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So, rumour on the street states that you are ridiculously awesome.


After about 12 hours in the White Tower, I find myself agreeing wholeheartedly.


Please provide a detailed treatise on A) How you became so awesome, and B) how you maintain said levels of awesome, and C) how can other aspies and humanity in general ever hope to attain such levels of brilliance?




Your new #1 fan,


Berf Beiber.

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Well this is a very nice thing to find I must say.


I think my response would have to be that it is easy to appear awesome in the eyes of good friends and people I love.


And I think you are totally awesome too.


*hugs Berf for doing this*


Thank you all so much Wolfbro, Kill, Tina - I'm not sure I really deserve this but you would not believe how much I am smiling right now :biggrin:

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Awesome huh?................Well, I suppooooooooose I could agree. a little. I mean, after all, I AM her House Uncle you know. I suppose some of my awesome could have passed on. ....................yeah, that's it. You are awesome because I deem it so. Make a note of that Ith.........................



















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So, rumour on the street states that you are ridiculously awesome.


After about 12 hours in the White Tower, I find myself agreeing wholeheartedly.


Please provide a detailed treatise on A) How you became so awesome, and B) how you maintain said levels of awesome, and C) how can other aspies and humanity in general ever hope to attain such levels of brilliance?




Your new #1 fan,


Berf Beiber.


Weeeell ... what you do is you join up, see that things need a bit of a hand, get right on it, start doing stuff that needs doing without expecting anything in return, organise and run things that take a LOT of work but look like they're effortless and just provide boatloads of fun for others, take things that are "just the usual" and make THEM boatloads of fun ... yeah that's about it. Oh and of course brighten up any room you walk in. And speak your mind (respectfully, but FIRMLY, even when it's to the Amyrlin).


See? Easy peasy *nods*




We have a few members like that, and they're all to be treasured and most of them are being worked to the bone as staff but don't tell Ithi that because she might get a fright and run off. I'm unbelievably grateful that we can add Ithi to that list!


Just as treasured are those people who recognise what others are doing, and praise / thank them!


And last but definitely not least, treasured are each and every member of the WT & Warders who enjoy being here, even if you don't get a chance to post more than once or twice a month.

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Weeeell ... what you do is you join up, see that things need a bit of a hand (check; she's done that), get right on it (check; she's done that), start doing stuff that needs doing without expecting anything in return (check; she's done that), organise and run things that take a LOT of work but look like they're effortless and just provide boatloads of fun for others (check; she's done that), take things that are "just the usual" and make THEM boatloads of fun (check; she's done that)... yeah that's about it. Oh and of course brighten up any room you walk in (check; she's done that). And speak your mind (respectfully, but FIRMLY, even when it's to the Amyrlin) (check; she's done that).


See? Easy peasy *nods*




What she said! *points at Elgee's post with clarifying notes inserted*


Elgee, that was so well said, I have a reward for you! *slaps Elgee* :biggrin:

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