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My First Time Reading Eye of the World


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Ahhhhh, i realy envy your position! not the injuries part, that sucks bigtime, i hope you get better quick mate!


Everytime i here of someone just starting the series i feel like i wanna forget everything and start afresh on book one. It's just so damn good!!


As for Asmodean, i'm just gonna repeat what everyone else has said. RAFO, oh my goodness RAFO. i'll just say that ASMO IS AWESOME. No more though.


You've so much to read about and love, WoT is waayyyy better than what i've read from ASoIaF. I don't like the incest you see :) way more foreshadowy and way more depth to it.


Just try and make them last as slowly as you can, i can't make a book last more than a day, i'm like an addict!!


If you like Lan, you could read novel New Spring before reading The Great Hunt. New Spring is a prequel of sorts focused on Moiraine and Lan. I think it came out mid-series but I don't believe reading it before TGH would really spoil anything.


Without giving anything away, I'd say the biggest reason for the furor about Asmodean, comes from Robert Jordan's interviews. At a point in time there is a question involving Asmo, and RJ said in interviews that the clues where there in the books to answer the question.


If you like Lan, you could read novel New Spring before reading The Great Hunt. New Spring is a prequel of sorts focused on Moiraine and Lan. I think it came out mid-series but I don't believe reading it before TGH would really spoil anything.


I would advise NOT reading New Spring before TGH. I'd suggest reading it after Crossroads of Twilight (CoT was published in 2003, NS was 2004). The reason being is even though there are NOT alot of spoilers in NS, you still see a number of characters you know from the series. It also covers some of the plot from the main storyline that you don't learn about (at least, not in detail) until further in the series.


Reading NS before you even meet some of the characters and know their significance in the main plot, or before you know certain events that happened/are happening in the main plot, would take away from the impact of some of the events in NS, IMO.


Yeah, I kinda expected an end of EotW recap/review and expectations/predictions for future books :P


Sorry. I posted that I finished really late at night, so here's my wrap-up.


I loved everything but the end. I'm sure it's something I'll appreciate it on further readings, but it was a bit rushed for my tastes. Moraine finally revealing that Rand was the Dragon Reborn in the last linewas great though, and I loved that Rand channeled the Power to defeat the Forsaken. As for the future, I'm almost sure the next few novels will deal with the heavy task it is becoming The Dragon Reborn and probably Rand becoming some sort of hero for defeating The Dark One's minions. I'm anxious to learn about the Amrylin Seat, the different Ajah's, and the further progression of Perrin and Mat's abilities (though what Mat's abilities are, or why The Dark One wants him), I'm still trying to figure out.


Now, it's time to start hunting. Bors sure is an interesting fellow...


Yeah, I kinda expected an end of EotW recap/review and expectations/predictions for future books :P


Sorry. I posted that I finished really late at night, so here's my wrap-up.


I loved everything but the end. I'm sure it's something I'll appreciate it on further readings, but it was a bit rushed for my tastes. Moraine finally revealing that Rand was the Dragon Reborn in the last linewas great though, and I loved that Rand channeled the Power to defeat the Forsaken. As for the future, I'm almost sure the next few novels will deal with the heavy task it is becoming The Dragon Reborn and probably Rand becoming some sort of hero for defeating The Dark One's minions. I'm anxious to learn about the Amrylin Seat, the different Ajah's, and the further progression of Perrin and Mat's abilities (though what Mat's abilities are, or why The Dark One wants him), I'm still trying to figure out.


Now, it's time to start hunting. Bors sure is an interesting fellow...


Hang in there with Mat. He's not much fun for awhile but starting in tDR he is pure awesome sauce. Pretty much the most loved character in the books.


I agree with Sid, by the time you're on to book 3, you'll wonder why you never loved Mat to begin with and then he just surpasses awesome in book 5....


And about the Amyrlin and the ajahs? by the time you're up to date with the reading, you'll have heard just about enough of them.


Don't read New Spring untill probably after all the current books, it's a good read after you REALY know all the characters, but don't get into it now, or you might start loving/hating the wrong people too early on.


