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Your Lesser-Known ''Fave Scenes''

The Fisher King

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1. The scene in tDR when Perrin walks in on Moiraine and realizes (after 2.5 books) that she's a hottie.


2. When Birgitte is forced from Tel'aran'rhiod in tFoH - not the scene with Moghedian, the one after it. The aftermath. Very moving to me in all aspects. Maybe that qualifies as a common one? It seems like the chapter before it might get more attention.


Great thread!


when egwene and moiraine are talking in the aiel waste and moiraine says the only way to control saidar is to surrender to it.


when the 3 girls meet the aiel for the first time and nynaeve has to do healing and is getting angry so she can channel


when the 3 girls meet the aiel for the first time and nynaeve has to do healing and is getting angry so she can channel

the follow up scene with avi saving them


Wow, so many. I'll try to be brief, but I don't get the chance to post much these days sooo... Pretty much all scenes with Mat mentioned so far, plus I think I have a couple not mentioned yet.


1. Mat swinging down from the hayloft to save Aludra, and the narrative reads something like he didn't realize he was moving till he was already swinging down Bloody Light! Vintage vintage vintage Mat.


2. The whole "Six stories" fight scene. My fave small scale fight scene of the series.


Rand, Loial, and Hurin's trip to the other world.

The boys' first encounter with Mordeth (Dunno if that's been mentioned)

The first time Lan calls Nyn mashiara.

Rand's episode with the invitations from Carhienin nobility lol.

Loial's treesong for Someshta

Perrin hiding out while Faile has to deal with village problems.

Valan Luca "proposing" to Nyn lol...she tosses the wilted flowers, classic her.

The subtle exchange between Dobraine and Faile about killing Colavere...and Perrin picking up on it slowly.

Bain telling Faile to tell Gaul that Chiad is gaishan to a man with strong hands who's heart is fire.

Romanda hiding her romance novel, oops! On a side note, small things like this add such big depth to characters and plot...makes them seem more real.

Sulin and Nandera have at it.

Birgitte's rescue of Elayne from the dark sisters.

Thom tells Mat about the bootmaker's wife.

Bair telling the story of ji'e'toh foolishness.

Faile and co. pay respects to Rolan and co.

Berelain disarms Faile easily, then Rhuarc watches her run away...appreciatively :)


Jeez, so many more but I'll leave it there and add some quotes.


Perrin- (thinking) Eat your nasty fish falcon :)

Rand to Egwene- A hat for a cat or a cat for a hat

Toun to Mat- I'm not in the mood

Gaul to Perrin- Faile Bashere is out of short skirts

Perrin to Egwene- Nobody teaches us how to be men, we just are. Egwene replies- That is probably why you are so bad at it

Nyn to Mat- (shouting) I won't shout at you!

Rand to empty room- (shouting) I'm not mad!

Berelain- And I think I want...ornamental ironwork

Lews Therin- I like him (speaking of Weirimon)

Setalle to Nyn and Elayne- I don't think I've ever seen so much foolishness poured into two dresses LOLOL Laugh every time I read that one

Taim to Aes Sedai- Kneel...or you will be knealt. He may be dark, but that one was priceless

Mat to Nyn and Elayne after they apologize- It was nothing

Dyelin to Birgette- Some women can catch a fish by crooking a finger. Others have to drag their bait all over the pond. Best jab in the entire series I think.


Well I guess I should leave it there heh


My favorite scene that I haven't seen talked about much actually occurred in The Gathering Storm. I just loved it when Tylee showed Tuon and the rest of the Seanchan court the trolloc heads. I'm sure that if you had omniscient insight into all of the Seanchan blood, you would be able to laugh at how they suddenly start second-guessing all of the, "superstitions" of the mainlanders.

Agreed. It makes me wonder about Fortuona doubting Mat.


Also, of all elements on the Periodic Table, why Molybdenum?


Perhaps because its atomic number is 42....................

Wow, that didn't take long. Very impressive

I have a mousemat with the Periodic Table on it! (Gift from #2 son!)


