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The Blue Ajah's Harry Potter Week: Picture Caption Competition Judgement Day

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Picture 1.




I guess this is more of an smoke reflektor than a smoke detector.



Picture 2.




Hermione: You know you are not supposed to wear the ball?



Picture 3.




I see the future. Umbridge is coming... And I don´t know where my bottle is.




Picture 4.




Snape collecting hair to his potions.

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Picture 3.




The future is bleak, children. Very bleak. I see the Veil of Doom hanging over the school and it..... wait...... It's turning....... *gasp* ....... Pink! Umbridge is coming!




Picture 4.




Snape: so you thought to copy my hair style, did you? the difference between you and me.... I make this look good!

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Picture 1.




Ron: Most powerful wizard ever and you cant even hack pay per view...



Picture 2.




You know what happened to the last person who sat at this table and didnt wear Red and Yellow? I headbutted the bejeebus out of them, goldilocks! This is your only warning!



Picture 3.




I see the future! Nooooo! I will be in a "should have gone to specsavers" advert!




I forsee...nooooo! I will break a nail!!


Picture 4.




Ewwww, lice....


Where did i put my glasses? I'm sure i left them here somewhere...


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Picture 3.



It was then that Professor Trelawney realized that her replacement was unaccustomed to wearing pants.




Picture 4.



Given that both Ron and Harry had just come from Quidditch practice, Phrenology wasn't very useful to Professor Snape in trying to figure out what the boys were up to.

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Picture 3.




It was then that Professor Trelawney met The Grim, Snuffles, aka Sirius Black.



Picture 4.




Now, see, Potter, Weasley, you rub some of this special potion in your hair, it turns greasy oily like mine, and, now, I ahte to toot my own horn... but the benefits in the bedroom... {please say in sexy Alan-Rickman-as-Snape voice}

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Wow these new glasses are great children. I think I can see the statue of liberty from here.



Picture 4.




He rubs the lotion on the hair.... He rubs the lotion on the hair.... I said RUB THE LOTION ON YOUR HAIR!!!

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Picture 5




{{In no particular order or assignment}}



"Omg, I'm hot"

"ewww, I'm ugly."

"Is that a zit?"

"Hey, I could work this body."

"So, this is what if feels like to be famous...."

"I think I'm going to go use the restroom and check out the goods."


Picture 6





"At heart, everyone is a majestic animal."



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Hagrid: Ah it feels so good to be the tallest one now


Hermione: *tries to calm herself down* You know what,you were the tallest one even before we drank our potions.








WARNING: This underaged witch has escaped from St Mungo and still thinks of herself as a lion. If you see her,please contact with us,and dont go near,she may bite.

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Picture 5





Harry - *thinking to himself* I knew I'd look good in a dress



Picture 6





Dailey Prophet exclusve! Aslan has made an apperance at Hogwarts, we suspect rumors are true that he is from Pigfarts and is indeed Rumbleroar





the last one most might not get. this is why you should watch AVPM!!!

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Picture 5





Hagrid:I'm so confused! Which one of you is the real Harry?


Harry's: I am!


Picture 6





Luna:Who's excited for Quidditch today? Wait...Gryffindor isn't playing today. *sighs and goes up to Ravenclaw Commonroom*

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Here are your Day 3 pictures:


Picture 5




Harry realised that if he only had more Harry, he could form a boy band. So he used Hagrid's body parts to make several clones of himself. Hagrid's head, meanwhile, floated to the ceiling and stuck there like a helium balloon.

Harry couldnt decide wether he preferred the 1940's look or the decidedly gay look. So he did a few examples of both...



Picture 6




This is what happens when you make an emergency stop at the zoo, dammit!


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Picture 5




Hagred says "See i told you he had MPD and Schizophrenia. Now heres your proof. And everyone always doubts me.



Picture 6




[singing] If I were king of the fore-e-e-est / Not queen, not duke, not prince / My regal robes of the fore-e-e-est / Would be satin, not cotton, not chintz / I'd command each thing, whether fish or fowl / With a r-r-ruff and a r-r-ruff, and a royal growl - R-R-Ruff! / As I click my heels / All the trees would kneel / And the mountains bow / And the bulls kowtow / And the sparrow would take wing / If I, if I were ki-i-i-i-ng! / The rabbits would show respect to me / The chipmunks genuflect to me / Though my tail would lash / I would show compash / For every underling / If I, if I were king / Just ki-i-i-i-ing!

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Picture 7





Voldy:You have gorgeous eyes you know that?


Harry:Yeah and you're breath stinks.


Picture 8





Dobby: Dobby wasn't doing anything sir. Nothing at all...Ok Dobby was reading Harry Potter's love letter he has on his wall sir. Dobby is sorry.

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DANGGIT, Lessa!!!! I wanted to be first for them all. :sad:




Picture 7




I like your nose. I think I'm going to take you nose. You won't need it....when you're dead.


Picture 8




Dobby has privacy rights too! Dobby wants to put a new sack on.




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