being such a hopeless moron, but I have a feeling he'll survive this somehow. Whether he makes it through the Last Battle, I don't know. I don't see Gawyn dying, though I'd like it to happen. And, much as I'd like to see Egwene die, I have the feeling that, if she dies at all, it will be at the very tail end of the battle, and more likely not at all. I'm thinking we'll see a lot of the minor Aes Sedai and Asha'man that we've encountered over the series die at the Last Battle- at least one of Joline, Teslyn and Edesina (think I got the names right) are probably going down, and likely some of the Black Ajah hunters as well.


I think Min might die, if only because it has been made clear to us that she can't see her own future- Elayne is safe until her children are born, and I don't see her dying after that. Aviendha will bear Rand's children, too, which has yet to happen. Both are, most likely, safe until after the Last Battle. Though I don't wish Min ill, necessarily, that fact alone suggests to me that she is the most likely of the three to perish. It may be what brings the other two women back to Rand, to comfort him in his grief... ah, well, I'm just idly speculating now.


But yes, I'd like to see Gawyn and Egwene gotten rid of, and it wouldn't sadden me terribly if Elayne went that way, too. I'd like to see Cadsuane go in a blaze of awesome. I want Nynaeve, Perrin, Faile and Mat to survive. Whether this is likely- probably not.


A considerable amount of characters have non-death prophecies about them; not going to list them. If those prophecies are left unfulfilled by the time of Tarmon Gaidon, I hope those characters would survive Tarmon Gaidon or become resurrected if they die.


I hope for all Forsaken to be dead before Tarmon Gaidon even starts.


One resurrection I for sure hope for:: Rand. And his first death being during Tarmon Gaidon, not any earlier.


Characters to die in the last Battle:



a lot of nameless soldiers

a lot more nameless Trollocs


Characters to survive the last battle:



everyone else.


The characters I want to live are:


- Rand (I think it would be fitting if his "death" was metaphorical. Just because the prophecy says his blood will spill at SG doesn't mean he will die. He deserves some happiness.)

- Nynaeve (The only AS worth anything, AFAIAC.)

- Lan (There are too many portents pointing toward his death, so his death would be too predictable and boring. He should live and, more importantly LEARN how to live instead of being the embodiment of walking death.)

- Mat

- Min (She's the only one of Rand's ladies that loves him.)

- Perrin and Faile (Yes, both of them. I like Faile, and Perrin, given his willingness to support Rand, seems to have found a bit of sense in that large, empty skull of his. However, I still want him to declare independence for the Two Rivers. The hell with Darth Elayne.)

- Logain (The only man with a spine. He needs to survive and make the Asha'man thrive. They should be a huge thorn in the AS's sides.)

- Almost all of the non-bonded, non-DF Asha'man (It's time we had some men around who recognized their own self worth outside of being a woman's slave.)

- Elaida, but only if she remains collared. It's a fitting life for her.



The characters I want to die are:

- Gawyn (I think it would be fitting if the road to his early, painful death was brought about by Egwene bonding him.)

- Elayne (I hope she dies two seconds after giving birth, and knows she's dying. Or, better yet, I hope she dies before that and someone has to carry her babies to term for her. Wench.)

- Cadsuane (I don't hate her as much as I used to, but she still grates so she has to go, and I don't want a heroic death for her. I want her to die in some mundane way, and to realize that her awful personality has ensured no one gives a damn about it. Even better, I'd love to see her die while realizing she has misplaced her trust in someone - like Sorilea - so she is slapped in the face with the knowledge that she isn't as smart as she thinks she is and sucks at judging people.)

- Merise (I loathe this awful woman and how she treats men.)

- Narishma (I loathe this spineless excuse for a man. He doesn't deserve the dragon pin and Logain should take it away from him. He should make a rule that no man who is bonded by an Aes Sedai can remain an Asha'man. The man's loyalty is to his owner first, not Rand and not the BT. Screw them.)

- All of the bonded Asha'man, minus Rand (It would be fitting if these men died because they are unable to act on their own and have to obey their owners.)

- Gareth Bryne (I've wanted him dead ever since he swore fealty to Egwene.)

- Half to three-fourths of the Aes Sedai. Time to cull the heard a bit.


The "special" cases are:

- Egwene. There is only one scenario where I would love to see her live, and that is if she gets completely stripped of power and gets slapped down hard by everyone. Either the WT can lose all of its influence or she could be removed as Amyrlin, I don't really care. Unless one of those things happen, I want her to die a painful, horrible death, and I don't want it to be due to her being "heroic". I want her to die due to her own arrogance, instead. Not that she'd recognize it...she'd blame Rand or someone else, I'm certain.