Keep us posted on the great hunt, it's a faveorite with pretty much everyone here, i guarintee that you'll be a WoT addict by the time you've read through it. The ending is just PERFECT in every sence...


If you like Lan, you could read novel New Spring before reading The Great Hunt. New Spring is a prequel of sorts focused on Moiraine and Lan. I think it came out mid-series but I don't believe reading it before TGH would really spoil anything.


Without giving anything away, I'd say the biggest reason for the furor about Asmodean, comes from Robert Jordan's interviews. At a point in time there is a question involving Asmo, and RJ said in interviews that the clues where there in the books to answer the question.


One bloody page! Only one bloody page ago, we agreed to stay schtum about Asmo etc! I've a nice new wooden spoon in my kitchen, young man, and if I could get a hold of you you'd get a clatter of it! Brat!

I think NS is best read in publishing order, tho. That way he's not hearing anything he shouldn't before he should, so to speak.


Oh, those of us who have come to the Wheel of Time late get to read them all in a row. (rubbing hands together in glee) And I think you picked the right girl friend! I am an old Tolkienite, and I have fallen in love with Robert Jordan's creation. He is a master of fantasy.


I have just finished a second reading of the series before ToM is released next week. And you do pick up more the second reading, no question!



P.S. On the serious note, speaking as a wife of a Viet Nam vet, Welcome home, brother.

Words of advice based on years of experience with veterans' issues: If you have not already done so, join DAV, or PVA if you are eligible, both of those veterans service organizations are well worth the membership fee to access the wealth of their personnel and knowledge resources.

If you have not yet been upgraded to 100% service connection for your injuries, a DAV or PVA rep will help get the claims filed asap and due to the circumstances of your exit from the field, you should get the 100% very quickly (as opposed to the common ten year fight for a Nam vet later in life).

Secondly, even if you don't have any symptoms yet, put in for p.t.s.d. service connection.

So many problems the Viet Nam vets have have not cropped up in their lives till 20 years down the line or longer, like Agent Orange-related illnesses! And then it was harder to get compensation, to get the records for proof and meet difficult qualifications.

Long story short, you did your time, you paid your dues, and what you should get back is what you have already earned, and that includes a lifetime disabled benefit pension and lifetime healthcare coverage from VAMC.


Maybe I was wrong about telling you to read New Spring next. While I've read the main books in the series multiple times. I've probably only read New Spring a few times and it has been a while since the last time I read it.




I agree with Sid, by the time you're on to book 3, you'll wonder why you never loved Mat to begin with and then he just surpasses awesome in book 5....



Mat is easily my favorite character but when I do my re-reads, he doesn't seem too great during the early going to me. I kind of find myself thinking along the lines of "Come on Mat, your better than that.." Hard to explain more since the explanation might give away stuff.


If you like Lan, you could read novel New Spring before reading The Great Hunt. New Spring is a prequel of sorts focused on Moiraine and Lan. I think it came out mid-series but I don't believe reading it before TGH would really spoil anything.


Without giving anything away, I'd say the biggest reason for the furor about Asmodean, comes from Robert Jordan's interviews. At a point in time there is a question involving Asmo, and RJ said in interviews that the clues where there in the books to answer the question.


One bloody page! Only one bloody page ago, we agreed to stay schtum about Asmo etc! I've a nice new wooden spoon in my kitchen, young man, and if I could get a hold of you you'd get a clatter of it! Brat!

I think NS is best read in publishing order, tho. That way he's not hearing anything he shouldn't before he should, so to speak.


Did I really give anything away? I think its safe to say that at some point in the books fans have questions about every single character. I don't want to spoil anything and will be careful, I just don't think that I did.


FYI Coz.. according to Encyclopedia WoT, ther are 1,880 major/minor characters in the series. This doesn't count the "fictional characters" from all the stories, songs, and legends mentioned. So you might want to keep really good notes. :jordan:


That's quite a bit.


The list isn't too long yet. Just main characters and locations and some their histories.


As for the Great Hunt...