Anything with Lan and Rand. There relationship is just brilliant. I would argue that they are closer to one another than they are to their respective lovers. They understand each other perfectly. I honestly couldn't say who has been more important in the father-figure role between Tam and Lan but I think Lan just edges it. He's been more involved, though not for any lacking on Tam's part, in Rand's life at the most critical junctions. He taught Rand about Rand's core: the sword. They just make great chemistry in the books.


Whether it's Lan with his wolfish grin as he looks the sheepherder up-and-down in his [Rand's] new clothing or when they come face-to-face in WH, both pretty open about sizing each other up whilst Nyn' sits by thinking they're trying to be subtle about it and failing or when Rand walks into the inn at Far Madding, simply looks at Lan, and Lan knows they need to move on.


Just remembered the other one. The time when Mat tells Thom and Julin (sp) that he will leave an old harp and rusty sword breaker behind if they are not ready to go and thief taker scratches his eye with a finger. And Mat's like "what is that all about." biggrin.gif obviously Mat just got a birdy flipped at him! :sign: Classic Matrolleyes.gif


Any scene with Mat and his men. I love Mat, and one of the things I like about him are the people he attracts. Vanin, Noal Cherin, Thom, Olver, any of the redarms, etc etc. They are always amusing and roguish and alot like Mat in their own way.


At the End of Eye of the World when they find the Dragon Banner and the horn of Valere and for the first ever time read the words;


"the grave is no bar to my call"


Damn, gives me shivers just thinking about those words, no other author can do that!


also, the prophesy from the Essanik cycle in my Sig at the end of tGS about a blind man standing on his grave and seeing again and weeping for what was wrought. Just brings it all together at the end of that book i think :happy:



You're right about getting shivers from those words--I don't know if it's the meaning or the cadence or both, but I find myself mumbling them at odd times and thinking about Matt and Rand riding through a white fog, getting separated from everybody until they're alone, and history's greatest heroes emerging from the mist and recognizing them.


But I have to agree with DovienGleeman: the scene that really hooked me for good was the chapter "What Might Be" from TGH. I love alternate reality scenes, and that chapter with the portal stones really hammered home what a razor's edge the side of the Light was walking on. Hundreds of lives, hundreds of missteps, and each ending with I have won again, Lews Therin.


When Aviendha fled through the gateway to Seanchan, Rand followed her, built an igloo to shelter her while she recovered from almost freezing to death, and the ***Magic Moment*** happened.


I really appreciate the way RJ described it: Rand wants Aviendha but deliberately holds back for decency's sake, she grabs him, and the last conscious thought he has for a very long time is that he doubts he could have stopped her.


End of description.


We all know what happens next, and the moment is magical for us because we all get to imagine those details which would make it the most magical.


Contrast RJ's way of describing the scene with certain other writer's ways, and you'll understand why I like RJ's so much.


In Jean Auel's "Earth's Children" series (Clan of the Cave Bear, etc.) the love scenes go on, and on, and on, and on, pages and pages graphically describing every little sensual detail. I had to skip ahead to the next scene, because Auel's writing just reads way too much like a Playboy or Penthouse column. She actually made me nauseous.


Wow. Pure moment of awesome. I just discovered that Jean M. Auel is an american writer, and that he is a she. Since then, I believed he was a male french author. OMG epic fail \o/


Ehmm to keep in the topic... a cool scene is Samitsu healing Dobraine and Karldin and Loial trying to lay false trails but are beeing discovered by Sashelle. I liked it. And Sashelle seems to be a good red sister. And how Loial is always discovered because of his twitching ears erytime he is lying : )


And the whole lecture Cadsuane gave Samitsu about her beeing the best Healer in the WT, even though she needs an awful lot of reminder. Let's hope she will learn the new type of Healing.


When Nynaeve caught up with Moirane, Lan, the three boys and Egwene in the Stag and Lion in Baerlon, she talks with Rand about their departure and the reasons she followed. However, Nynaeve feels Rand's anxiety, and the conversation that followed and Nynaeve's reaction to it makes all the scenes between them in tGS a lot more special.

"Are you all right?" Nynaeve asked. "He said... said I...wasn't his son{...} His throat began to burn, and he had to stop.