- Aviendha. If Elayne lives, I want her dead. If Elayne dies, I want her to live. She makes me ill when she's around Elayne and behaves like a schizophrenic on crack ("Elayne is so brilliant and honorable! And brave! I wish I could be like her!"). If both live, I wish they'd go marry and forget about Rand so he can be with Min and have some happiness. With those two, he'd just be a miserable piece of ass for them to use when they wanted him and to abuse when they were done.



This is one hell of a post!!


There has to be a blood bath in the LB..kill off atleast half of the major characters.


Characters to survive:


-Logain (He will be a nice balance to the Servants and I want to see his glory while he gathers the channeling men around him. He can also force the women (AS) to see the folly in their treatment of the Asha´man. He will marry some nice lass, or two and be glorious.)

-Rand(he deserves peace and although there is peace in death I prefer him having peace alive with Min.)

-Min (somewhere in a village far off with Rand, and they can have a little farm and some piglets)

-Jahar Narishma(inspired by Logain he will realize he is a man almost grown and he will demand being treated with more respect by Merise)

-Nynaeve (she will be considered a legendary Healer and be happy living in Malkieri Land with Lan... they can have babies too. And she will name one of them Rand)

-Almost all of the Asha´man (if they all die I´ll be really upset and sad, they deserve a life without people fearing them)

-All of the Seanchan (a clean slate and then Tuon can start all over again)

-Mat(and he will be a great prince-consort, Nine Daughter Ninja or w/e his title is gonna be. People will love him, he will dice and whore (with one lady) and all will be well. I love this guy)

- Egwene(Realizing what a dumby she been for thinking evil thinks about men and realizing that the world has changed she makes peace with the Asha´man and turns the AS into an organization that earns people respect and admiration because they work in the world, with the people and for the people. Oh, and the Oaths are gone)

- Aviendha (She will help her people turn to the Leafy Way and she will be honored and earn so much ji her grandchildren will be all jiii. She will visit Rand and Min sometimes and all their kids can play together)

-Perrin and Faile (will rebel and put Elayne in her place. They will form the great nation of Two Rivers and live happily in their corner of the world, ruling their own lives)

- Elaida (will be a very good damane the rest of her life)

- Siuan and Gareth ( they start the world´s first fish factory and soon all of Randland has quality fish. They can have a kid too and their relationship of I make rules/you obey continue. Siuan does some AS-stuff from now and then just for old time´s sake)

-Verin (gets a university named after her, and all AS and Asha´man get educated in what an awesome Aes Sedai she was)

Moridin (he is too interesting to die... maybe Cadsuane can bond him)

Talmanes (finds himself a lass and is happy serving in Mat´s army)


Characters to die:

- Elayne (will die in the Two Rivers rebellion, killed by Daved Hanlon)

- Gawyn (Will die protecteing Egwene from some mean Dreadlord, thinking his life was a waste all along)

- Padan Fain (screaming Noo but his twisted evil will live on somehow)

- Egeanin and Domon (killed in the battle or by a Seeker)

- All the remaining Forsaken (except Moridin)

- Juilin and There

- Olver (he is too creepy)

- Birgitte (dies protecting Elayne from some mean Dreadlords... five of them. She reunites with Gaidal in T´A´R and is happy.)


It really just depends, for me, on how they die, or what they will be doing if they live on. I want characters to have a death worthy of them, or to live. Which means, maybe counter-intuitively, that I kinda want several of my favorites to die.


This means I could accept Lan dying, if he doesn't die in his idiotic charge;


Nynaeve dying, by doing something epic, maybe like Eldrene's reaction to Aemon's death;


Rand dying to save the universe, obviously;


Perrin dying offing Fain.



There are some I would like to see die, Egwene and her tool of a boyfriend being the obvious ones, but followed closely be virtually every loard, lady king or queen in the book. I want guillotines, dammit;


I want Graendel dead, and I want her body found and dental records and DNA examined to be sure it is really her and she is really dead. Her escape was entirely predictable last time, but was such a cheap ploy it still pissed me off;


Elayne needs to die;


Avi should live, but not if she's going to turn into a worthless f!@#ing Tinker;


I'd much rather see the Aiel go out in a blaze of glory than return to either the Way of the f!@#ing Leaf or being servants of the witches;


I want the Borderlanders to live, or die gloriously;


I want the Seanchan, mostly, to live, but I want their political system to collapse.


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