Rand is currently trying to escape from the Aies Sedai. Borgs was tasked with keeping watch over the three. As for who Borgs actually is, well, that remains to be seen (a Whitecloak?).


In addition to New Spring, Jordan published a nice little backstory to the WoT series which was set thousands of years before these books. It's only a few pages long, but it very nicely sets the stage for some of the motives behind the present-day characters.


You fan-atics know which story I'm talking about. I'll leave it up to a vote. When do we reveal the title of that story and give our warrior pal a link to it?


Loving this thread. Figured I wont actively paticipate but I'll follow it instead, Coz will probably be too excited to keep posting on here after the 2nd book lol. He will just want to push on through and squeeze every drop of awesomeness out of the series.


Ten read throughs, working on my eleventh. Still awesome, but having a photographic memory and reading through the entire series so much, gets a bit tiring.



I remember how amazing my first read through was, going through the books in 2-7 days each.

Have fun, but be prepared for lots and lots of eye aches from staying up too late..


Maybe I was wrong about telling you to read New Spring next. While I've read the main books in the series multiple times. I've probably only read New Spring a few times and it has been a while since the last time I read it.




I agree with Sid, by the time you're on to book 3, you'll wonder why you never loved Mat to begin with and then he just surpasses awesome in book 5....



Mat is easily my favorite character but when I do my re-reads, he doesn't seem too great during the early going to me. I kind of find myself thinking along the lines of "Come on Mat, your better than that.." Hard to explain more since the explanation might give away stuff.


You know actually I think EotW showcases Mat's loyalty quite well that he was infected with that damn dagger and he STILL stood by Rand even when Rand got sick.


Coz, it sounds like you're going to lurrrve this series. Don't be discouraged by only "liking" the first book. After reading it, it was a real toss of the dice in my mind whether or not to buy the second book because frankly, I thought it could be a bit of a waste (time, money etc.). As you have probably guessed I did buy and read it, and I was hooked. That was over 10 years ago. Now I've joined the many faniacs here and am slavering for the next update. I just have to know how this all pans out. I'm sure it won't be long before you feel the same way.


When I first picked up EoTW, It took me close to 2 years to finish it because I had a hard time getting in to it I finally read it as an Europe-to-Texas Airplane book when I PCSed from Germany.

I got hooked somewhere over the north pole when Rand met Elayne and Gawyn and told his disbelieving friends back at the inn "I met the Daughter Heir."




In addition to New Spring, Jordan published a nice little backstory to the WoT series which was set thousands of years before these books. It's only a few pages long, but it very nicely sets the stage for some of the motives behind the present-day characters.


You fan-atics know which story I'm talking about. I'll leave it up to a vote. When do we reveal the title of that story and give our warrior pal a link to it?



Please give me a link to it. I've no idea what you're talking about and I'm a long time fan (ignorant I'll grant)...




In addition to New Spring, Jordan published a nice little backstory to the WoT series which was set thousands of years before these books. It's only a few pages long, but it very nicely sets the stage for some of the motives behind the present-day characters.


You fan-atics know which story I'm talking about. I'll leave it up to a vote. When do we reveal the title of that story and give our warrior pal a link to it?



Please give me a link to it. I've no idea what you're talking about and I'm a long time fan (ignorant I'll grant)...

The backstory I'm talking about was published in "The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time" aka "The Guide." It was originally released on the web, so it's also posted on a variety of fan websites.


I'm being intentionally vague. Hopefully that's enough information for you to find it. We don't want to be unfolding too much too quickly for our warrior buddy.


Eighty pages into the Hunt. I already like it better then Eye. The writing is much sharper, and so much more seems to be happening. Only goes up from here, I hope...


I really don't think the short story is particularly spoilerish considering it gives details to an event already referenced in Eye of the World.. The only spoilerish thing it does is give a backtory and history which includes an object which features later on in the books.

It is called "Strike at Shayol Ghul" and details the sealing of the Bore by Lews Therin, the original Dragon. All in all, I think New Spring is more spoiler-filled than this story.





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