"Oh, Rand". She stopped and took his face in both hands. She had to reach up to do it. "People say strange things in a fever.{...} I can just remember when he came back to Emond's Field, a grown man with a red-haired, outlander wife and a babe in swaddling clothes. I remember Kari al'Thor cradling that child in her arms with as much love given and delight taken as I have ever seen from any woman with a babe. Her child, Rand. You. {...}

I could never be too annoyed by Nynaeve's behavior towards them after that moment because I realized that she actually cared for the three boys and Egwene as their big sister. It still is to this day one of my favorite scenes.



Another one is in tGH, Rand's first encounter with the male Choedan Kal, while travelling to Chairien with Selene(Lanfear), Loial and Hurin. Rand felt saidin through the massive sa'angreal "singing to him", and looses his self as he touches the enormous flow of saidin, reciting the Aiel "oath" against the DO, although he never heard it before in his life.

{...} The song filled him, filled the emptiness....touched stone, hot from a pitiless sun, cold from a merciless night...not...Light filled him, blinded him. "Till shade is gone," he mumbled, "till water is gone..." Power filled him. He was one with the sphere. "...into the Shadow with teeth bared..." The power was his. The Power was his. "...to spit in Sightblinder's eye..."

Power to Break the World.

"...on the last day!" It came out as a shout, and the void was gone.


Such a powerful moment, and a hint for things to come. Lanfear was as she said "terrified". I can't blame her...


"His name is Padan Fain, and there are one hundred thousand gold crowns on his head."

Caraline nearly dropped her goblet. "Queens have been randsomed for less. What did he do?"

"He ravaged my home because it was my home." Rand's face was frozen, his voice ice. "He brought trollocs to kill my friends because they were my friends. He is a Darkfriend, and a dead man." Those last words came through clenched teeth. Punch splashed to the carpet as the silver goblet bent in his gloved fist.


By far one of my favorite scenes.


Anything with Lan and Rand. There relationship is just brilliant. I would argue that they are closer to one another than they are to their respective lovers. They understand each other perfectly. I honestly couldn't say who has been more important in the father-figure role between Tam and Lan but I think Lan just edges it. He's been more involved, though not for any lacking on Tam's part, in Rand's life at the most critical junctions. He taught Rand about Rand's core: the sword. They just make great chemistry in the books.


Whether it's Lan with his wolfish grin as he looks the sheepherder up-and-down in his [Rand's] new clothing or when they come face-to-face in WH, both pretty open about sizing each other up whilst Nyn' sits by thinking they're trying to be subtle about it and failing or when Rand walks into the inn at Far Madding, simply looks at Lan, and Lan knows they need to move on.


'When the sun turns green'.


My favorite lesser-known scene is when Valan Luca asks Nyn what happened to her eye and she says "I did not like the way it looked at me in the mirror this morning, so I bit it."



Another one is in tGH, Rand's first encounter with the male Choedan Kal, while travelling to Chairien with Selene(Lanfear), Loial and Hurin. Rand felt saidin through the massive sa'angreal "singing to him", and looses his self as he touches the enormous flow of saidin, reciting the Aiel "oath" against the DO, although he never heard it before in his life.

{...} The song filled him, filled the emptiness....touched stone, hot from a pitiless sun, cold from a merciless night...not...Light filled him, blinded him. "Till shade is gone," he mumbled, "till water is gone..." Power filled him. He was one with the sphere. "...into the Shadow with teeth bared..." The power was his. The Power was his. "...to spit in Sightblinder's eye..."

Power to Break the World.

"...on the last day!" It came out as a shout, and the void was gone.


Such a powerful moment, and a hint for things to come. Lanfear was as she said "terrified". I can't blame her...




The Eye of the World, chapter 36, page 552 "Yes, that's the way of your kind, isn't it?" The Ogier's voice changed, as if he were quoting something. "Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth barred, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder's eye on the Last Day."


Rand knew the Aiel saying before The Great Hunt.


Some good action scenes i didn't see mentioned:


1. Mat's with Tuon, her maid, and Thom in some village in KoD, he takes out like 8-10 DF's with his knives, then Tuon saves his life from the girl DF b/c he cant fight her. Badass. Whose ass could Mat not kick?


2. When Rand duels Toram in ACoS, and the build up to it, sweet scene. Then what follows is cool too.


3. When Rand makes that that dark cloud in the stone of tear that kills all the shadowspawn at beginning of TSR. Then he tries to resurrect that girl with Callandor, and Mo stops him.


Also, i think someone already kinda mention this, but one of my favorite parts on re-read was when perrin and egwene meet up in TEoTW after everyone is split up at shadar logoth, and they camp and travel together for a while and then meet up with the tinkers. i dunno why, there's just a quiet peacefulness to those scenes, and its cool to see them hanging out b/c im not sure, do they ever meet up again?


Another is when Rand falls off the wall into royal gardens in Caemlyn and meets elayne and gawyn for the first time, back when gawyn was actually cool.


Also, whenever Loial puts a long handle on his axe.


When Rand plays the flute in TEoTW, I think at some in at Four Kings? After they're split from Thom -- it's actually Thom's flute. Am I making this up?


Moraine's letter to Thom.




2. When Rand duels Toram in ACoS, and the build up to it, sweet scene. Then what follows is cool too.


just re-read this scene, rand blocks toram's first strike with his coat still on...god RJ was awesome.


oooo sorry couple more, i forgot about P-Fain:


when he's struggling with the myrddraal for control of the trollocs in TGH and Fain finally nails him to a barn door, and the way we find out about it from rand and co's POV, at that point was like whoa, who is this guy.


another scene: when nyn gets drunk in salidar to try and break her block, i think she starts singing.


when we first really meet the Aiel and 5 or so of them are nonchalantly taunting and dancing around 3 fades, who at that point in the series scared the crap out of everyone and were completely badass. i think rhuarc and avi were part of the group. then the supergirls step in.


perrin goes into wolf-mode in TDR and kills a fade, towards the beginning before rand leaves.








Another one is in tGH, Rand's first encounter with the male Choedan Kal, while travelling to Chairien with Selene(Lanfear), Loial and Hurin. Rand felt saidin through the massive sa'angreal "singing to him", and looses his self as he touches the enormous flow of saidin, reciting the Aiel "oath" against the DO, although he never heard it before in his life.

{...} The song filled him, filled the emptiness....touched stone, hot from a pitiless sun, cold from a merciless night...not...Light filled him, blinded him. "Till shade is gone," he mumbled, "till water is gone..." Power filled him. He was one with the sphere. "...into the Shadow with teeth bared..." The power was his. The Power was his. "...to spit in Sightblinder's eye..."

Power to Break the World.

"...on the last day!" It came out as a shout, and the void was gone.


Such a powerful moment, and a hint for things to come. Lanfear was as she said "terrified". I can't blame her...




The Eye of the World, chapter 36, page 552 "Yes, that's the way of your kind, isn't it?" The Ogier's voice changed, as if he were quoting something. "Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth barred, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder's eye on the Last Day."


Rand knew the Aiel saying before The Great Hunt.


I forgot that part of their conversation completely! Thanks for the correction :)


In EoTW when Rand gets his first reaction to channelling (Bela) in Baerlon. He stands up to three whitecloaks after Mat plays a prank and gets mud all over their pretty outfits.


This one I admit may be a bit bad taste, but I can't feel sorry for Elaida.

"Now, now," the voice said, patient, like a woman speaking to a very young child. "You must learn. Your name is Suffa. And Suffa will be a good damane. Yes she will. A very, very good damane."

A Sul'dam speaking to Elaida as she was flying away from the tower on a to'raken. hm Seanchan like apostrophes lol.



I don't know what you did to him, woman, but I recognise hatred when I see it. You have a lot to explain to--"

Tam cut off as he was suddenly lifted into the air by unseen hands.

"You recall, perhaps, what I said about civility, boy?" Cadsuane asked.

"Cadsuane!" Nynaeve said. "You don't need to--"

"It's all right, Wisdom," Tam said. He looked at Cadsuane.

Tam stared her in the eyes. "I've known men who, when challenged, always turn to their fiss for answers. I've never liked Aes Sedai; I washappy to be rid of them when I returned to my farm. A bully is a bully, whethershe uses the strength of her arm or other means."

Cadsuane snorted, but the words had irked her, for she set Tam down.


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